Historical U.S. Census Totals for Essex County, Massachusetts
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This article shows U.S. Census totals for Essex County, Massachusetts, broken down by municipality, from 1900 to 2000.
Like most areas of New England, Essex County is (and has been at all times since well before the 20th century) entirely divided into incorporated municipalities. There is no unincorporated territory. For any census, adding up the totals for each municipality should yield the county total.
There are two types of municipalities in Massachusetts, towns and cities. The tables below differentiate between towns and cities.
For more information on the New England municipal system, see New England town.
Contents |
[edit] Corporate changes since 1900
- 1916 - Peabody became a city
- 1917 - Methuen became a city
- 1921 - Methuen reverted to town status after the Massachusetts state supreme court declared its city charter to be invalid
- 1990 - Manchester changed its name to Manchester-by-the-Sea
[edit] 1900
County Total: 357,030
- Lynn (city) 68,513
- Lawrence (city) 62,559
- Haverhill (city) 37,175
- Salem (city) 35,956
- Gloucester (city) 26,121
- Newburyport (city) 14,478
- Beverly (city) 13,884
- Peabody 11,523
- Amesbury 9,473
- Danvers 8,542
- Marblehead 7,582
- Methuen 7,512
- Andover 6,813
- Saugus 5,084
- Ipswich 4,658
- Rockport 4,592
- Swampscott 4,548
- North Andover 4,243
- Manchester 2,522
- Groveland 2,376
- Merrimac 2,131
- Georgetown 1,900
- Essex 1,663
- Hamilton 1,614
- Newbury 1,601
- Salisbury 1,558
- West Newbury 1,558
- Rowley 1,391
- Nahant 1,152
- Topsfield 1,030
- Lynnfield 888
- Wenham 847
- Middleton 839
- Boxford 704
[edit] 1910
County Total: 436,477
- Lynn (city) 89,336
- Lawrence (city) 85,892
- Haverhill (city) 44,115
- Salem (city) 43,697
- Gloucester (city) 24,398
- Beverly (city) 18,650
- Peabody 15,721
- Newburyport (city) 14,949
- Methuen 11,448
- Amesbury 9,894
- Danvers 9,407
- Saugus 8,047
- Marblehead 7,338
- Andover 7,301
- Swampscott 6,204
- Ipswich 5,777
- North Andover 5,529
- Rockport 4,211
- Manchester 2,673
- Groveland 2,253
- Merrimac 2,202
- Georgetown 1,958
- Hamilton 1,749
- Salisbury 1,658
- Essex 1,621
- West Newbury 1,473
- Newbury 1,482
- Rowley 1,368
- Nahant 1,184
- Topsfield 1,174
- Middleton 1,129
- Wenham 1,010
- Lynnfield 911
- Boxford 718
[edit] 1920
County Total: 482,156
- Lynn (city) 99,148
- Lawrence (city) 94,270
- Haverhill (city) 53,884
- Salem (city) 42,529
- Gloucester (city) 22,947
- Beverly (city) 22,561
- Peabody (city) 19,552
- Newburyport (city) 15,618
- Methuen (city) 15,189
- Danvers 11,108
- Saugus 10,874
- Amesbury 10,036
- Andover 8,268
- Swampscott 8,101
- Marblehead 7,324
- North Andover 6,265
- Ipswich 6,201
- Rockport 3,878
- Groveland 2,650
- Manchester 2,466
- Merrimac 2,173
- Georgetown 2,004
- Salisbury 1,701
- Hamilton 1,631
- West Newbury 1,492
- Essex 1,478
- Nahant 1,318
- Newbury 1,303
- Rowley 1,249
- Middleton 1,195
- Lynnfield 1,165
- Wenham 1,090
- Topsfield 900
- Boxford 588
[edit] 1930
County Total: 498,040
- Lynn (city) 102,320
- Lawrence (city) 85,068
- Haverhill (city) 48,710
- Salem (city) 43,353
- Beverly (city) 25,086
- Gloucester (city) 24,204
- Peabody (city) 21,345
- Methuen 21,069
- Newburyport (city) 15,084
- Saugus 14,700
- Danvers 12,957
- Amesbury 11,899
- Swampscott 10,346
- Andover 9,969
- Marblehead 8,668
- North Andover 6,961
- Ipswich 5,599
- Rockport 3,630
- Manchester 2,636
- Merrimac 2,392
- Groveland 2,336
- Salisbury 2,194
- Hamilton 2,044
- Georgetown 1,853
- Middleton 1,712
- Nahant 1,654
- Lynnfield 1,594
- West Newbury 1,549
- Newbury 1,530
- Essex 1,465
- Rowley 1,356
- Wenham 1,119
- Topsfield 986
- Boxford 652
[edit] 1940
County Total: 496,313
- Lynn (city) 98,123
- Lawrence (city) 84,323
- Haverhill (city) 46,752
- Salem (city) 41,213
- Beverly (city) 25,537
- Gloucester (city) 24,046
- Methuen 21,880
- Peabody (city) 21,711
- Saugus 14,825
- Danvers 14,179
