Hungarian Democratic Forum

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The Hungarian Democratic Forum (Hungarian: Magyar Demokrata Fórum), or MDF, is a conservative / Christian democrat political party in Hungary, led by Ibolya Dávid.

Its emblematic figure was József Antall, Prime Minister between 1990 and 1993.

Before 2002 it was part of a coalition government with the larger Fidesz. It had 24 seats in the National Assembly between 2002 and 2006. In the 2004 European Parliamentary Elections it gained 5.3% (164,025 votes) of the vote and elected 1 MEP. It received 5.04% (272,831 votes) of the votes in the 2006 parliamentary elections, thus securing its place in the next Parliament.

MDF has essentially split, with the majority of its parliamentary representatives ousted from the party. Ibolya Dávid regularly accuses Fidesz, the largest conservative force in Hungary of trying to annex her party. The two parties had a bitter quarrel following the first round of the 2006 parliamentary elections on the possible withdrawal of MDF candidates to support the Fidesz: the presidency of the party decided not to do this, thus lowering the chances[citation needed] of Fidesz in the second round. However, more and more MDF candidates withdraws by his/her own decision.

[edit] Parliamentary representation

Year Vote percentage Seats Popular votes Status
1990 24.73% 164 1,212,355 MDF-FKGP-KDNP
1994 11.73% 38 633,342 MSZP-SZDSZ
1998 3.12% 17 139,934 FIDESZ-FKGP-MDF
2002 41.07% 188 (24) 2,306,763 MSZP-SZDSZ
2006 5.04% 11 272,831 MSZP-SZDSZ

Note: In 2002 it ran on the lists of Fidesz. The number of seats won by MDF is shown in parentheses.

[edit] MDF parliamentary group

  • Ibolya Dávid
  • Kálmán Katona
  • Károly Herényi
  • Miklós Csapody
  • Péter Boross
  • Kornél Almássy
  • Zoltán Hock
  • András Pettkó
  • János Vas
  • Péter Karsai
  • András Csáky

[edit] External links

Part of the Politics series on
Christian Democracy


Christian Democratic parties
Christian Democrat International
European People's Party
European Democratic Party
Euro Christian Political Movement
Christian Dem Org of America


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Important Documents

Rerum Novarum (1891)
Stone Lectures (Princeton 1898)
Graves de Communi Re (1901)
Quadragesimo Anno (1931)
Laborem Exercens (1981)
Sollicitudi Rei Socialis (1987)
Centesimus Annus (1991)

Important Figures

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Maritain · Adenauer · De Gasperi
Pope Pius XI · Schuman
Pope John Paul II · Kohl

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