House of Ghetaldi

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Coat-of-arms of the House of Ghetaldi
Coat-of-arms of the House of Ghetaldi


[edit] Genealogy

The Ghetaldi-Getaldić family was a noble family of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik, Croatia). They arrived in Ragusa in the VIII century from the region around Taranto, Italy. One of his branch were: Matheo Ghetaldi, who married with Caterina Gondola, who have two male sons, Francesco and Segismondo, the brother of Segismondo, Francesco was adoptive for your uncle Segismondo Count of Gondola, (sister of Catterina County of Gondola) in 1787, and force for heredy, yours properties, used the surname Ghetaldi-Gondola).

The children of Segismondo Ghetaldi (21 February 1752, 26 December 1797), who married with Marianne Bosdari were:

Segismondo Ghetaldi (02 December 182927 January 1853 in Venice, Italy, your father Biagio never want to return to Venice by the tragic death of its young son.

Biagio Ghetaldi (Vlaho Getaldi), born in Ragusa 22 December 1788, died in Ragusa 27 October 1872. Diplomat. Biaggio married with Anna Bosdari, his cousin Segismondo Ghetaldi-Gondola married with the sister of Anna "Malvina Orsole Bosdari" (Per le faustissime nozze de’ nobili signori Biagio de Ghetaldi e Sigismondo de Ghetaldi-Gondola con le nobili signore Anna ed Orsola de Bosdari. Versi. Ragusa : Presso Antonio Martecchini, 1828). The Austrian Empire gave the title of Baron/Freiherr to Biaggio in 1846.

Giovanni Ghetaldi (07 January 183327 November 1916). Giovanni was born in Zara, married with Olga baroness Collioud Ritter von Zahony in 1899 adopted her daughter:

Giulia Carola Melanie Collioud-Ghetaldi (24 April 1883, Trieste – 06 July 1942, Dubrovnik); who married 3 times, the ultime husband was Conte Giovanni Baron di Petzenstein (Feistriz 12 July 187503 April 1942, Dubrovnik).

Helena Ghetaldi (10 June 1837 in Zara, 24 December 1931 Ragusa) married with Heinrich Nikolaus Bernhard Graf Caboga, 1 August 1818 Ragusa, + 1 March 1881 Viena. They had three children:

Marie Bernhardine Anna Caboga 20 November 1856 Ragusa 19 November 1938, Trieste, married with Albert Ritter Conti v. Cebassamare + 6 April 1900 Trieste

Anna Marie Enrichetta Luigia Caboga 20 June 1858- date of death unknown), married with Luzian v. Ziegler-Pozza, + 8 September 1930 Ragusa.

Bernhard Blasius Maroica Johann Maria Caboga 21 April 1863, 10 May 1922, married with Marie Valerie Freiin v. Locatelli , * 4 June 1870 Angoris, they have a children:

Herbert Wolfgang Stuber, Caboga-Locatelli

Maria Ghetaldi (23 April 1831). Married to Ignaz Ritter Von Nadherny, born 1814, died 8 October 1875, in Wiener Neustadt, they married 31 December 1852, have 3 children,

Elisa Von Nadherny(unknown date of birth and death).

Emilia Von Nadherny (unknown date of birth and death).

Jindřich Von Nadherny, (unknown date of birth and death), he married with Rosa Wiess in 1894.

[edit] Ghetaldi that received their confirmation of nobility by the Austrian empire

Ghetaldi, Matheus, and its children: Natal, Johann, Blasius, Johann, Ignaz, Mathaeus, Maria Agata, Magdalena, of Ragusa, confirmation of the Italian aristocracy, 1.11.1817. Edge number of 1686].

Ghetaldi, di Matteo, Johann Benedict de, confirmation of the Italian aristocracy, 1.11.1817 [edge number of 1687].

Ghetaldi, Sigmund, Matheus, Ignaz, Blaisus Dominik, of Ragusa, confirmation of the old aristocracy, 1817. [Edge number of 1688].

Ghetaldi, Nicolaus, Patrizier of Ragusa, aristocracy confirmation, Vienna 15.12.1817. [Edge number of 1689].

Ghetaldi, Johann di, Patrizier in Ragusa, confirmation of the old Adles and count title, 31.5.1818. [Edge number of 1690].

Ghetaldi Gondola, Sigmund, Patrizier of Ragusa, confirmation of the old aristocracy, 31.5.1818. [Edge number of 1691].

Ghetaldi Gondola, Sigmund, baron conditions 6.9.1843 (20.1.1846). [Edge number of 2590].

Ghetaldi, Blasius, v., baron conditions 20.3.1847 (6.6.1848). [Edge number of 2591].Collioud Ghetaldi, Julie Carola Melanie, baron condition and coat of arms transmission of their foster father, k.u.k treasurer, major ith R. Johann Baptist baron von Ghetaldi on it 30.5. (18.12) 1893. [Edge number of 1314].

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes

Per le nozze del signor conte Nicolò de Balbi e della signora contessa Antonia de Ghetaldi Poesie. Ragusa: dalle stampe di Antonio Martechini, 1816.

Caesareo principi archiduci Austriae Regio Ungariae et Bohemiae Principi etc. etc., Dalmatiam primum auspicatissime invisenti Blasius A. Ghetaldi Jadera, Battara, 1842. In 8¡, brossura, pp. n. 24

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