HMS St Albans

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There have been six vessels of the Royal Navy bearing the name St Albans.

  • The first HMS St Albans was built in 1687. A 50 gun ship of the line, she fought at Barfleur in 1691 before being wrecked in a gale in Kinsale harbour in 1693.
  • The second HMS St Albans was commissioned in 1706. Another 50 gun warship, she served in the war against Spain from 1739, mainly in the West Indies. She was wrecked in Kingston during a hurricane in 1744.
  • The third HMS St Albans was commissioned in 1747. Another fourth-rate ship of the line, she had 60 guns. She served against the French from 1756 and participated in the Battle of Lagos (1759) before being paid off.
  • The fourth HMS St Albans served in the American War of Independence from 1777 and was part of the fleet that captured St Lucia and won victories at Battle of St. Kitts and The Saintes.
  • The fifth HMS St Albans was the 1918 American destroyer USS Thomas, transferred to Britain in late 1940 as part of the Destroyers for Bases Agreement. Used for escort duties she was transferred to the Russians in July 1944 before being returned in April 1949 when she was scrapped.
  • The current HMS St Albans is a Type 23 Duke class frigate, pennant number F83. Launched on May 6, 2000 at Scotstoun (River Clyde, Glasgow, Scotland), she is the 16th frigate of her class and was commissioned in June 2002. In October 2002, she was damaged in a collision with a passenger ferry (the Pride of Portsmouth) during strong winds in Portsmouth Harbour. She was holed above the waterline and sustained significant damage, while the passenger ferry was relatively unharmed. In July 2004 the crew were granted "Freedom of the City" by the Mayor of St Albans.

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