Hero Universe
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The "Hero Universe" is the "official" setting for the line of role-playing games published by Hero Games. All setting books published by the company (with, to date, the sole exception of Psychic Wars) are a part of this timeline. The company's own PDF file (a free download) describing the universe gives a full description of the nature and timeline, the latter stretching from 100,000 BC to beyond AD 3000.
The major genre-based settings include (listing chronologically) The Turakian Age for Fantasy Hero, Millennium City for Champions, Hudson City for Dark Champions, and Terran Empire for Star Hero. Other settings for these and other adventure genres are also available, and more are in various stages of planning.
The "sub-setting" of the Hero Universe which contains modern-day superheroes is also referred to as the Champions Universe. This includes not only Millennium City but other cities and areas spanning the globe.
[edit] Recurring Characters
The Hero Universe has several "standby" characters who have endured since the beginning of Champions and the Hero System. Others, more recently created, have an influence over more than one period of its history (past, present, and/or future) and are worth noting in that context. The most noteworthy of these individuals are:
- The Champions, a premier group of heroes (with a long history of disbanding and re-forming a generation later).
- Doctor Destroyer, a dangerous and powerful megalomaniac.
- Foxbat, a gadget-using lunatic who thinks he's a comic book character.
- Kal-Turak the Destroyer, known as Takofanes in modern day, a powerful lich from centuries past.
- Mechanon, a sentient robot determined to wipe out all organic life.
- The Slug, a member of the Elder Worm alien species (below) who wants to turn all Humanity into his own kind.
Long-standing organizations include:
- UNTIL, the United Nations Tribunal on International Law, an international agency for fighting supervillains.
- VIPER, an international criminal and terrorist organization.
[edit] Alien Species
In the Hero Universe, Humanity is exposed to many alien species during its history. Most are known only in the twentieth and later centuries, though a few have contact with Humans before then. Some of these include:
- Catavalans
- Elder Worm
- Hzeel
- Malvans
- Mandaarians
- Mon'dabi
- Nibu Gemani
- Perseids
- Se'ecra
- Varanyi
- Velarians
- Xenovores