Human civilizations in Stargate SG-1

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This is a list of the human civilizations featured in the television series Stargate SG-1.

In the Stargate universe, the alien race known as Goa'uld used Stargates to transport large numbers of humans to other planets for use as slaves. Some of these groups were later abandoned (usually due to a decline of easily mined naqahdah deposits) and developed on their own to a level of technology far greater than that of contemporary Earth. The premise is that had this world not experienced the Dark Ages, it would also have developed to such advanced levels.


[edit] Tau'ri (Humans from Earth)

Main article: Tau'ri

The Tau'ri are the original humans of Earth; the ones most recently seen out in the galaxy are from the United States and other countries involved in the Stargate program. "Tau'ri" in Jaffa means First Born, referring to the fact that humans from Earth are the ancestors of all humans on Goa'uld-occupied worlds.

[edit] Advanced human civilizations

[edit] Aschen

Main article: Aschen

Acting like a benevolent race, they were contacted by the SGC through the Stargate (which the Aschen had not yet fully learned to use, as they had no access to the Abydos map of the gate network.). They agreed to help against the Goa'uld (and in fact possessed the technology to completely defeat the Goa'uld), although it was discovered they had another agenda. Using the same tactics they have perfected on other worlds, they intended to sterilize the population of Earth so that, within a century, they could convert Earth into a farming world or whatever suited their purpose. In an alternate timeline SG-1 used the Gate to send a message back in time to prevent their past selves from receiving this fate. The SG-1 team later encountered the Aschen in our timeline in the year 2001.

[edit] Bedrosians

The Bedrosians were a race of humans that SG-1 met on the planet P2X-416 in the episode "New Ground". The Bedrosians were one of two rival continents that were involved in a war when SG-1 arrived. The war was over the existence of the gateway, or Stargate. The Bedrosians believed that life was created on P2X-416 by Nefertum (who turns out to be a long-dead Goa'uld) without the intervention of the Stargate, while the Optricans believe that life originated from humans who were transported through the Stargate. The team was captured by the Bedrosian military and questioned as to whether they were Optrican spies. The Bedrosian technology was technologically more advanced than Earth's, as they had antigravity shuttles, force fields, and energy weapons, as well as medical technology to help return the sight of someone blinded.

[edit] Breeders (Official name or names unknown)

The "breeders" (also referred to as "the Enemy") were first mentioned and some of them were briefly visible in the season four episode "The Other Side". These advanced humans inhabit the same world as the Eurondans. The "breeders" were the collective opponents of the Eurondans, whose government initiated a genocidial war against non-Eurondans in an effort to reduce their population or possibly eradicate them. The Eurondans even resorted to sending toxic gas to the planet's surface in a failed effort to decimate the "breeders". The leader of the nation state of Euronda labels the rest of their world's population as "breeders", because they breed indiscriminately, with no care for genetic "purity". The name(s) that the "breeders" call themselves is/are unknown, as is whether or not the "breeders" collectively have one single government or whether they consist of multiple states which have become allies. It is implied by the events of the episode and suggested by Daniel Jackson that the "breeders" are probably composed of members from all of the planet's racial groups. The Eurondans shown in the episode disdain the "breeders" since they reproduce without efforts to control and direct the genetic code of their descendants on apparently racial lines. After SG-1 left the planet final Eurondan base appeared to be undergoing collapse. The planet's Stargate was buried in the underground Eurondan facility. Thus, the current status of the Stargate is unknown.

Breeder technology appears to be highly advanced although only a relatively small glimpse has actually been demonstrated.

Given the name, it is assumed that the Breeders reproduce sexually.

[edit] Eurondans

First seen in the season four episode "The Other Side", they contacted Earth through their Stargate requesting help in a war they were fighting, and losing. They are at least a hundred years more advanced than Earth. They are the second group of humans known to figure out how to use the Stargate (the first being the Tau'ri). They have remote control fighter squadrons, controlled by a neural interface, advanced medical supplies, and controlled fusion power generators. They need deuterium or "heavy water" to power their power generators, and they have run out. They are willing to trade their neural interface and medical technology for more "heavy water" which is in abundance on Earth. However, when it is found that the Eurondans had initiated the war to ethnically cleanse their world for their eugenic crusade (contrary to what they had told SG-1 at the beginning of the episode) Earth withdraws their support, and leaves as the Eurondan war facility is collapsing.

