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Hwaetberht (died 740s) was Abbot of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Priory where he had served as a monk.

He was elected to succeed Abbot Ceolfrith in 716 or 717 when Ceolfrith set off on a pilgrimage to Rome. Bede reports that Hwaetberht had himself made a pilgrimage to Rome, "and had stayed there a good long while, learning, copying down and bringing back with him all that he thought necessary for his studies" during the papacy of Sergius I (687–701).

Hwaetberht was the author of a collection of riddles, known as the Enigmata Eusebii, written under the pen-name Eusebius. Bede's De temporum ratione is dedicated to Hwaetberht and Bede appears to have regarded him highly. A part of the correspondance between Hwaetberht and Saint Boniface has survived.

It was during Hwaetberht's time that the remains of Abbots Sigfrith and Eosterwine were reburied alongside those of Benedict Biscop, next to the main altar at Jarrow.

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