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BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD— ITS SHRINKAGE BEFORE AND AFTER DEATH 1934 produced one “chiropractic” house-organ which inferentially suggests, seemingly without conscientious conviction, what Swanberg asserts with some regard for scientific knowledge. This house-organ fears wholesale condemnation if it supported a truth, therefore it treads lightly on a dangerous mooted subject hoping to receive individual professional commendation from 36 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN those who likewise deny the specific principle and practice, which they will not affirm and cannot deny. In brief, their position is: a. the neural canal is large b. the spinal cord is very small c. there is a large space between one and the other, filled with fluids d. there is a small space, which is not filled with fluids, in intervertebral foramina e. therefore, the specific principle at atlas and axis, in spinal canal, is impossible f. therefore, pressure at intervertebral foramina is very unlikely. Previous to 1930, the PSC taught, affirmed, and believed the all-vertebral-subluxation, all-intervertebral-foramina-pressure, every-vertebra-adjustment idea. Today, we assert and believe only atlas subluxation, cord-pressure, one-adjustment principle and practice; denying balance of spine; stating and proving reasons therefor. Article mentioned desires to deny that which we affirm. Unable to deny clinical and modern scientific findings and conclusions upon which part is affirmed and balance denied, they set up a general anatomical, DISSECTIONAL denial as copied from anatomies, not only of part we affirm, but to make denial OF THE PART appear worthy they are compelled to consistently set up denial OF THE WHOLE. To deny the specific principle of pressure as confined to spinal cord at magnum foramen, atlas and axis region, they INDIRECTLY and INFERENTIALLY desire the reader to understand there can be none such, but leave the issue sufficiently open so they CAN escape if occasion later demands. Their article sustains the TOTAL opinion of Swanberg. Swanberg reached his conclusions working with a FROZEN specimen of cat, while article quoted relies on what they read from anatomies (which are revised with each new edition), based on DISSECTION on long-dead subjects, which they state reveals truth on facts as to sizes of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. 37 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH The article comments upon “the LIFE size of the atlas together with the LIFE size of the spinal cord . . .” We take it that here is meant the normal, natural LIVING size of each before and without any shrinkage of either. There IS a difference between LIVING “LIFE” size and “dead” size. Dissectional anatomical observations, including histological and microscopic slides, prove that BRAIN, SPINAL CORD, and SPINAL NERVES SHRINK BETWEEN ten per cent and fifty per cent BETWEEN two and four hours AFTER DEATH, according to which authority is quoted. As bodies are embalmed, or are kept for dissection, or specimens are pickled in alcohol, they CONTINUE TO SHRINK between time of death and time of dissection observation, be that interval what it may. Any composite structure shrinks under time and chemical action. Brain, spinal cord, and nerves shrink most. Bone shrinks least. ANY CONCLUSION BASED UPON RELATIVE COMPARATIVE SIZE OF OSSEOUS VERTEBRAE (WHICH SHRINK PRACTICALLY NONE) AS AGAINST BRAIN, SPINAL CORD, AND SPINAL NERVES WHICH SHRINK BETWEEN TEN AND FIFTY PER CENT IN TWO TO FOUR HOURS, AND CONTINUE SHRINKING, is no exclusive scientific process worth being deduced into wholesale denial of a Specific Chiropractic principle and practice based upon RELATIVE COMPARATIVE SIZE OF OSSEOUS VERTEBRAE AS AGAINST A BRAIN, SPINAL CORD, AND SPINAL NERVES OF LIVING PEOPLE THAT HAVE NOT SHRUNK AND ARE NORMAL IN SIZE. Swanberg’s conclusions were scientifically made upon a frozen specimen IMMEDIATELY upon death. This is THE ONLY WAY a correct comparison COULD BE MADE. His conclusions, however, even tho made AT RIGHT TIME, were based upon research AT A LOCATION (1st and 2nd dorsal) WHERE VERTEBRAE WERE LOCKED IN ARTICULATIONS; WHERE VERTEBRAE COULD NOT BE SUBLUXATED; where, regardless of how normal the size of frozen spinal nerves were IN LIFE, vertebrae COULD NOT be subluxated, therefore NO PRESSURE could be produced. The above quoted article relies upon dissectioned SHRUNKEN SPINAL NERVE AND SPINAL CORD substance at ALL vertebral locations, including areas where vertebrae WERE NOT LOCKED (atlas and axis) and 38 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN COULD BE subluxated as well as where THEY WERE LOCKED (below axis) and COULD NOT be subluxated. Suppose conclusions, revealed by dissectioned dead shrunken structure, could be construed comparative as FACTS of a LIVING body, that relative comparative sizes of osseous vertebrae and brain and spinal cord WERE SAME SIZE in life as in death; fact remains and must be considered that atlas and axis are NOT locked, CAN BE subluxated, and COULD produce pressure, whereas all vertebrae below axis ARE locked, COULD NOT be subluxated, and CANNOT produce pressure. Other things being equal, we COULD have interference at atlas and axis and COULD NOT below them. Anatomical language, to be understood, is loosely used and often expresses itself in direct terms as tho one structure directly effects another. In a human body, it is rare and difficult to find one structure directly effecting any other, and a majority of the corrections are adaptative or compensatory. Most symptoms and pathologies are adaptative or indirect. Most anatomical relations have intermediaries. To know anatomy is to understand that BONE structure direct DOES NOT press upon NERVE structure direct. Surrounding bone is periosteum. Surrounding spinal cord are meninges with their intermediary spaces filled with spinal fluids. What matters it that there ARE intermediate structures? It does not change fundamental of the Chiropractic principle and practice whether we say “an atlas or axis kink subluxation produces pressure which is transmitted thru the dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater; being carried thru the intermediary spaces via spinal fluids which are in contact with trillions of delicate spinal nerve fibres within their sheaths,” etc. A Chiropractor talks loosely about “adjusting a subluxated atlas.” Atlas is the name of a bone. He does not TOUCH IT in any living being. He does deliver a force from his hands WHICH IS TRANSMITTED THRU skin, muscles, ligaments, periosteum, tissue structures, etc., BETWEEN his hands AND bone which causes an adjustment OF BONE to take place. That question often arises in Defining Clauses in State legislation, viz., “and contiguous tissues.” Fact still remains that THE OBJECT IS to adjust bone, NOT “contiguous tissues;” and OBJECTIVE SOUGHT IS TO RELEASE PRESSURE, not to do anything to “contiguous tissues.” 39 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH In quoted article, reference is made to several inter-spinal cord and neural canal spaces being filled with fluids and fatty substances, etc. Innate abhors a vacuum and possesses none in a human body, and this aptly applies to construction of neural canal and contents in its “spaces.” There is no spinal canal “space” in the sense there are places void of substance into which other substance can be moved, thus creating open space to absorb pressure upon it at one place and release it at another. Spinal canal fluids are fluidic, giving plasticity to greater movement than would be possible with substances of a more non-fluidic character. Spinal canal fluids are in transition in character and flowing as to location, but “space” is always filled even tho with fluids. Water or other fluids ARE solids and under compression or pressure assume all characteristics of a solid pressing equally in all directions. When fluids are under compression, they can no more be squeezed to one side away from pressure than can solids, especially when contained within a container medium structure. To place fluids BETWEEN vertebral bone outside and spinal cord nerve fibres inside, all being retained within a non-escapable container, filling containing space, does not destroy present concrete condition of a solid substance known as bone producing pressure upon a soft substance known as fluid. The well-known physics test of a barrel filled with water, with a plug in each barrel head, comes to mind. Hit one plug, in one barrel head, with a hammer, and other plug in other barrel head will pop out—force being transmitted THRU WATER which FILLED barrel. Fluids are one of the greatest force transmitting mediums physics possesses; electricity in a storm, radio in damp air, clashing of two rocks under water, etc. The greatest pressure man can invent and mechanically exert is HYDRAULIC pressure. The greatest power value is that which is transformed by water dropping from a higher to a lower level as in water power producing plants. That quoted article would desire reader to believe, in seeing its illustrations of atlas and spinal cord with comparative size of “cord at atlas” and “the size of the cord at the atlas is approximately the size of a cigarette,” that a cord rattles around inside a big bony ring and the vertebra would need move at least a 40 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN half inch or more before it could directly TOUCH spinal cord, much less produce pressure thereon or therein. Fotographs which we present, of human dissection wet specimens (See B. J. P. Chiropractic Clinic brochure), refute statement that “it must be recognized that the cord at the level of the atlas is SMALLER THAN AT ANY OTHER LEVEL until the conus medullarus is reached in the upper lumbar region.” See cross-sections and form your conclusions. “By comparing this size (‘approximately the size of a cigarette’) with that afforded by lumen of neural canal at atlas, one may obtain a clearer concept of degree to which atlas or axis MUST BE displaced in order to produce the cord pressure.” This would be true IF two conjectures were sound. 1st. IF bone directly TOUCHED spinal cord and pressure had to be direct UPON IT and could not be transmitted thru other substance. 2nd. IF spinal cord WERE small as descriptions and illustrations lead one to believe. In refutation to Chiropractic possibility or probability of delivering an adjustment, by comparing atlas and axis, seeing how deeply imbedded they are, surrounded by soft tissue structures, how far removed they are from superficial skin, how would it be possible for any Chiropractor to conceive HIS HANDS could TOUCH either with pressure to move them as in an adjustment? It is understood that force is transmitted thru other tissues between his hands on outside and vertebrae deeply imbedded inside before either could be adjusted. Perhaps some of this problem involves defining our terms. What IS “spinal cord”? Does it consist only of white fibres, grey fibres; anterior horns or posterior horns? Does “spinal cord” include meninges and intervening spaces? Does it include fluids with its confines? Does the term confine itself to some or all above, or does it include ALL tissues that fill neural canal? Is there an anatomical “spinal cord” that limits to certain tissues by name? Is there a Chiropractic “spinal cord” which includes all tissues IN neural canal which fill space that COULD transmit pressure to neural fibres that transmit mental impulse? Is it possible to describe anatomical construction of “spinal cord” to deny Specific and include Chiropractic construction of “spinal cord” in releasing pressures? 