Historical population of Poznań

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Historical population of Poznań City in Poland:

[edit] Historical population

In Kingdom of Poland

about 1600 about 20,000 inhabitants in whole conurbation (8000 in city walls, 8000-9000 leftbank suburbs, 3000-3500 on right bank)
about 1650 after Polish-Swedish war of 1655-57: settlement of 200-300 Scots
1655-1657 about 14,000 inhabitants
1700-1709 about 12,000 inhabitants. Northern War, city captured and looted by the Swedes, the great plague kills 9000, some 75% of population
1732 4000 inhabitants (notes of Jan Rzepecki - town scribe)
1733 6000 inhabitants
1768-1772 fighting between the Bar Confederates and Prussian troops, but reforms of Komisja Dobrego Porządku (Commission of Good Order) gives growth up to 15,000 inhabitants before 1793 (inc. about 20% Germans, 30% Jews)

in South Prussia

1794 12,538 inhabitants (data of census)
1796 16,124 inhabitants (data of census)
1800 18,779 inhabitants, with garrison 21,473 (data of census)

in Grand Duchy of Poznań

1816 18,000 (inc. 67% Poles, 22% Jews and 11% Germans, 24,000 with soldiers at the garrison)
1824 22,000 inhabitants
1831 31,000 inhabitants
1848 42,000 inhabitants (43% Poles; 40% of Germans; 17% of Jews) (and 3000 soldiers at the garrison)

in Province of Posen

1850 43,000 inhabitants
1860 43,000 inhabitants and 6000 soldiers at the garrison
1861 51,000 inhabitants
1867 47,000 civil inhabitants (47% Germans; 38% Poles and 15% Jews)
1870 54,400 inhabitants
1871 65,000 inhabitants (inc. garrison)
1885 4800 soldiers at the garrison
1890 69,627 inhabitants (data of census) (inc. 51% Poles)
1895 73,200 inhabitants
1900 110,000 inhabitants and 7000 soldiers at the garrison
1905 136,800 inhabitants
1910 156,696 civil inhabitants (data of census) (inc. 57% Poles) and 6200 soldiers at the garrison
1913 10,000 soldiers at the garrison
1917 156,357 inhabitants (from government data)
1918 156,091 inhabitants (from government data)
in Second Polish Republic
*Data taken from number of deaths, births and migration numbers
1919 158,185 inhabitants*
1920 162,902 inhabitants*
September 3, 1921 169,422 inhabitants (census data; inc. 92,089 women)
1922 178,229 inhabitants*
1923 185,521 inhabitants*
1924 193,228 inhabitants*
1925 220,023 inhabitants*
1926 226,828 inhabitants*
1927 237,048 inhabitants*
1928 248,426 inhabitants*
1929 261,597 inhabitants*
1930 266,742 inhabitants*
December 9, 1931 246,698 inhabitants (census data) inc. 236,200 Poles, 100 Russians, 200 Ukrainians, 6400 Germans, 1100 Jews and 100 others; inc 131,929 woman
1932 248,763 inhabitants*
1933 252,667 inhabitants*
1934 255,557 inhabitants*
1935 260,444 inhabitants*
1936 265,271 inhabitants*
1937 268,794 inhabitants*
1938 272,653 inhabitants*
June 1, 1939 274,155 inhabitants (probably up to 10,000 inhabitants more)
Reichsgau Wartheland*
*German data used in trial of Arthur Greiser
September 1, 1940 287,862 inhabitants (81% Poles; 18% Germans; 2% others)
January 1, 1941 296,790 inhabitants (80% Poles; 20% Germans; 1% others)
August 1, 1941 308,051 inhabitants (77% Poles; 23% Germans; 1% others)
February 1, 1942 318,208 inhabitants (75% Poles; 25% Germans; 1% others)
January 1, 1943 326,572 inhabitants (74% Poles; 26% Germans; 1% others)
October 1, 1943 327,026 inhabitants (73% Poles; 26% Germans; 1% others)
April 1, 1944 323,747 inhabitants (71% Poles; 28% Germans; 1% others)
1939 - 1945 During WWII, about 8 600 pre-war inhabitants were murdered (inc. about 1,500 Jews); 3,620 were taken to Germany as slave workers (20% of them died); 38,256 inhabitants of Polish nationality was resettled to GG, over 60,000 were deprived of their property and expelled from their homes (ger. Verdrägung, pol. rugi). Approximately 90,000 Germans were settled in the city.

In general: during WWII 14,413 of the pre-war inhabitants died. From this number: 4,025 died as an effect of the combat, 2,255 were executed by German authorities, 6,382 died in concentration camps and prisons; 735 died as slave workers in Germany, 1,070 died of diseases and starvation.

Until now, approx. 2,000 persons are still missing. Additional 1,500 of the inhabitants were permanently injured during the war, while another 800 people returned seriously injured from camps and prisons.

in Polish People's Republic

1946 268,000 inhabitants
1950 320,700 inhabitants
1960 408,100 inhabitants
1970 471,900 inhabitants
1975 516,000 inhabitants
1980 552,900 inhabitants

in the Third Polish Republic

1990 590,049 inhabitants; (maximum) from 1990 migrations from the city to the surrounding areas of Poznań County
1995 581,772 inhabitants
2000 572,900 inhabitants
March 31, 2002 571,571 inhabitants inc. 305,567 woman (53%)
May 2002 578,900 inhabitants (data of census) inc. 309,000 woman (54%), population density: 2187 inhabitants/sq.km
Population Forecast 2020
2020 forecast: Poznań City 584,500 (small increase)

2020 forecast: Poznań County 305,500 (significant increase)
2020 forecast: Poznań Metro Area 890,000

[edit] See also:

[edit] Bibliography

  • Jerzy Topolski (red) Dzieje Poznania Warszawa-Poznań 1988-, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe ISBN 83-01-08194-5
  • Maria Trzeciakowska, Lech Trzeciakowski, W dziewiętnastowiecznym Poznaniu. Życie codzienne miasta 1815-1914, Poznań 1982, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie ISBN 83-210-0316-8
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