Host (Holy Communion)

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jagger for making hosts

A host is a thin, round wafer made from bread and used for Holy Communion in many Christian churches.

The word is from the Latin, "hostia", which means "victim" or "sacrificial animal." The term can be used to the bread both before and after consecration, though it is more correct to use it after consecration - "altar bread" being preferred before consecration.

In the Catholic Church, hosts are often made by nuns as a means of supporting themselves. It is required that the hosts be made from wheat flour and water only (Code of Canon Law, Canon 924). The Church teaches that at the words of consecration the bread is changed into the Body of Christ through transubstantiation.

In the Latin Rite, unleavened bread is used. The Eastern Rite Catholic Churches and the Eastern Orthodox Churches use leavened bread. However both traditions insist that the bread must be made from wheat for a valid consecration to take place.

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