The Eurondans labeled their enemies as "breeders" because they bred indiscriminately, with no care for genetic "purity". The "breeders" likely gained control over the planet after the collapse of the final Eurondan underground base.

[edit] Galarans

The flag of Galara
The flag of Galara

So far, only seen in the Season Nine episode "Collateral Damage". Their civilization developed under the umbrella of the Asgard-Goa'uld Protected Planets Treaty after the latter had ruled them for centuries. Their current technological advancement appears to be equal to or slightly greater than that of Earth; whereas Earth has recently developed a hyperdrive--and an intergalactic one at that--the Galarans have engineered a memory-grafting device from a Goa'uld/Tok'ra memory device (thus, related distantly to the Tok'ra Zatarc detector). They plan to use the memory device to rapidly accelerate their technological advancement, and consider this vital given the current weakened state of the Asgard. Also, they are eager to ally with Earth, hopeful to trade the memory technology with human hyperdrive technology. It was used, unsuccessfully, by a Galaran scientist to frame Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell for the murder of his wife, Dr. Reya Varrick, a Galaran scientist. The scientist seemed to have been separated from his wife, and chose to frame Mitchell because he did not believe that there would be any repercussions under SG-1's diplomatic immunity.

The Galaran flag is simiar to the French tricolor, except with the blue and red bands switched, a lighter shade of blue, and a device with a four-spiked blue circle surrounding a white "x" in the center. The heraldric blazon might be per pale Gules and Azure; a pale Argent charged with a roundel Azure with four triangles extending per saltire, charged with a fillet saltire argent.

Galaran architecture is fluid and metallic, possibly indicating Asgard influence.

[edit] Hebridans

Descended from Celtic islanders, this race is perhaps one or two hundred years ahead of Earth. First seen in "Forsaken", it is thought that their ancestors may have been transplanted from Earth by the Goa'uld System Lord Morrigan. It is also most likely that their closely allied race the Serrakin defended and freed the Hebridans from Morrigan and thus the two societies merged together. On their homeworld Hebridan a leading corporate conglomerate - virtually a monopoly in every industry - is Tech Con Group. The Loop of Kon Garat, an annual race, is held in the Hebridan solar system, starting and finishing just beyond the atmosphere of the planet, and is sponsored by Tech Con; the winner gets a lucrative contract piloting with Tech Con's shipping division. As of 2003, the Loop had been run fifty-nine times. ("Space Race").

Of all the various civilizations met by the Tau'ri, only the Hebridans have developed a capitalist economy dominated by commercialism and consumerism. Television screens are everywhere on Hebridan; the TV announcer for the Loop of Kon Garat humorously remarks, "If you're just joining us, well...where have you been hiding?"

Hebridan's chief technological advancements over Earth are a form of energy weapons, and an ion engine, using liquid nitrogen as a fuel. The Hebridans agreed to give Samantha Carter and other SGC scientists an ion engine to experiment on in exchange for transporting a Stargate from an uninhabited planet to Hebridan, which did not have one, presumably along with a list of addresses (without addresses, a Stargate is useless).

Some Hebridan thought the Serrakin were plotting against them, polluting their genes by crossbreeding.

From "Counterstrike", it appears that Hebridan has fallen to the Ori.

[edit] Optricans

The Optricans, showed in New Ground were a group of people on one continent of their world at war.

Main article: Optrican

[edit] Orbanians

The Orbanians, natives of the planet Orban, are members of an alien species who appear in the episode "Learning Curve". They are a technologically advanced race which taught Samantha Carter and Earth how to build naquadah reactors. The Orbanians use Nanites to transfer information from children known as Urrone. The Urrone have the ability to rapidily learn vast amount of information due a large quantities of nanites in their brain. During a ceremony called Avarium these nanities are distibuted to the general population. This process represented the Orbanians sole means of education, and leaves the former Urrone in an infantile state.

