House of Eorl

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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, the House of Eorl was the family descended from Eorl the Young that ruled Rohan.

      *Eorl the Young                               * First line
        |                                           † Second line
     *Brego                                         ‡ Third line
  |           |                                             |
Baldor     *Aldor                                        Éofor
     _________|__                                           |
    |            |                                          |
3 daughters   *Fréa                                         ?
                 |                                          |
            *Fréawine                                       ?
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            *Goldwine                                       ?
                 |                                          |
              *Déor                                         ?
                 |                                          |
              *Gram                                         ?
         ________|_______                                   |
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*Helm Hammerhand       Hild                                 ?
                         |                                  |
                     †Fréalaf Hildeson                      ?
                         |                                  |
                   †Brytta Léofa                            ?
                         |                                  |
                      †Walda                                ?
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                      †Folca                                ?
                         |                                  |
                     †Folcwine                              ?
         ________________|______________                    |
        |          |        |           |                   |
     Fastred    Folcred   daughter   †Fengel                ?_____________
                                  ______|______                           |
                                 |             |                          |
                           2 daughters    †Thengel = Morwen Steelsheen    ?
         __________________________________________|____________          |
        |            |                    |                     |         |
     daughter   †Théoden = Elfhild    2 daughters           Théodwyn = Éomund  
                         |                                           |
                     Théodred                                        |
                             |                                    |
               Lothiriel = ‡Éomer                     Faramir = Éowyn
                         |                                    |
                     ‡Elfwine                              Elboron
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