Homotopy extension property

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In algebraic topology, a field of mathematics, the Homotopy Extension Property is a very important concept. It arises from the definition of homotopy and continuous functions. Basically, the name is self-explanatory; the Homotopy Extension Property exists when one homotopy can be extended to another one, that is the original homotopy is simply the restriction of the extended homotopy.

[edit] Definition

Given A \subset X, we say that the pair \mathbf{\mathit{(A,X)}} has the homotopy extension property with respect to \mathbf{\mathit{Y}} if the following holds:

Given any continuous f: X \to Y, g: A \to Y for which there is a homotopy G: A \times I \to Y of \mathbf{\mathit{f}} and \mathbf{\mathit{g}}, we can extend this to a homotopy F: X \times I \to Y of \mathbf{\mathit{f}} and some \mathbf{\mathit{g'}}, where g' : X \to Y and g'\mid A = g.

[edit] Other

If \mathbf{\mathit{(A,X)}} has the homotopy extension property independent of \mathbf{\mathit{Y}}, then the simple inclusion map i: A \to X is a cofibration.

In fact, if you consider any cofibration i: Y \to Z, then we have that \mathbf{\mathit{Y}} is homeomorphic to its image under \mathbf{\mathit{i}}. This implies that any cofibration can be treated as an inclusion map, and therefore it can be treated as having the homotopy extension property.