Householder transformation

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In mathematics, a Householder transformation in 3-dimensional space is the reflection of a vector in a plane. In general Euclidean space it is a linear transformation that describes a reflection in a hyperplane (containing the origin).

The Householder transformation was introduced in 1958 by Alston Scott Householder.

It can be used to obtain a QR decomposition as described in the QR algorithm of a matrix, bringing the matrix A to upper Hessenberg matrix form (which costs \begin{matrix}\frac{2}{3}\end{matrix} n^3 + O(n^2) with a finite sequence of orthogonal similarity transforms.

Over general inner product spaces, this is known as the Householder operator.

[edit] Definition and properties

The reflection hyperplane can be defined by a unit vector v (a vector with length 1), that is orthogonal to the hyperplane.

If v is given as a column unit vector and I is the identity matrix the linear transformation described above is given by the Householder matrix (vT denotes the transpose of the vector v)

Q = I - 2 vv^T.\,

The Householder matrix has the following properties:

Furthermore, Q really reflects a point X (which we will identify with its position vector x) as described above, since

Qx = x-2vv^Tx = x - 2\langle v,x\rangle v,

where \langle \rangle denotes the dot product. Note that \langle v, x\rangle is equal to the distance from X to the hyperplane.

[edit] Application

Main article: QR decomposition

Householder reflections can be used to calculate QR decompositions by reflecting first one column of a matrix onto a multiple of a standard basis vector, calculating the transformation matrix, multiplying it with the original matrix and then recursing down the (ii) minors of that product. See the QR decomposition article for more.

[edit] References

  • Alston S. Householder, Unitary Triangularization of a Nonsymmetric Matrix, Journal ACM, 5 (4), 1958, 339-342. DOI:10.1145/320941.320947
  • David D. Morrison, Remarks on the Unitary Triangularization of a Nonsymmetric Matrix, Journal ACM, 7 (2), 1960, 185-186. DOI:10.1145/321021.321030
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