
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hura is also a plant genus in the Euphorbioideae family.
Hebrew חורה
Arabic حورة
Founded in 1990
Government Local council
District South
Population 8 800 (CBS end of 2003)
Jurisdiction 7 425 dunams (7.4 km²)

Hura (Hebrew: חורה) is a Bedouin village in the Southern District of Israel. It is located near Beersheba and beside the town Meitar. The village was established in 1990, and was declared a local council in 1996. Its population is 8,800 (end of 2004 census).

Flag of Israel
South District
Cities Arad · Ashdod · Ashqelon · Beersheba · Dimona · Eilat · Netivot · Ofaqim · Qiryat Gat · Qiryat Mal'akhi · Rahat · Sderot
Local councils Ar'ara BaNegev · Hura · Kuseife · Laqye · Lehavim · Meitar · Mitzpe Ramon · Omer · Segev Shalom · Tel Sheva · Yeruham
Regional councils Abu Basma · Beer Tuvia · Bnei Shimon · Central Arava · Eshkol · Hevel Eilot · Hof Ashkelon · Lachish · Merchavim · Ramat Negev · Sdot Negev (Azata) · Shaar HaNegev · Shafir · Tamar · Yoav

Israeli Bedouin settlement project of 1979-1982
Ar'ara BaNegev | Hura | Kuseife | Lakiya | Rahat | Shaqib al-Salam | Tel Sheva
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