Home (Angel episode)

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Angel episode

Angel stands in the darkness watching his son with his new family
Episode № Season 4
Episode 22
Guest star(s) Stephanie Romanov
Jim Abele
   (Connor's Father)
Jonathan M. Woodward
Writer(s) Tim Minear
Director Tim Minear
Production № 4ADH22
Airdate May 7, 2003
Episode chronology
Previous episode Peace Out
Next episode Conviction

"Home" is episode 22 of season 4 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel (series) episodes for a complete list.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

After finally defeating Jasmine, Connor roams the streets of Los Angeles alone and confused about his place in the world.

Meanwhile, an undead Lilah Morgan offers Angel Investigations a deal they cannot refuse: Control of a newly reopened Wolfram and Hart LA branch, the opportunity to work there, allowing them access to every secret file. Lilah explains that the "Senior Partners", the ruling counsel of the demonic firm whom are based in Hell, have now relinquished the evil firm as thanks for the gang’s part in the recent events for bringing back chaos and discord in Los Angeles (see "Peace Out"). Angel will also be rewarded with a file on the Sunnydale apocalypse. Meanwhile, Connor realising he has no future in a world he cannot comprehend, takes hostages in a nearby mall, and plans to blow himself up with them. When Angel discovers what's going on, he is offered a chance to give Connor what he desires, even if it means giving him up. Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Lorne cautiously consider joining the evil outfit to get access to wealth and power on Earth.

[edit] Expanded overview

While Wesley doubts that the Lilah before them is the real one, Angel, Lilah, and her beheading scar confirm that it's really her. She's there on behalf of Wolfram and Hart to offer them something they can't refuse. The gang all struggle to find the words they want to say after Lilah offers them the LA branch of Wolfram and Hart. She explains that because they ended world peace, they've earned the right to do whatever they want with the law firm. The group has a hard time believing that what they did wasn't for the greater good. Out on the streets, while people raid stores, Connor walks alone until he spots a cop walking on top of a building. Connor catches the cop before he shoots himself with his own gun. The confused cop reveals that he has a family that are his "home." Enraged by the thought that the man would leave his family, Connor attacks the cop.

Wesley and Gunn talk about Lilah's recent visit and her offer, but Wesley has his doubts, and his remaining feelings for Lilah cloud his perspective. Lorne returns without news on Connor or Cordy, but with the news that mayhem has been released on the streets in the aftermath. Angel warns the others against going to Wolfram and Hart then leaves on a mission to find Connor. Everyone parts ways to get some sleep, but as dawn approaches, they all find themselves drawn to the unknown offer. Even Angel can't resist and they all get into the limo, which Lorne is already occupying. At the office, the gang emerges from the elevator together to a busy crowd of Wolfram and Hart employees all greeting Angel as "Mr. Angel."

Lilah approaches the group with a selection of guides that will take each one of them on individual tours. Angel doesn't like the idea of separation, but Lilah offers them weapons to hold if they feel threatened. Lorne is introduced to his guide, Preston, who manages the entertainment department and gives Lorne a glimpse of the talent managed by the firm. Wesley's guide is Rutherford, Gunn gets an attractive woman, Lacy, and Fred gets a smart young man, Knox, to guide her. Angel's left with Lilah to give him a tour. Although Gunn can't figure out what he's going to be doing, Lacy leads him upstairs to his mysterious purpose. Fred's brainy guide shows her to the science department which she would be in complete control of and shows off some of the tools and toys at their disposal. Wesley's guide shows him a collection of mystical references and Wesley's impressed, but he catches on to the fact that his guide is a former Watcher. Wesley turns and knocks Rutherford out, then escapes through the ceiling of the room.

Lilah shows Angel his new office and private elevator, and special windows that allow him to be in the sun without burning. Angel doesn't want what she's offering, but Lilah tries to convince him otherwise. She presents him with a file labeled "Sunnydale" and an amulet that Buffy needs for a battle. Angel isn't interested and even refuses the opportunity to make a quick phone call and find out Connor and Cordelia's whereabouts. Lilah keeps him in the office for a moment longer by showing him a news report on TV about a hostage situation in a department store. Angel's stunned to see Connor is responsible and turns on Lilah. She doesn't have the answers he wants, but she assures him if he leaves, their deal is off. Angel turns the tables on her, telling her how the deal is going to be.

