Hundred twenty-eighth note

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Beethoven used 128th notes in the first movement of his Pathétique Sonata (Op. 13)
Beethoven used 128th notes in the first movement of his Pathétique Sonata (Op. 13)

In music, a hundred twenty-eighth note (American or "German" terminology) or semihemidemisemiquaver or quasihemidemisemiquaver (British or "classical" terminology) is a note played for 1/128 of the duration of a whole note (or semibreve). It lasts half as long as a sixty-fourth note (or hemidemisemiquaver). It has a total of five flags or beams.

Notes this short are very rare in printed music, but not unknown. They are principally used for brief, rapid sections in slow movements. For example, they occur in the first movement of Beethoven's Pathétique Piano Sonata (Op. 13), to notate rapid scales.

These five-beamed notes also appear occasionally where a passage is to be performed rapidly, but where the actual tempo is at the discretion of the performer rather than being a strict division of the beat. In such cases, the aggregate time of the notes may not add up exactly to a full measure, and the phrase may be marked with an odd time division to indicate this. Sometimes such notation is made using smaller notes, sized like grace notes.

Hundred twenty-eighth rests are also rare (but not unknown). They are most commonly used as replacements for breath marks.

Musical notation edit
Staff : Bar line | Clef | Key signature | Ledger line | Time signature | Rehearsal letter
Notes : Accidental | Dotted note | Note value | Rest | Slur | Tie
Expression marks: Articulation | Dynamics | Octaves | Ornaments | Tempo
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