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Hexameron is the theological belief that the universe was created in six days. It was espoused by Saint Basil in his work of the same title, which was written around 370 AD. The word derives from the Greek root hexa-, meaning "six."

Basil originally performed the work as a series of sermons, and later collected them into a written work which was influential amongst early church leaders.

The days of creation are claimed as follows:

1 Light
2 The firmament of Heaven
3 Separation of water and land, created plant life;
4 Sun, moon, and stars
5 Marine life and birds
6 Land animals, and man and woman.
7 The seventh day is reserved for rest (Sabbath), and so is not counted by Basil.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Hexameron
  • [1] Many writings of Basil, including his treatise on Hexameron.