The SGC started an information exchange program through which Samantha Carter was able to learn how to build a Naqahdah generator. However, after Jack O'Neill learned of the Ovarium's effects, he took Merrin (an Orbanian Urrone girl) to a school in an attempt to convince her there were other alternatives. In the end he was forced, partially at her urging, to return her for Avarium. After Merrin's Avarium the Orbanians rediscovered learning "the old way" and began teaching their post Urrone children. (The post Urrone children can't be taught via nanites.) The culture seems to be derived from MesoAmerican pre-Columbian cultures. Oddly, the actual people appear Anglo-Saxon, probably due to adaptation to a nontropical environment.

[edit] Tagreans

A former Goa'uld-occupied world, on approximately the same technological level as Earth, apparently transplanted by the Goa'uld System Lord Heru-ur. The Tagreans decided to forget their past and create a new future. The Tagreans are wary of the outsiders; certain elements in the military are downright xenophobic. The Prometheus entered the orbit of their planet after it was forced to detonate its hyperdrive engine. The Prometheus was allowed to land and start repairs, but a faction of the Tagrean government opposed their presence. Things went badly when their Stargate was unearthed, but in the end they became friends of the Tau'ri ("Memento").

[edit] Talthuns

A technologically advanced race from planet Talthus. When their original world was about to be destroyed by a dark star, they constructed three large sleeper ships to save a portion of their population and culture. They drew a lottery to decide who will be allowed into the sleeper ships, apart from the Sovereigns and the crew. The ships, with the people in stasis units, started a voyage to their new homeworld, Ardena. One of these ships crashed on P2A-347, when it was discovered by the SG-1. After the minds of some of the sleepers entered Dr. Daniel Jackson's mind, SG-1 promised them they would help them find Ardena ("Lifeboat").

[edit] Tobin

Mentioned in the episode "The Serpent's Venom", the (apparently) Phoenician-descended Tobin themselves are extinct; but their legacy includes a vast minefield surrounding their homeworld. The mines are programmed to target certain energy frequencies, including Goa'uld weapons fire. This made their world a perfect neutral ground for Apophis and Heru-ur to meet and discuss an alliance. Their numerical system varies from Phoenecian in the fact that it contains a zero, so as to meet the mathematical requirements of conditional programming. Their computer systems are color-coded.

[edit] Tollan

Main article: Tollan (Stargate)

Highly advanced race of humans on the planet Tollana. After having shared their advanced technology with a less-advanced race, that race used the technology to destroy themselves. Henceforth, the Tollan have adopted a strict policy forbidding them from sharing technology with less-advanced races. The Tollan defend their world with a network of ion cannons which could destroy a Goa'uld mothership with one shot, but the Goa'uld Anubis developed energy shields which were immune to the cannons ("Between Two Fires"). It is thought that their ancestors were transplanted from Earth by the Goa'uld System Lord Telchak. They were destryoed by Anubis

[edit] Martin's race

When their race was overcome in a war with the Goa'uld, a small group of men were selected to leave their planet and search for allies. After failing to find anything but more hardship, they chose to desert the rest of their race and hide out on Earth.

Only one in this group listened to his conscience: Martin Lloyd. He believed that he and the others were responsible for their actions and should return to their world. Instead, the others gave him Earth drugs to suppress his memories of his true identity as an extra-terrestrial.

Martin's race possesses technology far advanced from Earth's. They are obviously capable of space flight, and are in possession of very sophisticated equipment, possibly on a level similar to the Tollan.

Martin, having temporarily uncovered who he really was, provided the S.G.C. with the Stargate address for his homeworld. After arriving on the other side it was clear that, from the vantage point of the Stargate, the Goa'uld had succeeded in annihilating Martin's entire civilization. Martin returned back to Earth to live out his life.

Martin's comrades got their chance to eventually beam away to their approaching mothership, leaving him behind on Earth. But it's what he wanted, as Lloyd has a new purpose: the sci-fi TV show Wormhole X-Treme!

In episode 200 Martin's new purpose is to make a sci-fi movie, based also on the Stargate Program.

[edit] Urgo's planet/Race

See "Urgo".

[edit] Industrial-level human civilizations

These civilizations are based on old Earth times and are less advanced.

[edit] Langarans

Main article: Langara (Stargate)

A race with technology on par with mid 20th Century Earth, their planet consists of three countries: the Kelownans (Jonas Quinn's people), the Terranians, and the Andari Federation.