41 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH IF spinal cord IS small, and IF neural canal IS large, and IF vertebra becomes subluxated, and IF intervening space IS filled with spinal fluids, and IF it creates pressure and interferences, IF pressure IS transmitted from vertebra to “spinal cord” (whatever that would be defined to be) VIA FLUIDS, then pressure would be equal on all sides or circumference of “spinal cord” and we would have one common functional disturbance, thru all fibres of that cord and in all people more or less alike except for degree. What are THE FACTS? Disease, as manifested inferior to pressure, is individual; “constipation” in one, “rheumatism” in another, “lung trouble” in another, ad infinitum. This proves individual fibre pressure, no two alike, taking us from the common-all-around-equivalent-water-pressure theory. It further takes us from the small-cord large-neural-canal idea. This leaves us where FACTS justify—that spinal cord is as large as it is IN LIFE and IS subject to osseous pressure as of its size IN LIFE. There are only two positive ways of ascertaining truth in this mooted question: 1st. Clinic results on LIVING bodies by adjusting subluxations in LIVING bodies (even tho hands DO NOT touch bone and bone DOES NOT touch spinal cord), upon the principle of pressure upon LIVING spinal cord at CERTAIN places like atlas and axis ONLY when PRESSURE is said to occur; changing their positions by vertebral adjustments where vertebrae are not locked and can be subluxated, wherein spinal cord is not shrunken and is subject to pressure and releasure, both before and after adjustment; which is admittedly an abstract equation not subject to being controlled within realms of science as to transmission flow of abstract forces and as to known sizes of spinal cords. 2nd. Secure human bodies IMMEDIATELY after death, within one minute if possible, realizing EACH minute shrinks brain and spinal cord a fraction of a per cent according to authority quoted; freeze it solid; saw out cervical and occipital block, saw out sectional slides BEFORE ANY shrinkage has or could take place, as Swanberg did with cat. These slides would reveal scientific truth. The ONLY person, to our knowledge, who has 42 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN performed this research was Swanberg and that on a cat, at a place where vertebrae were locked and could not be subluxated, therefore conclusions reached do not settle our problem. Quoted article premises the superficial hypothesis that conditions revealed in long-dead dissected bodies reveal same condition as would exist in living man. This is unjust. No conclusion is sound when comparisons present great discrepancies as this vital element where comparative sizes of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves are of normal size in living substance and considerably shrunken in dead substance. If we may venture editorial opinion, the article is iconoclastic. It protests against conceived new thots of others, but does not replace the void with a constructive substitute. No matter how much or how little it denies, it affirms nothing. It is typically negative, for purposes of refutation of work of another, but does not create one scientific positive to offset unbalance. It is better to create one constructive principle and practice in ten years than to deny one thousand in a lifetime. Many photographs of specimens illustrating this subject of brain and spinal cord shrinkage, credited to The Dresden (Germany) Hygienic Museum were made under dissection of specimens long after death. The length of time varied from six months to several years. All wet specimens are preserved in the purest alcohol which, according to Dr. Michael, continues to shrink tissue structure. Portraying size they do now, it is easy to understand that spinal cord size was greater than illustrated when dead. If they represent this size, following death, what must they have been in life, before death and alcoholic shrinkage took place? It is conceded that finest anatomic charts, anatomic dissections and wet specimens of anatomy come from Germany. This work is practically exclusively done in The Dresden Hygienic Museum under the guiding hand of Direktor Guenther and under able directorship of that master technician, Dr. Michael. This institution is the first and last word in scientific research and exploration into new anatomic, physiological, and pathological fields of the world. Dr. Michael, with whom we were in conference and who has conducted all research (which we went to Germany to secure) pre- 43 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH pared and conducted all dissection from which photographs were made which were and are used in Spalteholtz Anatomy, and all know what they are to anatomy. This institution in Germany receives government endorsement, encouragement, and support in its work. In special cases, where new work is desired, regular rules are set aside, special rulings being made. In special cases where government officials are convinced the purpose of human science can be served, they issue orders for bodies so new work can be conducted contrary to usual uses, thereby making special allowances. In United States, usual state regulation of unclaimed bodies is that when secured by an undertaker, he must embalm the body and hold some sixty days pending being claimed by possible relatives. If unclaimed within sixty days, he must turn body over to State University for research material. University re-embalms body with fluids which show arteries and veins and keep tissue structure flaccid for dissection purposes. They must in turn hold body six months, pending possible claimage by long-lost relatives. After this period, body can be used in any manner desired, after which its portions must be disposed of in a quicklime grave. Prof. Borst (Munich, Germany, Pathologic Institute) and himself one of the famous brain and nerve specialists of the world, states that the medical law of Germany is that unclaimed bodies cannot be touched for twenty-four hours after death, after which they can be post-mortemed only in such manner as will permit respectable burial when finished. Direktor Guenther (Dresden, Hygienic Museum) says this twenty-four-hour rule can be and sometimes is set aside and unclaimed bodies can be used AT ONCE following death, upon proper showing that ends of science are being served. Approximately one year previous to publication of article we herein quote, opening up question of relative size of spinal cord in relation to comparative size of neural canal, applicable to Chiropractic problem as to whether or not an atlas, axis, or other vertebral subluxation could or could not induce pressure upon one thru the other, we had talked the matter over with Prof. McEwen, Professor of Pathology of State University of Iowa. Permission had been secured to use their laboratories to conduct further research. 44 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN The manner of presentation was: a. We desired to set up an X-ray outfit in their cadaver reserve room where they retain bodies pending being called for use. b. We desired to take A-P and lateral views of all dead bodies to secure X-ray pictures of positions of occiput, atlas, and axis. (Note, we do not say “subluxations” for such they would not be in dead bodies.) c. Having X-rayed approximately 150 bodies, X-ray being identified with bodies from which taken, we would then pick those which most clearly illustrated conditions we most desired to work with, viz., those which showed greatest displacement of atlas to left or right in wedge-side-slip, either anterior superior or anterior inferior, and an axis which showed greatest displacement of odontoid into neural canal. d. We would then take these bodies and make microscopic slides from three directions: 1. From above downward, cutting from anterior-posterior beginning superior to magnum foramen and ending at inferior axis. As these sections would be about 1,000th of an inch, it would require about 1,500 sections. 2. From left to right, cutting from before-backward, beginning external to neural canal and continuing thru until past odontoid process. As these sections would be about 1,000th of an inch, it would require about 1,000 sections. 3. From left to right, cutting from anterior-posterior laterally, beginning superior to magnum foramen and continuing until thru the neural canal until reaching posterior arches of atlas and axis. As these sections would be about 1,000th of an inch, it would require about 1,500 sections. e. Then have an enlarged micro-photograph made of every section consecutively numbered from each of the three directions, making all-told about 4,000 enlarged photographs. f. Then expose about five feet of motion picture film of each picture, beginning at the most superior or lateral No. 1 picture of each direction, and continuing thru until finished. The reproduction of this film would then give an actual running picture of EXACTLY what existed upon spinal cord, under pressure of a vertebral misplacement. 45 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH g. Precede all this with several feet of X-rays of individual whose microscopic enlargements would follow. ———— In all this, Prof. McEwen was willing and ready to assist. However, he offered two objections to its being done and exhibiting what we WANTED to show: 1st. The existence of vertebral misplacement such as we claimed was common and usual to most everybody, he said was extremely rare, therefore difficult to find in any bodies on hand. 2nd. Brain and spinal cord shrinks fully fifty per cent within two hours after death, therefore bodies dead and embalmed for eight months, which we would work on, could not show pressure even if vertebral displacement did exist therein. Obviously, the first objection was the question in dispute. Medical men deny its frequent occurrence, saying it is rare. Chiropractors assert its frequent occurrence, denying its rarity. THAT was ONE object of desiring to conduct THIS research TO SETTLE this dispute. If once conducted, it would give THEM as well as US facts, where it would no longer be a question of opinion. It would be a knowledge of science. Obviously, second objection put the entire question into the impossible field to prove; for, while the work COULD BE conducted, no amount of work conducted on bodies dead eight months or more, with brains and spinal cords shrunk fifty per cent or more, would prove what we desired to seek; for it was admitted that while brains and spinal cords shrunk under natural conditions, embalming fluids would continue the shrinkage. Prof. McEwen did submit that there WAS one way by which the subject matter COULD BE settled, viz., securing bodies IMMEDIATELY upon death, quick freezing them, cutting off the head and neck, sawing out the block, making frozen sections and photographing them before they thawed. This they could not do because they could not work on bodies IMMEDIATELY after death, contrary to law for unclaimed bodies. He did, however, recommend a Prof. Mannhardt in New York, who had formerly been Professor of Biology of New York University, saying HE could do it IF anybody in the United States could. 