Hung Fa Chai

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Hung Fa Chai (紅花柴) is a hill in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Peaked at 489 m, it lies 500 m to the northeast of Robin's Nest (Hung Fa Leng (紅花嶺)), just inside the Closed Area Boundary of the Border with Shenzen. On old Colonial maps of Hong Kong, it was marked as Ben Nevis, after the highest mountain in Scotland. It is the most northerly of all Hong Kong's hills over 300 m (i.e. in the list of mountains, peaks and hills in Hong Kong).

Hung Fa Leng (紅花嶺) does not translate directly as 'Robin's Nest' but as 'Red Flower Ridge'. Hung Fa Chai (紅花柴) has the same 'red flower' root but Chai (柴) can mean either 'brushwood' or 'thin/emaciated'. This may imply that Hung Fa Chai is the thin end of the ridge.

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