Herzog-Schönheim conjecture

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In mathematics, the Herzog-Schönheim conjecture is a combinatorial problem in the area of group theory.

Let G be a group, and let

A=\{a_1G_1,\ \ldots,\ a_kG_k\}

be a finite system of left cosets of subgroups G_1,\ldots,G_k of G.

In 1974 M. Herzog and J. Schönheim conjectured that if A forms a partition of G with k > 1, then the (finite) indices [G:G_1],\ldots,[G:G_k] cannot be distinct. In contrast, if H is a subgroup of G with index k=[G:H]<\infty then G can be partitioned into k left cosets of H.

When G is the additive group \Z of integers, this is a conjecture of Paul Erdős confirmed by H. Davenport, L. Mirsky, D. Newman and R. Rado independently. Observe that

2^0+2\Z,\ 2+2^2\Z,\ \ldots,\ 2^{k-1}+2^k\Z

are pairwise disjoint with the indices [\Z:2\Z],\ldots,[\Z:2^k\Z] distinct, but they do not cover multiples of 2k.

In 2004 Zhi-Wei Sun proved an extended version of the Herzog-Schönheim conjecture in the case where G_1,\ldots,G_k are subnormal in G [1]. A basic lemma in Sun's proof states that if G_1,\ldots,G_k are subnormal and of finite index in G, then

\bigg[G:\bigcap_{i=1}^kG_i\bigg]\ \bigg|\ \prod_{i=1}^k[G:G_i]

and hence

P\bigg(\bigg[G:\bigcap_{i=1}^kG_i\bigg]\ \bigg) =\bigcup_{i=1}^kP([G:G_i]),

where P(n) denotes the set of prime divisors of n.

[edit] See also