46 Our next visit was to Prof. Mannhardt who admitted he was unable to conduct such research in New York because of inability to get bodies IMMEDIATELY after death. He, however, recommended Direktor Guenther of the Dresden Hygienic Museum. There was nothing to do but go to Dresden. Enroute to Germany, on the North German Lloyd Liner, S.S. Bremen, we talked to the ship’s physician who recommended Dr. Borst. A conference with Prof. Borst brot forth information above credited to him. Dr. Borst was inclined to agree with Prof. McEwen that the brain and spinal cord, in his opinion, did shrink approximately fifty per cent within two hours after death. Prof. Borst agreed the only way subject matter could be proved would be to freeze bodies IMMEDIATELY upon death, making sections therefrom, and comparing size of spinal cord with size of neural canal. This research HE could not conduct because he could not secure bodies IMMEDIATELY after death; neither could he “make respectable burial after cutting off head and neck.” Dr. Borst also recommended Direktor Guenther of Dresden, saying he alone, of all medical institutes in Germany, could do it IF it could be done. Our next visit was to Direktor Guenther who quickly called into conference Dr. Michael. To them our problem was submitted. The Dresden Hygienic Museum is more than its name implies. It is a research institute, conducting any and all phases of human and comparative research which directly or indirectly concerns the welfare of man. Their institute is housed in a tremendous fire-proof modern building in the large park in Dresden. It consists of several floors, many halls filled with exhibits of every conceivable study of man. Practically all great human anatomical, physiological, and pathological research now a matter of medical record has been conducted and made here. It is interesting to know the glass human figure in the Halls of Science at Chicago is a conception and reproduction of Dr. Michael of this institute. To present, then, an anatomical problem to this organization, would be like presenting a Chiropractic problem to The PSC—more than likely it HAD BEEN worked out years ago and was on exhibit in some of their halls. 47 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH The problem submitted to Prof. McEwen, Prof. Borst, Direktor Guenther, and Dr. Michael, was: What was the relative and comparative size of spinal cord and neural canal in and around region of magnum foramen of occiput, atlas, and axis, in and during life up to moment of death, in normal? What were the facts as regards pressure at magnum foramen, between magnum foramen and superior of atlas, in neural canal of atlas, at foramen between atlas and axis, when there was a left or right wedgeside- slip of atlas; when atlas was superior or inferior or anterior, when axis was posterior and inferior with odontoid crowding into neural canal, in and during life, up to moment of death, with misplacement as stated? To these seemingly simple questions, there was NO answer. This information had never been asked before. Knowledge of possibility of such conditions was unknown. Necessity for information of normal comparative size of spinal cord and neural canal had never existed. They were NEW questions in science. No research had EVER been conducted along those lines. Prof. McEwen, Prof. Borst, Director Guenther, and Dr. Michael all conceded the newness of entire subject matter. Dr. McEwen said such could not exist except in rare cases. Drs. Borst, Guenther, and Michael readily admitted existence of our fundamental facts and great probability of pressure, when specimens and X-ray cases were submitted. The next question was to prove it as the term is known in science. All admitted it would be a new step forward in science. The latter two admitted such research had never been done in their institution; and it is certain IF IT HAD EVER BEEN DONE anywhere in the world, it would have been done here, for we can conceive of no human question that could escape their research laboratories—the most perfect and complete in the world. Dr. Michael who is the working technician of the Institute, says that it is his opinion that brain and spinal cord shrink approximately somewhat between ten and twenty per cent within four hours after death, and from that time on continue to shrink more slowly. He further stated he could not get a clear microscopic spinal cord slide of true proportions after four hours of death. He took us into the museum and showed research he had conducted of specimens which showed nerve cells, ligaments, and bone structure which HAD shrunk—greatest shrinkage oc- 48 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN curring in nerve structure, much less in ligaments, and altho some, but very slightly and much less in ratio, in bone. Dr. Michael admitted frankly they had never made a sectional brain or spinal cord specimen IMMEDIATELY after death, either in animal or human, neither did they know of its ever having been done by any scientific laboratory. It is, therefore, reasonably certain this question of shrinkage, while an admitted and known scientific fact, none know or can answer the question of percentage of shrinkage IMMEDIATELY after death. None KNOW what it is AT DEATH, so none know what the exact percentage of shrinkage IS and value of time in the process. That there IS shrinkage in disease in life, and long after death in normal, is positive. At first the question of the specific principle and practice was one man’s theory. Few worried about it until it grew, was being universally accepted and proving to be clinically sound. The centralization of all subluxations and all adjustment to the occipital, atlas, and axis region, seemed preposterous at first. In ratio as its followers clinically proved it, fear was established in minds of those who arbitrarily preferred to follow the older meric order of Chiropractic. They either had to clinically follow suit or disprove it along scientific lines. It was combatted by older group who contended its impossibility because of miniature size of spinal cord in relation to gross size of neural canal, thereby suggesting impossibility of atlas or axis subluxations producing pressures and interference. To prove scientific correctness of clinical proof by scientific proof, became a necessity. Many in our profession at first regarded this as another phase of a long-existing controversy of no or little Chiropractic or scientific importance because it was believed to be more or less personal in its nature. This subject has long transcended the personal aspect; in fact, was in our research a year before question of contradiction arose. It has now reached importance of a fundamentally new subject even new to much proof which we later submit, and has grown to the proportions of a service of tremendous importance to the human race. It has stepped out of hands of two interested parties and is being accepted and will be proved by the greatest scientific laboratory in the world. It 49 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH is no longer a dispute; it is a property right belonging to humanity and the scientific world. It is certain that in the living there is vertebral subluxation, creating pressure and interference, followed by dis-ease which involves spinal cord at least, and spinal cord shrinks in size, shape, circumference, and diameter. How many dis-eases and what dis-eases involve spinal cord and induce it to shrink? What particular type or types? Is there shrinkage in hemiplegia, paraplegia, anterior acute poliomyelitis, meningitis, syphilis, rickets, locomotor ataxia, etc.? That there IS shrinkage in spinal cord of persons suffering from certain diseases while alive, is proved by slides made after death of those spinal cords, as compared with sizes of sectional slides made of people after death who did not have those diseases. That there IS shrinkage in spinal cord BEFORE death, from disease, is obvious from slides made of those who suffered with disease and those who did not suffer with disease, as made after death. A vital question is: Is there shrinkage IN BRAIN, before as well as after death, from disease? Putting the question another way: Is there shrinkage SUPERIOR TO atlas subluxation same as there is BELOW atlas subluxation? That disease exists in spinal cord and thereby shrinks in size, shape, circumference, and diameter, in life, is obvious. That disease must be caused by subluxation with occlusion, pressure, and interference, is obvious. That subluxation-occlusion-pressureinterference cannot be INFERIOR to effect, but MUST be superior to location of symptoms and pathologies, is further obvious. This statement must embarrass the spinal balance cord group, the general mechanical correction group, as well as the basic technique pelvis group. This shrinkage of spinal cord condition found high up in cervical region strengthens the specific principle of having CAUSE superior to effect. It should need no argument, but the idea does need presenting, that a small tube, under like pressure, could not transmit same quantity of fluid as a large tube under equal pressure. Likewise, a small copper wire, under like voltage, could not pass same wattage as a large copper wire under equal voltage. So, equally, a shrunken spinal cord, under usual brain mental impulse pres- 50 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN sure, could not transmit same quantity of mental impulses, per second or hour of time, as a normal spinal cord without shrinkage, with usual brain mental impulse pressure per second or hour of time. As a subluxation produces pressure, inflammation, friction, and an adaptative cicatrix or scar secondary pressure-interference is set up, so does a subluxation produce pressure, pathology of spinal cord, shrinking it in size, shape, circumference, and diameter, thereby creating secondary reduction of its transmitting a normal quota value. To reduce osseous subluxationocclusion- pressure-interference by adjustment to normal situ, is a comparatively quick and easy procedure, method, or process; AFTER WHICH it might take weeks or months for Innate Intelligence to break down scar tissue or rebuild normal size of spinal cord so mental impulses, ONCE RELEASED from primary or osseous vertebral subluxation pressure, COULD GET THRU scar tissue or OVER AND TRANSMIT THEM THRU spinal cord when regrown to normal size. Health, obviously, cannot be expected until mental impulse has reached tissue cells, in sufficient normal