- Newburyport (city) 13,916
- Andover 11,122
- Amesbury 10,862
- Marblehead 10,856
- Swampscott 10,761
- North Andover 7,524
- Ipswich 6,348
- Rockport 3,556
- Manchester 2,472
- Salisbury 2,376
- Middleton 2,348
- Merrimac 2,320
- Lynnfield 2,287
- Groveland 2,122
- Hamilton 2,037
- Nahant 1,835
- Georgetown 1,803
- Newbury 1,599
- Rowley 1,533
- West Newbury 1,515
- Essex 1,384
- Wenham 1,220
- Topsfield 1,150
- Boxford 778
[edit] 1950
County Total: 522,384
- Lynn (city) 99,738
- Lawrence (city) 80,536
- Haverhill (city) 47,280
- Salem (city) 41,880
- Beverly (city) 28,884
- Gloucester (city) 25,167
- Methuen 24,477
- Peabody (city) 22,645
- Saugus 17,162
- Danvers 15,720
- Newburyport (city) 14,111
- Marblehead 13,765
- Andover 12,437
- Swampscott 11,580
- Amesbury 10,851
- North Andover 8,485
- Ipswich 6,895
- Rockport 4,231
- Lynnfield 3,927
- Middleton 2,916
- Manchester 2,868
- Merrimac 2,804
- Hamilton 2,764
- Salisbury 2,695
- Nahant 2,679
- Georgetown 2,411
- Groveland 2,340
- Newbury 1,994
- Essex 1,794
- Rowley 1,768
- Wenham 1,644
- West Newbury 1,598
- Topsfield 1,412
- Boxford 926
[edit] 1960
County Total: 568,831
- Lynn (city) 94,478
- Lawrence (city) 70,933
- Haverhill (city) 46,346
- Salem (city) 39,211
- Beverly (city) 36,108
- Peabody (city) 32,202
- Methuen 28,114
- Gloucester (city) 25,789
- Danvers 21,926
- Saugus 20,666
- Marblehead 18,521
- Andover 17,134
- Newburyport (city) 14,004
- Swampscott 13,294
- North Andover 10,908
- Amesbury 10,787
- Ipswich 8,544
- Lynnfield 8,398
- Hamilton 5,488
- Rockport 4,616
- Nahant 3,960
- Manchester 3,932
- Georgetown 3,755
- Middleton 3,718
- Topsfield 3,351
- Groveland 3,297
- Merrimac 3,261
- Salisbury 3,154
- Wenham 2,798
- Rowley 2,783
- Newbury 2,519
- Essex 2,238
- Boxford 2,010
- West Newbury 1,844
[edit] 1970
County Total: 637,887
- Lynn (city) 90,294
- Lawrence (city) 66,915
- Peabody (city) 48,080
- Haverhill (city) 46,120
- Salem (city) 40,556
- Beverly (city) 38,348
- Methuen 35,456
- Gloucester (city) 27,941
- Danvers 26,151
- Saugus 25,110
- Andover 23,695
- Marblehead 21,295
- North Andover 16,284
- Newburyport (city) 15,807
- Swampscott 13,578
- Amesbury 11,388
- Lynnfield 10,826
- Ipswich 10,750
- Hamilton 6,373
- Rockport 5,636
- Groveland 5,382
- Georgetown 5,290
- Topsfield 5,225
- Manchester 5,151
- Merrimac 4,245
- Salisbury 4,179
- Nahant 4,119
- Middleton 4,044
- Boxford 4,032
- Wenham 3,849
- Newbury 3,804
- Rowley 3,040
- Essex 2,670
- West Newbury 2,254
[edit] 1980
County Total: 633,688
- Lynn (city) 78,471
- Lawrence (city) 63,175
- Haverhill (city) 46,865
- Peabody (city) 45,976
- Salem (city) 38,276
- Beverly (city) 37,655
- Methuen 36,701
- Gloucester (city) 27,768
- Andover 26,370
- Saugus 24,746
- Danvers 24,100
- North Andover 20,129
- Marblehead 20,126
- Newburyport (city) 15,900
- Amesbury 13,971
- Swampscott 13,837
- Lynnfield 11,267
- Ipswich 11,158
- Hamilton 6,960
- Rockport 6,345
- Salisbury 5,973
- Topsfield 5,709
- Georgetown 5,687
- Manchester 5,424
- Boxford 5,374
- Groveland 5,040
- Newbury 4,529
- Merrimac 4,451
- Middleton 4,135
- Nahant 3,947
- Wenham 3,897
- Rowley 3,867
- Essex 2,998
- West Newbury 2,861
[edit] 1990
County Total: 670,080
- Lynn (city) 81,245
- Lawrence (city) 70,207
- Haverhill (city) 51,418
- Peabody (city) 47,039
- Methuen 39,990
- Beverly (city) 38,195
- Salem (city) 38,091
- Andover 29,151
- Gloucester (city) 28,716
- Saugus 25,549
- Danvers 24,174
- North Andover 22,792
- Marblehead 19,971
- Newburyport (city) 16,317
- Amesbury 14,997
- Swampscott 13,650
- Ipswich 11,873
- Lynnfield 11,274
- Rockport 7,482
- Hamilton 7,280
- Salisbury 6,882
- Georgetown 6,384
- Boxford 6,266
- Topsfield 5,754
- Newbury 5,623
- Manchester 5,286
- Groveland 5,214
- Merrimac 5,166
- Middleton 4,921
- Rowley 4,452
- Wenham 4,212
- Nahant 3,828
- West Newbury 3,421
- Essex 3,260
[edit] 2000
County Total: 723,419
- Lynn (city) 89,050
- Lawrence (city) 72,043
- Haverhill (city) 58,969
