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Himmerland is a flat province in north-eastern Jutland, Denmark. It is delimited in the north and the west by the Limfjord, in the east by Kattegatt, and in the south by the Mariager Fjord. The provincial capital is Ålborg. In north-eastern Himmerland is the Lille Vildmose, Denmarks largest high bog, which has a rich population of wild birds.

It is generally assumed that the name is derived from the tribe of the Cimbri, since, in the Geography of Ptolemy (2nd cent. AD), the Kimbroi are located in the northernmost part of the peninsula of Jutland, called Kimbrikē chersonēsos. The Latin c and Greek k attest an earlier stage of Germanic in which the Germanic sound shift was not yet completed (*k > *χ > h).

[edit] See also

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