quantity, in sufficiently normal length of time, to rebuild and regrow health within them. This could not be expected so long as spinal cord has shrunken below normal carrying capacity. A spinal cord that IS shrunken cannot carry a normal capacity, even if the normal carrying quota were possible to get to it, even into it, but not thru its length to periphery. Suppose a case of shrunken spinal cord (tabes dorsalis) got an adjustment, subluxation was corrected, occlusion restored, pressure released, and possibility of normal restoration of transmission has been returned. How much time is required to rebuild spinal cord back to normal size, shape, circumference, and diameter, before it CAN carry normal quantity READY to be transmitted and that IS getting TO IT but cannot flow THRU it because of diminished size? Can we say that cases without spinal cord shrinkage are those which recover quickly, and those where there is shrinkage are slow? May this not account for why it takes time to get some cases well; and more in some cases than others? May this not further account for why it seems “necessary to keep on adjusting” with no subluxation existing, even tho our case is still sick? 51 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH Some of our profession may cite this as a reason for study of symptomatology and pathology and recognition of same creating a necessity for diagnosis of cases, to ascertain which cases have this or that in which spinal cord shrinkage HAS been known to exist. Diagnosis of ANY case is fraught with complications and complexities which make it uncertain to be correct in ANY case. If spinal cord section is the final diagnostic proof, it would be impossible to be diagnostically certain in life. Even if diagnosis WERE certain, the degree of shrinkage would be questionable. Even tho degree of shrinkage WERE known, it wouldn’t make any difference in speed of returning health nor would it release information which would help adjustment or restoration of transmission. At its best, it gains no end. At its worst, it is useless. ———— THE SPECIFIC SUBLUXATION WET SPECIMEN Skull, atlas and axis. Calvarium removed. Transparency. This is not artificial, manufactured specimen. This is a natural wet specimen, put thru the “Spalteholtz method” of dissolution, named after the man who developed this method who is also the author of Spalteholtz Anatomy. The specimen was put thru a series of chemical solutions, taking approximately one year, in which bone materials were taken out, leaving animal matter. This still leaves original soft tissue shape, size, position, and contour. The Spalteholtz transparency dissolution process takes out inorganic material and leaves organic. This is the opposite to preparing an osseous specimen as in a skeleton. The purpose of preparing this specimen in this rare manner was to make TRANSPARENT an occiput, atlas, and axis, to reveal its subluxations EXACTLY as in the living individual. Spinographs make possible the study of subluxations in living persons, which can be and are taken from every direction EXCEPT from above downward or below upward. That, this specimen reveals. Specimen was taken from a body IMMEDIATELY (within five minutes) upon death, atlas being anchored to occiput and axis anchored to atlas. Anchoring can be seen with cat-gut thread material at various places around occiput, atlas, and axis. 52 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN (See B. J. P. C. Clinic brochure.) Upon being anchored, it was placed into solutions to dissolve out bone, to leave flesh, to make transparent for the purpose of showing an occipito-atlantal-axial subluxation EXACTLY AS IT WAS DURING LIFE. The purpose of research is to investigate facts, denying diluting theories, compiling information which reveals true data. This accepts or rejects certain theories into a proved principle and certain practices as proved sound. Does man, when alive, carry a subluxation, such as the Chiropractic principle and practice hypothecate? Does man, WHEN ALIVE, have a vertebral subluxation of atlas or axis such as we think we have found by palpation, or we think we interpret from shadows of spinographs? If so, where and how! To these questions there is no positive answer. When man is dead, he is NOT alive. When he is ALIVE, he is not dead! When he is ALIVE we rely on spinograph. When he is DEAD we relied upon spinal column strung on cat-gut or dissection and its rigor mortis conclusions. It is easy to take bones, devoid of meat, and move them into a hypothetical subluxation and affirm that such is what does exist in the living. It is easy to carve sections of anatomy from a cadaver and affirm or deny vertebral subluxation. It is even possible to dissect specimens from bodies long dead, after rigor mortis and contractured ligaments, etc., have pulled bones out of alignment, present them as subluxations, etc. None of these answer the researchers’ question of whether there is or is not a vertebral subluxation in the living and, if so, where and how. The nearest approach to the positive position of researching facts is to take a person IMMEDIATELY after death, anchor bone to bone EXACTLY as they were positioned in life, put them into immediate dissolution, making the specimen transparent so one can study actual condition AFTER death as IT WAS during life. That is what this specimen does. This specimen is the next-to-the-best connecting link as proof of atlas rotated wedge-side-slip subluxation. Palpation is largely conjectural; spinographs are shadowgraphs of living subluxations, but they are of one direction or angle only, viz., A-P, lateral, or diagonal, being impossible to take from superior-inferior. But here is a third dimension, superior-inferior, transparent, visual subluxation as it was in life—immediately after death. It reveals ALL 53 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH directions simultaneously, transparently. There could be but one more step to proving proof—the living proof—and that we cannot have. Atlas is not only a left wedge-side-slip subluxation, looking at the specimen from superior to inferior, but is also in a rotation. Left transverse process of atlas is inferior and right transverse process is superior to a plane level line drawn across atlas. Looking at specimen from inferior to superior, the right transverse is immediately on a plane line to right mastoid; left transverse to the inferior of the apex of right mastoid process. Looking from superior to inferior, the neural canal has been decreased in size and changed in shape by the moving of atlas to left from median anterior-posterior line. Rotation of atlas on condyles is obvious, best seen from a lateral view looking downward upon specimen. The listing is AIL-L.Lo. No matter from which side you study specimen, it can best be seen in transparent values by placing a white sheet back-ground on opposite side from that from which you are looking, throwing bright light on background, reflecting light THRU specimen from rear. This is the first and, to our knowledge, the only specimen of its kind. It was made under specific instructions given while in Germany in 1934. We stipulated (a) the specimen must be taken from the immediately-dead body, not more than five minutes after; (b) osseous specimens must be immediately anchored in position they were BEFORE AND AT MOMENT OF DEATH; (c) dissolution process must be carried on without interference or change of position of any segment. These instructions were carried out to the exactitude of scientific research work. Specimen was taken IMMEDIATELY following death, anchored AT ONCE, and prepared as you see it. The question is raised: “Heat expands, cold contracts and shrinks. Why, in freezing this case, did not shrinkage take place sufficiently great to destroy objective you were seeking?” ———— SCIENCE DIGEST (April, 1937) contains the answer: “These Quick Frozen Foods, Based on the book The Freezing Preparation of Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Vegetables, by Donald K. Tressler and Clifford F. Evers. 54 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN “All living things are built up of cells. In this respect turkeys and strawberries and man himself are the same. Each cell is a microscopically minute walled unit in itself. When an article is frozen slowly, water is withdrawn from the protoplasm within the cells and forms large ice crystals between the cells. These crystals press against the cell walls and break them down. The living matter or protoplasm within the cells coagulates because of the loss of water. “Quite different is the phenomenon which takes place with very rapid freezing. Only small crystals are formed and these are in the interiors of the cells. They do not expand against the cell walls and break them. Everything that was in the turkey or the strawberry remains just as it was. When such a food is thawed its structure remains essentially as it was frozen. “When a quick frozen product is thawed practically no water results. It is still shut up in the cells where it was originally, with all its suspended salts in place. “This quick freezing of fruits and vegetables is a relatively new commercial development which offers definite advantages to the consumer since it preserves the taste, quality and vitamin content of food almost indefinitely. “There are a number of ways to accomplish quick freezing, or in more scientific terms, a rapid extraction of heat.” ———— THE CHIROPRACTIC PRINCIPLE A CONCUSSION OF FORCES—an external invading force AND an internal or resisting force, ACCIDENTALLY applied to a human body—clashes; and as a result, a fracture, dislocation, vertebral subluxation or vertebral misalignment CAN occur to bone structures. THE VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION occludes, reduces, or makes smaller size of openings between vertebrae thru which nerves or spinal cord pass on way from brain to portions of the human body; —which compresses, squeezes, or produces constructive pressure around spinal cord or spinal nerves which pass thru these openings between vertebrae on their way from brain to portions of human body; —which offers resistance to, or introduces interference to normal quantity of nerve force, or nerve energy flow, which flows thru, over, or into these nerves on their way from brain to body; —which reduction in quantity flow, from normal, does not reach periphery, or distal endings of those nerves in body tissue cells or body organs; 55 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH —which reduction, from normal quantity, slows action of body tissue cells or body organ actions in exact ratio as normal quantity is lowered to an abnormal level; —which decreases quantity and quality of these tissue cell or body organs should produce as products or by-products; —which, given time for destruction, to accumulate, develop and grow these effects, is a condition called dis-ease. ———— THE CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE A CONCUSSION OF FORCES—an external or invading force AND an internal or resisting force, INTENTIONALLY applied by a Chiropractor—clashes; as a result, a vertebral subluxation is adjusted or restored to its former normal position. THE VERTEBRAL ADJUSTMENT opens, increases size of openings between vertebrae thru which nerves pass on way from brain to portions of human body; —which releases, reduces constructive pressure around spinal cord or spinal nerves which pass thru openings on their way from brain to portions of human body; —which permits a normal quantity of nerve force, nerve energy, to flow thru, over, or into those nerves on their way from brain to portions of human body; —which increases, from below normal TO normal, reaches periphery or distal endings of those nerves in body tissue cells or body organs; —which increases, from below normal TO normal, increases action of those tissue cells or body organ actions, in exact ratio as it is increased or stepped up to normal level; —which increases quantity and quality of these tissue cells or body organs should produce as products and/or by-products; —which, given time for restoration, construction and rebuilding to develop, accumulate or grow, is a condition called ease or health. THE COMPLETE, ALL-INCLUSIVE AND ALL-EXCLUSIVE CHIROPRACTIC PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. MORE OR LESS THAN THAT ENTERS THE FIELD OF SOME PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE OTHER THAN CHIROPRACTIC! 