Holy Land (Biblical)

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For other uses, see Holy Land.
Valley of the Dead Sea, a desertic area that was the main scenary of the Biblical revelations.
Valley of the Dead Sea, a desertic area that was the main scenary of the Biblical revelations.

The Holy Land is the territory where the Biblical stories took place, those described by the Tanakh or those by the New Testament. The concept had its evolution in the same Scriptures. For some Biblical authors the territory was marked by the concept of Promised Land, but for others it refers to those events in any place related to the People of Israel.

[edit] The name

The name "Holy Land" is related to a sacred concept of religiosity according with the Judean - Christian idea. The "Land" becomes "Holy" or "Sacred" when it comes in contact with the plan of salvation of God. In this same way, we can talk about "holy men and women" and "holy sites and objects". Therefore, holiness does not come from the object or subject itself, but only in the moment it has to see with the divine reality, which is the "Genuine Holy".

The Holy Land is also mentioned in the Qur'an: Moses said unto his people "O my people, enter the Holy Land ("al-arda-l-muqaddasata"), which Allah hath decreed you." (The Qur'an, 5:21).

[edit] Geography

Nowadays it is understood as "Holy Land" all the places where were developed the Biblical facts, either in the Tanakh or in the New Testament. Such definition gives a wide rank of subdivisions. In such case, Holy Land becomes in more or less grade the following modern countries:

[edit] More important places

Within that vast territory, it is possible to point out a list of the most important places:

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