[edit] Pangarans

The people who first developed Tretonin. They were once ruled by Ra, later by Shaq'ran who abandoned their planet 300 years ago. While exploring the ruins, they stumbled on a Goa'uld queen who they used to make tretonin from Goa'uld symbiote. It gave them perfect health and 20% of the population was using it. They discovered the Stargate and were waiting for an alien race, maybe more humans, with more advanced technology than them. When SG-1 came to Pangar, the people wished to go to Goa'uld controlled worlds. Teal'c and Jonas investigated and found a batch of Goa'uld symbiotes. A guard was infected and to be honest with each other, the Pangarans showed them the Goa'uld queen. SG-1 called in the Tok'ra and they determined the symbiote has no genetic memory. Dr. Fraiser reported that tretonin has destroyed the Pangarans' original immune system. They have to keep taking tretonin or else they will shortly die. Jonas was able to translate a tablet and determined that the queen is Egeria, the creator of the Tok'ra. The Tok'ra demanded the release of their queen. Kelmaa zatted her way into Egeria's chamber and gave her life for her queen. Egeria revealed that she flawed her children so the Pangarans would stop researching but they did not. She gave the instruction to save the Pangarans. With all safe, both Earth and pangar tried their best to mend their relations.

[edit] Tegalus

Tegalus was divided between two nuclear-armed nations engaged in a cold war: the Rand Protectorate and the Caledonian Federation. The Stargate is worshipped by various religious sects and is kept as a museum piece in the capital of the Rand Protectorate. When a MALP arrived through the Stargate during a museum tour, it caused quite a stir on the planet; the religious fanatics (who still worship the Goa'uld as gods) in the Rand Protectorate revolt, resulting in a nuclear exchange. An authoritarian theocratic government, which renames Rand "Avidan"--a Goa'uld dialect for "the gods are just"--is established during this period. The theocracy lasts a grand total of three months before Daniel Jackson, stranded on the planet, organizes a flanking assault on the fanatics' government, coordinating SG-1, SG-3, SG-6, and SG-12 and a small group of old Rand soldiers.

Tegalus has approximately the same technological advancement as Earth in the 1940s, except for superior television screens and nuclear technology, including, apparently, ICBMs.

After the events in "Ethon" it can be assumed both countries wiped each other from the face of their homeworld although further details are unknown.

[edit] Vyans

When SG-1 arrived to the planet Vyas, the Vyans were suffering for a memory illness they called the Vorlix. SG-1 discovered that Linea, The Destroyer of Worlds, was behind it. She was researching a way to stop her aging but it backfired. The SGC was able to help the Vyans recover their memories, but Linea herself choose to forget and start anew ("Past and Present"). Technological advancement appears to be approximately equivalent to the West on Earth in 1900-1920.

[edit] Less advanced human civilizations

[edit] Argosians

A race descended from the ancient Greeks. Transplanted there by the Goa'uld Pelops, who inserted nanocytes on their bloodstream that make them age quickly, usually living only 100 Earth days, with the goal to evolve an advanced host body. SG-1 was finally able to deactivate the nanocytes, allowing the Argosians to live a long life ("Brief Candle")

[edit] Cimmerians

Main article: Cimmeria (Stargate)

A race descended from the Norse Vikings. Protected by the Asgard. Seen in "Thor's Hammer " and "Thor's Chariot".

[edit] Edoran

They appeared in the episode "A Hundred Days".

[edit] Enkarans

Despite being humans, the Enkarans adapted to the specific atmospheric conditions of their homeworld, making them overly susceptible to ultraviolet light. Time spent overexposed to UV radiation, including degrees that are within tolerable range to Earth humans, causes blindness in the Enkarans. The group encountered by SG-1 were living on a world with a Stargate, after having been long-separated from their homeworld, which did not possess a gate.