56 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN If we asked you whether you “believed” or thot there was, or knew there was a force, energy, or intelligence which governed and is governing this Universe, you would admit such. We might differ as to whether to CALL it Nature, The Great Spirit, God, or Jehovah, or some other term. We might differ as to who was Its chosen one who was here who came to save us. We might call him Christ, Mohammet, Confucius, Buddha, etc. But few would flatly DENY such. A very few MIGHT, saying none such comes within the purview of science. If we asked you whether you “believed” or thot there was, or knew there was a force, energy, or intelligence which governed and does govern the various units of growing, living complete units such as animals and man, you would admit such. We might differ as to interpretations of words, or how such worked, or why. But few, if any, would flatly DENY such. A very few MIGHT, saying none such is what we think it is; others might deny your construction; but few WOULD, saying none such comes within the purview of science. We are speaking of the ordinary, man of the street, the man who uses common sense which is very uncommon. We might be in the position of Edison, Marconi, Steinmetz. We were called to see Mr. Edison professionally. He was “HARD of hearing,” we prefer “hard” of hearing because there is an “ease” of hearing as well, according to whether there is presence or absence of electrical potential energy flow that makes either possible. After we determined his age was against him, and he refused to devote the time to his recovery, we asked: “What happened when we pushed button on wall and light appeared in ceiling? Did electricity flow THRU or OVER wire?” He said, in his opinion, it flowed THRU wire. Later, we had occasion to meet Mr. Steinmetz of General Electric. We asked the same question. He said, in HIS opinion, it did not flow THRU wire, but flowed OVER wire. Then, said we, a hollow wire could carry more than a solid wire. To this he agreed. Still later, we met Marconi and asked him same question. He said, “I don’t agree with Edison or Steinmetz. It does not flow THRU or OVER wire. In fact, NOTHING FLOWS. We get 57 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH effect at other end of wire by ‘atomic pressure, much like a lineup of billiard balls. Hit one at one end, and other one at other end rolls off, balls in between standing still.” “Hard of hearing” is like a telephone which can be “dead” if there is no current flowing thru it; or it does carry messages if current DOES flow thru. We once had an M.D. here as a student. We were discussing Innate Intelligence. He spoke up, saying: “If you don’t mind, I don’t believe there is any such existing in us. I am a scientific man, thinking scientifically, and I believe only scientific issues which I can prove.” We replied: “We finished school in the half of first year of high school. You are a graduated M.D. of a University; you have taken various post-graduate courses in this country, as well as Heidelberg, Leipsig, etc. Modestly, you admit you are MORE educated than we.” To this he agreed. We then said: “Now that you have ADMITTED you are MORE educated than we, PROVE IT!” There are two kinds of proof: logical and material. Today is Thursday. This is May. It is warm today. There is a God in the Universe and an Innate Intelligence in man. These are logical proofs. This is wood; that is paper; this is a book; that is steel, copper or iron, are material proofs. ———— THE MOOTED ENERGY QUESTION The question of existence of human energy has long been mooted and disputed amongst anatomists, physiologists, symptomatologists, and pathologists. Some denied existence of ANY human energy; others that it might exist in a crude way; others that it was extremely limited in its field of action, etc. Kirke, in his HAND-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY, revised by W. D. Halliburton, M.D., in the Preface says: “The question arises, however, is there anything else? Are there ANY OTHER laws than those of physics and chemistry to be reckoned with? Is there, for instance, such a thing as VITAL FORCE? It may be frankly admitted that physiologists at present are not able to explain all VITAL phenomena by the laws of the physical world; BUT AS KNOWLEDGE INCREASES IT IS MORE AND MORE ABUNDANTLY SHOWN THAT THE SUPPOSITION 58 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN OF ANY SPECIAL OR VITAL FORCE IS UNNECESSARY; and it should be distinctly recognized that when, in future pages, it is NECESSARY TO ALLUDE to vital action, IT IS NOT BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN ANY SPECIFIC VITAL ENERGY, but merely because the phrase is a convenient one for expressing something that we do not fully understand, something that cannot at present be brought into line with the physical and chemical forces that operate in the inorganic world.” ———— In contrast to this, Morat, in his PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, says: “In every living being a double current of matter and energy is present, running in a definite direction which never varies. “In the nervous system all movement induces sensation, all sensation induces movement. “It is obvious that a being endowed with life possesses characteristics and presents manifestations for which in dead matter we can find no parallel: “Here is brought before our notice a fact of a purely internal nature, eluding observation as it is generally understood in science, but which common sense constrains us to attribute to beings resembling ourselves, while at the same time denying it to all objects in which this resemblance cannot be discerned. “This reciprocal link not only controls the relations of the living being with all surrounding objects; it is also, and simultaneously, the distinctive feature of its organization. “From this double link, so frail in itself, and yet so intimate, proceeds the unity of beings endowed with life.” “In the past and even at the present time, physiology has overlooked and still overlooks, the fact of the being which it studies possessing sensibility; and has in every case refused to acknowledge the sensibility as a casual or conditioning influence in the determinism of vital phenomena. “It has carefully arranged the balance-sheet of the forces of the organism, while taking no interest in the function which regulates their employment. “As physical science finds no place for sensibility, neither has physiology accorded it one. The time seems to have arrived for a reaction against these exaggerations. “In both cases the nature of the link is unknown to us; but none the less does this link exist, and is in biology the foundation of all that distinguishes it from pure physics.” ———— Here is one authority DENYING existence of human energy, another authority ADMITTING that “common sense constrains” 59 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH him to admit even though it was “eluding observation as it is generally understood in science”; and in “both cases the nature of the link is unknown to us”. The THEORETICAL Chiropractic principle and practice as against the SCIENTIFIC Chiropractic principle and practice condition existing in our ranks, agrees with the necessity as stated in the Minority Report of a SPECIAL COMMITTEE appointed by the Massachusetts Legislature; who, in their report, in 1938, said: “Such evidence of the benefits of chiropractic was purely SUBJECTIVE, however; that is, the proof was that the patient BELIEVED himself cured or helped. No evidence was brought forth of any case in which a cure had been verified by a medical doctor. The evidence of all medical doctors was THAT NONE OF THE CLAIMS OF THE CHIROPRACTORS HAD BEEN PROVED; that the chiropractic THEORY of disease had been investigated and found of no value; and that in many cases the patient will not only waste money on a treatment of no value, but even may be seriously injured through the treatment, or because it delays the necessary medical care.” ———— And here we were, stepping into a field to prove or disprove by scientific means its reality and the extensive field we hoped we could prove our science covered. It was with no little hesitation, trepidation, and fear that we dared step boldly into a field of disproving the denial of one group of anatomists, physiologists, symptomatologists, and pathologists; desiring to prove assertions which were made by another group without proof. In 1907, we wrote our first articles questioning the correctness of the “sympathetic nervous system”, with its ganglia, dendrites, etc., and its physiological explanation of function of reflex action, etc. At that time we SUGGESTED the seeming necessity of a direct brain-cell-to-tissue-cell nerve fibre continuity, conveying a continuity mental impulse supply between brain cell and tissue cell in an efferent and afferent continuity circuit. We continued to hypothesize, between 1907 and 1935 that ease was because of continuity flow of energy current thru a continuity circuit between brain cell and tissue and reverse circuit; AND the moment this continuity energy current circuit WAS REDUCED, INTERFERED WITH, or RESISTANCE OFFERED 60 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN TO ITS FLOW, that moment dis-ease began at periphery of efferent nerve. We further continued to hypothesize between 1907 and 1935 that ease could be and would be re-established at periphery of efferent nerve when continuity of energy current flow was reestablished thru this continuity of brain-cell-to-tissue-cell nerve fibre. It is interesting to note now, in 1951, some 45 years later, that our research along this line has definitely proved not only our continuity brain-cell-to-tissue-cell nerve fibre circuit to have been sane and sound, but that thru it also flowed a continuity energy potential which was also proven scientifically sound. When we entered this field, desiring to prove or disprove our postulates, we had to prove or disprove authorities on a. existence of human energy b. it existed as a pre-determining factor in anatomy, physiology, symptomatology, and pathology c. its absence was a pre-determining factor in all symptomatology and pathology d. it not only existed in quantity but expressed itself in quality e. it had a source, a traveling dual direction, and a place of expression f. it flowed in definite cycles g. it existed in measurable quantities, varying under varying conditions h. but as our research progressed we went way beyond establishing energy, as listed, but we went into the field of proving existence of mind, of thot-flashes, intelligence, education, insanity, etc. ———— “SYMPATHETIC” NERVOUS SYSTEM AND “REFLEX” (REFLECTS) ACTION Before going into the sympathetic nervous system and reflex action, let us back up to what medicine is. Medicine is a MATERIAL science. Medicine has no philosophy because that goes into the realm of the abstract. Medicine is not an art because it is empiric and arbitrary. 