- Peabody (city) 48,129
- Methuen 43,789
- Salem (city) 40,407
- Beverly (city) 39,862
- Andover 31,247
- Gloucester (city) 30,273
- North Andover 27,202
- Saugus 26,078
- Danvers 25,212
- Marblehead 20,377
- Newburyport (city) 17,189
- Amesbury 16,450
- Swampscott 14,412
- Ipswich 12,987
- Lynnfield 11,542
- Hamilton 8,315
- Boxford 7,921
- Salisbury 7,827
- Rockport 7,767
- Middleton 7,744
- Georgetown 7,377
- Newbury 6,717
- Topsfield 6,141
- Merrimac 6,138
- Groveland 6,038
- Rowley 5,500
- Manchester-by-the-Sea 5,228
- Wenham 4,440
- West Newbury 4,149
- Nahant 3,632
- Essex 3,267
[edit] Notes
1960 Census
The Census Bureau made a number of revisions to 1960 census totals subsequent to their initial release. When it did so, however, it appears to have updated municipal totals only, not overall county totals, even though in most cases changing municipal totals should have caused county totals to change. The 1960 total for Essex County was originally reported as 568,831; and for the town of Andover, 15,878. The total for Andover was later revised to that shown in the list above (17,134). This should have caused the county total to change as well (to 570,087), but subsequent census publications have continued to list the county total as it was originally reported (568,831). As a result, in the list above, the municipal totals for 1960 do not add to the county total. The 1960 state total for Massachusetts that appears in various Census materials (5,148,578) likewise reflects the original 1960 total for Essex County, and does not take into account the revision made to the population of Andover.
1980 Census
The Census Bureau made a number of revisions to 1980 census totals subsequent to their initial release. The 1980 total for Essex County was originally reported as 633,632; and for the city of Salem, 38,220. The totals were later revised to those shown in the list above.
[edit] Special note regarding Amesbury and Methuen
Sources will sometimes quote varying numbers of cities in Massachusetts; certain municipalities which typically identify themselves as “towns” are sometimes shown as being cities. In particular, there are ten “towns” in Massachusetts which have been determined by the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office to have forms of government that legally make them cities, at least for purposes of certain state laws that draw a distinction between the two forms of government. Amesbury and Methuen are among the affected communities.
These municipalities, including Amesbury and Methuen, are considered to be towns for purposes of the “New England town” wikipedia article and its associated pages. This is done because these municipalities are most commonly referred to as towns (the towns themselves, and even other branches of state government besides the Secretary of State, usually refer to them as “towns”), and to maintain consistency with the other New England states (while there are undoubtedly municipalities in other New England states that call themselves towns but would be considered cities under the standard applied by the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office, this attempt to classify such towns as cities has not been undertaken in other states). The reader should be aware, however, that some sources will identify these municipalities, including Amesbury and Methuen, as cities. Methuen adopted its present form of government in 1973; it is unclear when Amesbury did.
The Census Bureau has been inconsistent in its handling of these municipalities. The Census Bureau listed all of the communities affected by the Secretary of State’s determination as towns up through the 1990 Census; in 2000, it listed some, but not all, as cities. In the 2000 Census, Methuen was one of those listed as a city, but Amesbury was listed as a town. As of 2006, Amesbury is still shown as a town in current Census materials.
[edit] See also
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