The Enkarans could no longer live on their planet, and were relocated to a new world by the SG-1 team (these events were not shown in any episode). This new world met the specific requirements of Enkaran physiology. Unfortunately, these people's lives were once again jeopardized, this time by the appearance of a ship which was terraforming the new planet as a homeworld for an ancient, extinct race known as the Gadmeer. ("Scorched Earth", Season 4)

When the ship first found the planet, it was uninhabited. At the time of terraforming, the Enkarans were detected and the ship created a being known as Lotan to resolve the problem amicably. Lotan was set in his decision to force the Enkarans to leave, but the Enkarans were likewise determined to stay. Daniel Jackson eventually managed to avert disaster by talking with Lotan. It was decided that while this was the planet in the ship's database best suited for the new Gadmeer homeworld, there was another planet that better suited the needs of the Enkarans. In fact, the planet turned out to be the Enkaran homeworld of old, and was still populated. The Enkarans were then returned to their people, and the Gadmeer ship resumed the terraforming process.

[edit] Latonan

Formerly a technologically-advanced race, they abandoned technology to focus in the development of their minds. They relied in a piece of technology, The Sentinel, to keep them safe from the Goa'uld, until rogue NID operatives meddled with it and it stopped working. When the SG-1 arrived to the planet, it was under Goa'uld attack. Finally, one of the rogue NID operatives sacrificed himself to become part of The Sentinel and activate it again ("The Sentinel")

[edit] Madronans

The Madronans are a primitive race that was first seen in "Touchstone". Their planet once had a hostile climate until it was terraformed by a more advanced race. The Madronan priestess uses a device called the Touchstone to control the weather.

[edit] Nasyan

A peaceful people that aren't very technologically advanced. They were seen in the episode "In the Line of Duty". They were eager to make friends with the Tau'ri and allowed them to build a camp on their world for scientific research. The Goa'uld found their world and forced the Nasyans to evacuate to Earth and move to another planet. They were taken in by the people of the Land of Light (the Untouched).

[edit] Salish

A race descended from the Salish tribes of Pacific Northwest Native Americans. ("Spirits"). They use trinium that falls from a cliff and processed in a river to make most of their tools and decorations.

[edit] Simarkans

Nomadic humans descended from Mongol tribes ("Emancipation"). On Simarka, there are many tribes, one of which is called the Shavadai.

[edit] Tiernod

A cave-dewelling primitive race under the protection of the Asgard ("Shades of Grey").

[edit] Untouched

People of the bifurcated planet P3X-797, they live on the light side of their planet, which they call the "Land of Light". They have a Bronze Age culture bearing a remarkable similarity to the Minoan civilization of ancient Crete. They have taken in many refugees for the SGC, including the Nasyans. ("The Broca Divide").

[edit] Volians

Main article: Aschen#Volians

The Volians are a people apparently taken from medieval Wales. They had an industrial society on par with Earth in 1910 until the Aschen arrived and offered them membership in the Aschen Conferation. Using a deception already perfected on other worlds, the Aschen turned the Volians into a farming people who don't remember their technological past. ("2001").

Alien races in the Stargate universe Edit
 Four Great Races  Ancients, Asgard, Furling, Nox
 Humans    Tau'ri, Tollan, Aschen, Genii, Athosians, Prior, Jaffa: Sodan, Free Jaffa, Hak'tyl
 Goa'uld  System Lords, Tok'ra, Kull Warrior
 Other  Asurans, Iratus bug, Ori, R-75, Re'ol, Re'tu, Replicator, "Spirits", Unas, Wraith
Stargate-related lists Edit
General Episodes: (SG-1, Atlantis, Infinity), Cast (SG-1, Atlantis), DVDs (SG-1, Atlantis)
Universe Plot Timeline, Aliens in Stargate, Technology in Stargate, Planets in Stargate, Human Civilizations
Characters Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Asuran, Athosian, Genii, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance, Ori, Replicator, Tau'ri, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith, System Lord, Personnel
Technology Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Ori, Tau'ri, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith, Misc
Topics in Stargate  v  d  e 
 Story of Stargate  Stargate, Stargate SG-1 (episodes), Stargate Atlantis (episodes), Stargate Infinity (episodes), Literature, Comics
 Stargate Universe  Alien Races, Planets, Technology, Characters, The SGC, SG-1, SG Team, Atlantis, The Stargate, Ascension
 Factions in Stargate  Tau'ri, Jaffa Resistance, Tok'ra, Asgard, Ancients
Goa'uld, Jaffa, System Lords, Replicators, Ori, Wraith, Lucian Alliance, The Trust, NID, IOA