61 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH Notwithstanding medicine uses IMMATERIALITIES to prove MATERIALITIES, they still deny its existence with human bodies. Kirke in his Hand-book of Physiology, revised by W. D. Halliburton, M.D., in the Preface says: “The question arises, however, is there anything else? Are there ANY OTHER laws than those of physics and chemistry to be reckoned with? Is there, for instance, such a thing AS VITAL FORCE? It may be frankly admitted that physiologists at present are not able to explain all VITAL phenomena by the laws of the physical world; BUT AS KNOWLEDGE INCREASES IT IS MORE AND MORE ABUNDANTLY SHOWN THAT THE SUPPOSITION OF ANY SPECIAL OR VITAL FORCE IS UNNECESSARY; and it should be distinctly recognized that when in future pages, it is NECESSARY TO ALLUDE to vital action, IT IS NOT BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN ANY SPECIFIC VITAL ENERGY, but merely because the phrase is a convenient one for expressing something that we do not fully understand, something that cannot at present be brought into line with the physical and chemical forces that operate in the inorganic world.” ———— They USE ELECTRICITY—which is an abstract—to prove their concrete. Medicine consists of the things “they can prove”, meaning PHYSICAL or MATERIAL proof—things they can take into a material lab and PROVE, materially —things like chemistry and physics. Two kinds of proof: —physical—a chunk of iron weighs 2 lbs. —abstract—electricity or thot that meets no tests of physics. They DENY thot, yet USE IT. They DENY mind, yet USE it to DENY it. They DENY mental impulse, yet could NOT LIVE without it. They DENY nerve force, yet USE IT when they deny it. They become baffled, run into “phenomena” when they deny existence of a reality. How do they account for what nerve force does when they deny there is a nerve force? Let us study evidence and SEE HOW THEY explain the unexplainable. 62 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN “Let me quote the last Dunglison’s Medical Dictionary, which is standard in every college. In speaking of this system, he says ‘Sympathetic, depending on sympathy. Sympathetic affections of the organs are those morbid phenomena that supervene WITHOUT ANY MORBIFIC CAUSE.’” (Page 76-77, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) “‘Sympathy,’ Dunglison (23rd Edition, p. 1082) says: ‘Sympathy. Connection existing between the action of two or more organs more or less distant from each other, so that affection of the first is transmitted secondarily to the others, or to one of the others, BY MEANS UNKNOWN.’” (Page 77, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) “Dunglison says ‘The great sympathetic is a distinct nervous system, supplying the organs of involuntary motion; for although communicating with both brain and spinal marrow, IT DOES NOT SEEM TO BE IMMEDIATELY UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF EITHER. ITS SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ARE NOT YET WELL UNDERSTOOD.’” (Page 77, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) “Cunningham’s Text Book of Anatomy, p. 702, in speaking of the ‘Sympathetic Nervous System,’ says: ‘The sympathetic nervous system consists of A PAIR OF ELONGATED CORDS, EXTENDING FROM the base of the skull TO the coccyx; connected on the one hand by a series of branches to the spinal nervous system, and on the other hand giving off an IRREGULATED series of branches to the viscera.***THE DISTINCTION IS NOT ABSOLUTE.***The non-medullated fibres in the sympathetic system ARE DERIVED FROM the axoms of the sympathetic ganglion cells. Some fibres APPEAR to contribute to the formation of the comisural cord. “‘The Morphology of the Sympathetic System. From a consideration of its structure, functions and development, there APPEARS to be TWO SEPARATE structures represented in the sympathetic nervous system—the spinal and the sympathetic elements—it is certain that the cells and fibres of the sympathetic system possess A VITAL ACTIVITY APART FROM THEIR CONNECTION WITH THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. The phylogenetic relation of the sympathetic and cerebrospinal elements in the system IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE. It MAY BE that the sympathetic system is representative of an ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE INDEPENDENT of the cerebrospinal nervous system, the materials of which are utilized for a modern nervous system; EXAMINED IN EVERY LIGHT, IT POSSESSES FEATURES WHICH EFFECTUALLY DIFFERENTIATE IT FROM THE CEREBRO-SPINAL SYSTEM.’” (Page 77-78, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) “Dutton’s Anatomy, 1892 Edition, p. 327, says: ‘The sympathetic nerves control the circulation of the blood, respiration, nutrition, and all the various 63 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH vital processes. They are the involuntary nerves, NOT DIRECTLY UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE HUMAN WILL.’” (Page 79, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) “Werner Spalteholtz’s ‘Hand Atlas of Human Anatomy,’ Vol. 3, p. 763, says: ‘Systema Nervorum Sympathicum is formed: 1. By a chain of ganglia ON EACH SIDE OF THE SPINAL COLUMN, THE GANGLIA BEING UNITED WITH ONE ANOTHER by vertical bundles of nerve fibres to form a longitudinal cord,***’ A ganglion is a knot-like enlargement upon the course of a nerve and each IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN INDEPENDENT center for the formation and dispensation of nerve power. ‘Ganglion they have been REGARDED as small brains, or centers of nervous action, independent of the encephalon, and intended exclusively for organic life. Ganglia are chiefly composed of vesicular neurine, and appear to be concerned in the formation and dispensation of nerve-power.’ (Dunglison.) Upon each ‘spinal nerve’ is one of these and at many remote points are many ‘centers.’ Center—‘A collection of nerve cells to which external impressions are carried and whence impulses are sent out.’ “Reflex CENTER—‘A part of gray nervous matter which TRANSFORMS into a motor impulse a sensory impulse it has received.’ Dunglison, 23rd Edition. “Where they are ‘united with one another,’ giving to this system at least 62 independent brains. THE ANASTOMOSES of nerves is referred to in Dunglison’s Dictionary, 23rd Edition, p. 754. ‘They extend from the nervous centers to every part of the body, COMMUNICATING WITH EACH OTHER; forming plexuses and occasionally ganglions.’” (Pages 79-80, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.) ———— A ganglion is a dividing area for dessication of continuity fibres between brain and body. Because fibres spread at this point, area is larger than original bundle lying parallel to each other. This question of ANASTOMOSIS is another subject for investigation and question. The circulation OF BLOOD is the anastomosis of this fluid. No matter where a digital on mechanical pressure may be placed, or exist, it will immediately anastomose thru surrounding channels. Study anatomy on this question; see illustrations they give. To show the folly: 64 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN It is said that rheumatism is “caused by uric acid in the blood.” Suppose rheumatism IS LOCALIZED in right foot—no other place. Same blood that is in right foot has made a complete circuit of BALANCE OF BODY in three minutes. Same uric acid in right foot, is uric acid over ENTIRE BODY in three minutes. Why haven’t we rheumatism ALL OVER THE BODY, if uric acid was its cause? If this theory were so, disease would be a floating condition, here one minute, some place else another. To show logic of Chiropractic. Nerves DO NOT anastomose. Nerves are a direct CONTINUITY fibre from brain cell to tissue cell. Produce pressure upon a nerve and that impulse flow CANNOT ANASTOMOSE thru surrounding nerves. For this reason, pressure upon a nerve has a DIRECT LOCALIZING effect wherever that nerve ends. Disease is STATIONARY. If it is in stomach, then it remains in stomach. Because IT IS localized, and remains PERMANENTLY LOCALIZED, and is SPECIFIC in and to that area, is why you, as a Chiropractor, can adjust for it; because you are releasing pressures upon a SPECIFIC nerve going EXCLUSIVELY to that LOCALIZED area, and no other. Disease IS specific. Cause IS specific. Correction IS specific. Cure IS specific. Yet there exist “Chiropractic” schools that teach circulation of blood as the cause of disease. There exist “Chiropractic” schools that teach anastomosis of nerves because anatomies do. And those same schools give adjustment upon nerves which have direct continuity, and produce results which are IN DIRECT DENIAL of both those premises. They educationally teach one thing and ignorantly practice its opposite. 