Hexagonal crystal system

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In crystallography, the hexagonal crystal system is one of the 7 lattice point groups. It has the same symmetry as a right prism with a hexagonal base. There is only one hexagonal Bravais lattice.

Graphite is an example of a crystal that crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system.

The point groups (crystal classes) that fall under this crystal system are listed below, followed by their representations in international notation and Schoenflies notation, and mineral examples, if they exist.

name international Schoenflies example
dihexagonal bipyramidal \frac6mmm D6h beryl
dihexagonal pyramidal 6mm C6v greenockite
hexagonal bipyramidal \frac6m C6h apatite
hexagonal pyramidal 6 C6
hexagonal trapezohedral 622 D6
ditrigonal bipyramidal \overline{6}2m D3h
trigonal bipyramidal \overline{6} C3h