Gunn finds himself in a long elevator ride with his guide, but he realizes they're going to the White Room before he can do anything to stop it. Alone in the room, Gunn is greeted by a black panther. Connor shouts at one of his captives, who struggles to hold his crying daughter because of a broken arm, then notices Angel has arrived. Meanwhile, Wesley sneaks into the records room, but his stealthy searching is caught by Lilah. Although Lilah offers him all the records at his disposal, Wesley goes after her contract with the law firm. He takes the contract out of a drawer and burns it in an effort to free her, but the contract just reappears in the drawer later.

Angel cautiously approaches Connor as the teen warns that all the people are rigged with explosives. Connor rises to reveal that he too is tied to explosives and a still unconscious Cordelia lying on the ground is rigged similarly. Connor rages because he can't seem to feel anything and he doesn't feel loved by anyone else. Angel tries to calm his son and promise a better future, but Connor can't be convinced. Before Connor can push the trigger, Angel punches him and yanks the trigger from the explosives around Connor. They fight and Angel throws a knife into Connor's leg, stopping him before he reaches Cordy. Angel then grabs Connor and promises to prove his love, then brings the knife down in a deadly blow.

Lorne sings in the lobby as Fred returns from her tour and Wesley from his. Gunn returns from the elevators and proclaims that he's taking the job whether the others do or not. Wesley reveals that he's considering taking the job as well and then Angel reveals that he already took the deal for them. Lilah confirms that Cordelia is getting the best of care and if a return is possible from her coma, they'll find the way. Completing their deal, Angel asks to see Connor and although Lilah admits that wasn't part of the deal, she agrees to let it happen. Lilah hands over the folder on Sunnydale and the amulet and Angel leaves to see Connor, while Fred wonders aloud, "Who's Connor?" A limo takes Angel to a cabin in the woods where he spies through the window. Connor sits with his family as they enjoy dinner and laugh about the promising college life before him. Angel walks away, pleased that his son has a new life filled with the love and happiness he lacked before.

[edit] Writing and acting

Tim Minear returned to Angel for this episode having been away working on Firefly and not having written for Angel since "Benediction". He both wrote and directed the episode, which acted as a kind of pilot show in order to demonstrate to both the Network and the television audience that the show could now move in a new and interesting direction.

  • The character, Knox, who heads the Science Division of Wolfram & Hart - was played by actor Jonathan M. Woodward who had already portrayed Holden Webster, the yappy vampire psychology student, in the Season 7 Buffy episode, "Conversations with Dead People" as well as Private Tracey on the Firefly episode "The Message".

[edit] Production details

[edit] Music

  • West Side Story - "Something's Coming" - Lorne celebrates his visit to W&H with a song.

[edit] Quotes and trivia

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

Connor: “There's only one thing that ever changes anything, and that's death. Everything else is just a lie. You can't be saved by a lie.. You can't be saved at all.”

  • The episode contains a number of connections with Buffy. Wesley's Wolfram and Hart guide, Rutherford Sirk, comments that the Watchers' Council no longer exists, a reference to the events of the Buffy episode, "Never Leave Me". Following the events of this episode Angel takes a trip to the Hellmouth for "Chosen", bearing an amulet that will be worn by Spike in Buffy's final battle.
  • When Angel is talking to Connor in the sporting goods store a jersey in background says "The Angeles's".

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Arc significance

Of huge importance to the arc. This episode acted as an intriguing new beginning for the characters. Over the course of the previous episodes each character's moral ambiguties had been tested, now Wolfram and Hart offer so much temptation to each one of them that they cannot help but be consumed into the 'belly of the beast'. They ultimately agree to work within an inherently evil organization, hoping to work for the greater good. The signs already suggest they could become absorbed into part of the problem.

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse: January 2003 - Spring 2003
(non-canon = italic)
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.11 Showtime
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.12 Potential
L.A., 2003 A4.11 Soulless
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.13 The Killer in Me
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.14 First Date
L.A., 2003 A4.12 Calvary
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.15 Get It Done
L.A., 2003 A4.13 Salvage
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.16 Storyteller
L.A., 2003 A4.14 Release
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me
L.A., 2003 A4.15 Orpheus
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.18 Dirty Girls
L.A., 2003 A4.16 Players
L.A., 2003 Angel book: Nemesis
L.A., 2003 Angel book: Book of the Dead
L.A., 2003 A4.17 Inside Out
L.A., 2003 A4.18 Shiny Happy People
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.19 Empty Places
L.A., 2003 A4.19 The Magic Bullet
L.A., 2003 A4.20 Sacrifice
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.20 Touched
L.A., 2003 A4.21 Peace Out
L.A., 2003 A4.22 Home
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.21 End of Days
Sunnydale, 2003 B7.22 Chosen
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"Child of Senior Partners" | Shanshu | Sunnydale Syndrome | Tro-Clon