65 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH Why? Because they want to conform to what everybody thinks, believes, and does, that they may be in style with prevailing fashions, regardless of whether they know right from wrong. Please note that, while we make bold statements, we quote sources for those statements. That many Chiropractors disagree in these conclusions, is obvious. That other “Chiropractic” schools continue to teach the same old thread-bare beliefs, is also obvious. That they may hold us to public censure, is obvious. But note, in no way do they attempt to deny our statements because we quote our sources of authority. ———— “Gray’s Anatomy, Fifteenth Edition, p. 798, says: ‘The sympathetic Nervous System is (1) a series of ganglia, connected together by intervening cords, extending FROM the base of the skull TO the coccyx, one on each side of the middle line of the body, partly in front and partly ON EACH SIDE OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN.’” (Page 80, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.) “‘The sympathetic nervous system presents A DISTINCT CONTRAST to the cranial and spinal nerve, as well as to the whole central nervous system, in that it included mainly the visceral and vascular nerves, and although it has manifold communications with the cerebrospinal system, it represents, TO A CERTAIN EXTENT, AN INDEPENDENT SYSTEM. It is composed of a number OF INDEPENDENT CENTERS which form a chain on either side of the vertebral column, the successive centers being united BY SHORT nerve cords. The structure so formed is known as the sympathetic trunk and the ganglia inserted in its course are the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk. “‘The ganglia of the sympathetic trunk are connected with the neighboring cerebrospinal nerves by rami communicantes, through which the cerebrospinal nerves receive sympathetic fibres, and conversely, cerebrospinal fibres enter the sympathetic nervous system, there being thus A MUTUAL ANASTOMOSIS. The white rami fibres do not necessarily terminate in connection with the cells of the trunk ganglion with which they first come into connection, but may pass these AND TERMINATE IN A HIGHER OR LOWER GANGLION, OR EVEN IN ONE OF THE GANGLIA OF THE SYMPATHETIC PLEXUSES. “‘From the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk THE BRANCHES of the sympathetic nervous system ARISES. They differ from those of the cerebrospinal system in many respects, being in the first place of a grayish-white color, not pure white like the latter, since they consist mainly of non medullated nerve fibres, and furthermore, they rarely have a straight course and they form long BRANCHES. Much oftener, almost without exception, 66 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN they form sympathetic plexuses which, especially in the region of the head, extend along the blood-vessels, and especially the arteries, cerobrospinal fibres having a part IN THE FORMATION of the plexuses, intended for the viscera of the thorax and abdomen. Imbedded in these sympathetic plexuses, especially the visceral ones, are numerous ganglia, some of which are very large and others microscopically small; they are known as ganglia of the sympathetic plexus and again GIVE RISE TO sympathetic fibres. Many small microscopic ganglia may also be found in the organs themselves (heart, eye, intestines). “‘The sympathetic fibres, like those of the cerebrospinal system, are partly motor and partly sensory, and the system supplies practically the entire nonstriated musculature of the body. “‘The sympathetic trunk is a paired structure RESTING UPON THE ANTERIOR (ventral) SURFACE OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN, almost parallel to the median plane. Each trunk consists of a number of ganglia arranged at rather regular intervals, and united into a chain by USUALLY SHORT CONNECTING CORDS.’” (Pages 80-81, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.) “‘SPINAL LOCALIZATION IS NATURALLY FRAUGHT WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY, AND, LIKE CEREBRAL LOCALIZATION, requires a most exact knowledge of anatomy. MUCH HAS BEEN DETERMINED, MUCH IS INFERRED, BUT THERE IS ALSO MUCH TO BE ASCERTAINED. It has been said by one of the ablest of modern investigators (Mills) that the value of a study in spinal localization depends UPON THE EXACTNESS WITH WHICH PHENOMENA (cow, thistle, sparrow) are differentiated.’” (Page 82, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.) “The following definition of ‘Reflex Action’ is from Dunglison’s Dictionary, 22nd edition, page 953: ‘Term Applied to an action which consists IN THE REFLECTION BY AN EFFERENT NERVE of an impression conveyed TO A NERVOUS CENTER BY AN AFFERENT NERVE. A REFLEX ACTION IS GENERALLY REGARDED TO BE ONE EXECUTED WITHOUT CONSCIOUSNESS.’” “To make the above clearer, we refer to this author’s definition of ‘Reflection’, page 953: ‘Bending or turning backward of a ray of light.’” (Page 101, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.) ———— Medicine is MATERIA medica because it is based on MATTER. Grant they MAY know EVERYTHING about organic structure of the body; grant they may know MUCH about function of various structures of the body; 67 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH fact remains they know LITTLE IF ANYTHING about PHYSIOLOGY of structures of the body, because they KNOW NOTHING about function of mental impulse flow thru nervous system from brain to body, flowing TO those structures of the body. We quoted one text that flatly DENIES existence of any “special or vital energy.” “The following is quoted from Osteopathic Health, Volume II, No. 2, page 19: ‘Stretched along both sides of the spine, within the cavity of the chest and abdomen, running the entire length of this “backbone”, are the gangliated cords of the sympathetic nervous system. This wonderful AUTOMATIC (an automaton “without consciousness”) system, with its central power house AT THE SOLAR PLEXUS, or ABDOMINAL BRAIN, furnishes energy for ALL the INVOLUNTARY activity of the body—the machinery that runs as well while we sleep as during wakeful activity. All the bodily organs, but not the voluntary muscular system, are sustained, operated, controlled, regulated BY THIS SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. ITS IMPORTANCE TO LIFE IS OBVIOUS.’” (Page 101, The Science of Chiropractic, Vol. II, 1917, by B. J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.) ———— Medical men constantly refer to “voluntary” and “INvoluntary” muscles, etc. They CAN understand that education IS “voluntary.” They cannot understand how something WHICH DOESN’T EXIST COULD BE “voluntary”; therefore, actions which occur, which they cannot explain, are “INvoluntary.” There is a VOLUNTARY educated action. There is a VOLUNTARY Innate action. Each IS VOLUNTARY, each to itself. As medical men refer to the “conscious” mind and “SUBconscious” mind, there is a “conscious” mind (Educated) and a “SUPERconscious” mind (Innate). ———— In 1905 we first criticized SYMPATHETIC nervous system. We have been frequently misquoted on that criticism. It has been said we said there was no sympathetic NERVOUS SYSTEM. That is exactly what we said, and that isn’t what we said at all. We said there could be no such thing as a SYMPATHETIC nervous system. We affirm existence of a nervous system. We deny THIS “nervous system” is governed in its physiological function by “sympathy.” It depends entirely upon how 68 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN that sentence is emphasized as to whether we are correctly or incorrectly quoted. We said “there could be no such thing as a SYMPATHETIC nervous system”; or “there could be no such thing as a sympathetic NERVOUS SYSTEM.” We deny “sympathy” and affirm “nervous system.” It was in 1906—44 years ago—we published our first articles on this subject. What reasons had we for questioning that which all anatomists and physiologists believed and taught? 1st. THEY had no reasons for believing it. 2nd. THEY admitted it was UNWORKABLE as they presented it—which we have just quoted. 3rd. It wasn’t common sense because man didn’t work that way. The average lay person—if he gives it thot—and run of medical students—are of the opinion that anatomy is fully known and is a completed subject. They are taught from books, by teachers who studied those books, and they accept all they are taught. Being a MATERIAL subject, why should there be ANY doubt about what you see and feel? Anatomy, like some other phases of medical studies, contains many unknown enigmas. Each time a new anatomy is printed, it contains many revisions of former opinions, such as the changing of “Sympathetic Nervous System” of a few years ago to the now called “Autonomic Nervous System.” Two great and very important fields in which practically little is known medically, even today, are neurology and serology. Admission which we have quoted from their standard authorities. In the field of function, nothing certain or logical is known about physiology because of their denial or admission of a truthful understanding of the Innate Intelligence abstract which flows thru neurology—an admission we have also quoted. As further proof of the foregoing statements, we quote the following from New Orleans States newspaper, May 26,1947: “LSU PROFESSOR IS PICKED TO REVISE GRAY’S ANATOMY. “By Vernon Louviere “One of the outstanding books in the field of medicine—‘Gray’s Anatomy’—is being revised by a Louisiana State University medical school professor. He is Dr. Charles Mayo Goss, who was appointed professor of anatomy at the school last February. 69 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH “‘Gray’s Anatomy,’ the best known of all medical works, and Bible of practically every medical student in the world, was written by a young English surgeon before he reached the age of 30. Death came at 34 to Dr. Henry Gray before he could realize the extent of his contribution to the world of medicine. Since the book was first published in 1858 it has been revised 24 times. “FOREMOST AUTHORITY TODAY “In selecting Dr. Goss for the 25th revision, the publishing firm of Lea and Febiger in Philadelphia is said to have chosen one of the foremost authorities on the study of the human body. Revision of the classic work will require almost a year. Dr. Goss will incorporate in the new printing all of the findings and developments in recent anatomical research that have occurred since Gray’s was last published. “ ‘Much of the new information I am preparing for the revision comes from my teaching experience,’ said the professor, ‘but I will depend heavily on my friends whom I have asked for suggestions on correction or addition of material.’ “CHEST SURGERY STRESSED “Chest surgery which has been studied extensively in recent years and which has never been thoroughly covered in books on anatomy will receive considerable attention in the revised text. “Great strides in the experimental study of the nervous system have been made during the past few years and Dr. Goss will attempt to clarify the relationship of these findings. “The study of muscles, their anatomy and function, will be brought up to date in Dr. Goss’ revised work. “A prominent feature of the new edition will be some 25 illustrations by William Branks Stewart, head of the department of medical illustration. These illustrations will depict some of the new scientific findings reported by Dr. Goss. “NATIVE OF ILLINOIS “Before his appointment to the LSU medical staff, Dr. Goss was professor of anatomy at the Medical College of Alabama, University of Alabama. The 48-year-old anatomy instructor is a native of Illinois and was graduated from the Yale University medical school.” ———— What DID seem to be the way man works? He puts his finger on a hot iron. Finger is jerked away. What went on? And why? First, an impression of heat was picked up by afferent nerve flow in finger. 