Talk:Human Interface Guidelines

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[edit] The Anti-Mac User Interface

The article by Gentner and Nielsen explores the downsides of desktop user interface and proposes principles that may form a basis for the next generation of computer user interfaces. However, it does not enumerate specific policies — two applications built with the article as their guide will not look and act as if they belonged to the same environment. That's because there is no environment, just some ideas that might get expanded into an environment by someone.

True, it's not always certain what constitutes a guideline and what is a principle, but I think this particular document is certainly not a HIG. Also, please note that Wikipedia has article covering the Anti-Mac user interface, which is a better link target if the concept of Anti-Mac user interface needs to be referred to. Aapo Laitinen 18:28, 8 October 2005 (UTC)

I agree that it's not a HIG. Still relevant, though. — Omegatron 20:05, 8 October 2005 (UTC)