70 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN Where did it go? To brain, where mind interpreted it to be of burning heat and dangerous to welfare of tissue structure. As a result, CONSTRUCTIVE Intelligent Understanding desired to save those structures FROM being burned. Hence a responsive adaptative efferent impulse flow was sent down to jerk finger away, to save tissues. ALL re-actions WERE for a CONSTRUCTIVE purpose—hence intellectual. This portrayed DIRECT connection between finger and brain; brain and finger. That which went IN was DIFFERENT than that which came BACK. We could not conceive that man—one of the natural products of a Wisdom greater than any other known, ran as a perfect spiritual, mechanical and chemical being as he was—was being run by a disorganized series of 129 generals, each independent from each other, each governing and directing a part, each apart from each other, each trying to be the sole governing power of an isolated section. Man was a totality unit, none of his parts being isolated from each other. He is one being directed, governed and functioning from a single intellectual source, all parts united to one common harmonious whole. This might not be medically scientific, but it was common sense. As a result, we proposed THE THEORY of A direct brain cell to tissue cell efferent continuity A direct tissue cell to brain cell afferent continuity A direct circuit continuity from brain cell to tissue cell; tissue cell to brain cell Thru which flowed a direct circuit continuity of nerve force or mental energy. This was in conformity with the Chiropractic principle and practice. It was upon THIS principle and practice CHIROPRACTIC secured results. Break continuity of matter OR energy, and you have death, paralysis, or dis-ease. 71 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH Restore continuity of matter OR energy, and you have life and health. Upon this basis CHIROPRACTIC rises or falls, lives or dies. ———— At this juncture, it is interesting to note that our profession split into two camps. 1st. Those who were opportunists, who believed what others believed, taught what others taught, and agreed with standard and accepted books on anatomy. These people, in those Chiropractic schools, advertised they taught from standard and accepted anatomical authorities—and they drew towards themselves the type of student that wanted to know what others believed and taught. These people believed and taught ONE thing, and practiced the Chiropractic principle WHICH DENIED IT. 2nd. Those who sought truth, facts, data, information, evidence; who had little regard for tradition if it was wrong; who were not afraid to think, teach and practice something foreign to what others believed and had printed. It was in 1905—46 years ago, we came forth with our THEORY of direct brain cell to tissue cell fibre continuity. That THEORY of existence of vertebrate was so reasonable, so consistently sound, that it took root in the mind of men. It became the foundation upon which the Chiropractic premise rested. It became the basis upon which the Chiropractic practice thrived and multiplied. We were growing so rapidly that we were a menace to medicine. This THEORY either had to be accepted as a THEORY or DENIED as a scientific fact. Dr. Crile, one of their foremost and radically different medical researchers, in his labs in Cleveland, took up the challenge to prove it was untrue and could be so proved by science. In 1926—21 years after we advocated the NEW THEORY of direct brain cell to tissue cell nerve fibre continuity, Dr. Crile issued a book titled A BIPOLAR THEORY OF LIVING PROCESSES. Being a researcher and a scientist, he found exactly WHAT he found. He did not find one thing and report its opposite. He found there WAS a direct brain cell to tissue cell nerve fibre continuity. As a result, all anatomies since changed their premise of knowledge of neurology of the nervous system. 72 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN In this book, Dr. Crile sets forth following BIPOLAR THEORY: a. Man is a two-pole electric potential animal b. The brain is one pole, the body the other c. The two are connected by a direct continuity nerve fibre system d. When the two are continuously connected, and thru them flows a continuous flow of electric potential, man is well in all his parts. e. If man is sick, it is because there was a break-down between continuous flow of electric potential between the two poles between brain and body f. when this continuity quality flow of electric potential is reestablished between brain and body, thru a continuity of nerve fibre, man can and will get well. g. The CAUSE of all disease is because of this breakdown because of interference to flow between one and the other. ———— Being the scientist he was, Dr. Crile was not contented to let the matter rest upon this THEORY. He then searched for and found location of interfering medium that caused this breakdown that caused all disease. Where do you suppose he found it? The only place it could be. Where was that? Exactly where IT WAS! Having found it, having written about it in his book, having now presented his research to the world, WHY didn’t he proceed to correct it? You must remember Dr. Crile was now an old man. He was the head of a very large, well-established hospital. He had an international reputation as a surgeon and practitioner. To enter the field of a practitioner on the new basis involved a complete change of his life’s work of thinking and practicing; a revolution of his hospital; an evolution of the practice of medicine; something which HE at his age did not have the courage to face or attempt to establish. At any rate, OUR THEORY of 1905 was established as matter of scientific research. We received advance sheets of his new forthcoming book. We 73 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH sent notice to our profession to secure copies at once. They did. The first edition was sold immediately. We did this because his book was almost a complete substantiation of the Chiropractic principle and practice. We believed then, and have since been disillusioned, that if a MEDICAL man of renown and reputation WERE TO ENDORSE THE CHIROPRACTIC PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE, then Chiropractors would believe it. We realized that if a CHIROPRACTOR were to endorse and support a new evolutionary theory, medical men would deny it; but we did believe Chiropractors would support it. Our realizations were futile. We realized, after all, that here was a well-known medical man supporting Chiropractic, while Chiropractors were supporting medicine. You tell us why—we can’t. Then came Speransky. A BASIS FOR THE THEORY OF MEDICINE. He again voiced convictions of Crile. Then came Morat with his PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. As a result, to date, of this thinking, reasoning, and researching upon the part of four people, modern and progressive anatomists are neurologically and physiologically changing their physical science of anatomy from a strictly materialistic study to one of straddling the fence; now calling it the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, leading us to infer it is a more or less AUTOMATIC system and takes care of itself. We say “straddling the fence” because they admit the physical, and half-way admit the immaterial. When they go all the way, they will admit the Chiropractic premise, after which they will, of necessity, be compelled to establish a philosophy for their conclusions. It is quite obvious that what we have said has TWO morals: 1st. That advancement in research comes from finding imponderables; things that are impossible; and finding the sound and correct solution for them. 2nd. That there are two kinds of people who deal with imponderables— things that are impossible, viz., those that accept them as they are and live with them; and those who seek correct solution for them. For the moment, let us discuss the latter: 74 RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN The vast majority are contented; satisfied. They cater to present whims of what the present group-mind want. This group will fight to retain a tenacious hold on present outlooks, services and deliveries. Medical men fight to keep medicine alive, even tho they admit its failure to get sick people well; even tho they admit their teachings fallacious and impossible. To this medical group, there is a large Chiropractic group-mind who sooner or later find their patients have been educated to medicine, insist upon having treatments, pills, enemas, baths, massage, having their bellies tickled and their backs rubbed; and too frequently, rather than educate them otherwise, they give the sick what they want as they want it, when they want it. This group is satisfied to make a living, by fair means or foul. So, too, do practically all so-called Chiropractic schools teach what they find people believe in—such as germs cause tuberculosis; give insulin for diabetes; punch all up and down the back; etc. They teach medical anatomy, medical physiology, medical treatments. About the ONLY issue some of this group clings to THAT IS CHIROPRACTIC, is a ghost-like remnant of its philosophy. Why? Because it is a better SELLING argument and by so doing draws IN more patients than any other. We know one “Chiropractic” college which teaches NO philosophy. Ask their graduates why they “treat” the back-bone, and they look starry-eyed to think that YOU would ask such a question. Press the question and they stammer and possibly say “because it stimulates the blood and nerves.” To such there is always a reaction when they are sold Chiropractic and delivered medicine. This group are opportunists, having little courage of any conviction. The small minority realize imponderables and when taught correct and sound solution of those problems set forth like disciples of a new gospel, to go on the high-ways and by-ways and preach and practice the better way. They refuse to cater to present whims of what the present-day group mind wants. This group, even tho small, strenuously labor to develop future outlooks, services and deliveries. This group of Chiropractors develop, defend, preserve and educate people of today OUT OF medicine into the NEW philosophy, science and art of Chiropractic of tomorrow. 75 CHIROPRACTIC CLINICAL CONTROLLED RESEARCH This small group includes all great names of history—men who have MADE history. Such names as Watts, Newton, Fulton, Stephenson, Holland, Wright Brothers, Westinghouse, Marconi, Teslas, Franklin, Edison, Ford, D. D. Palmer, ad infinitum. Each of these, in his day and in his way, brot forth NEW ideas, NEW services; thinking ahead of their fellowmen. They took imponderables and developed BETTER ways to do everyday common things. What would be reaction of these men if they could return to earth today and see multitudinous ways in which their scoffed-at ideas have been used? Suppose any or all HAD refused to battle human storms of protests against their ideas? Suppose THEY had lain down, become opportunists, and refused to go on? Would you or we be having their comforts today? Sooner or later, each of us is called upon to face this battle within ourselves and answer which of these roads we travel. Shall we become a follower of the satisfied group? Shall we be a battler for a future service which the vast group ridicule? We faced that issue when a boy of 16. We found ourself! We have never hesitated from that day to this, to work for the future. Will you? Only YOU can answer THAT question.