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According to the twelfth century writer Walter Map, Herla was a legendary king of the ancient Britons who became the leader of the Wild Hunt after a visit to the Otherworld.

Map's tale occurs in two versions in his De Nugis Curialium. The first and longer account, found in section 1.12, provides far more detail; it tells of Herla's encounter with an otherworldly being, his journey to the latter's homeland, his transformation into the leader of the Hunt after his return to the human realm, and, finally, the disappearance of Herla and his band during the first year of the reign of King Henry II. (A synopsis of this longer version appears below.) The second account, found in section 4.13, includes only the ending of the earlier version. Herla himself is not mentioned there; instead, Map refers to the entire host as "the troop of Herlethingus" (familia Herlethingi).


[edit] Synopsis of the legend

Herla, a king of the most ancient Britons, makes a pact with an unnamed pygmy king: if the latter attends Herla's wedding, Herla will reciprocate precisely one year later.

On the day of Herla's marriage, the pygmy king attends with a vast host, bringing gifts and provisions. The pygmy king's followers attend to the wedding guests so efficiently that Herla's own preparations are untouched. The otherworldly king then reminds Herla of his promise, and departs.

A year later, the pygmy king sends for Herla, who summons his companions and selects gifts to take to the other's wedding. The party enters an opening in a high cliff, passes through darkness, and then enters a realm seemingly lit by lamps.

After the wedding ceremony, Herla prepares to depart. The pygmy gives him hunting animals and other gifts; in particular, he presents Herla with a small bloodhound, advising him that no man should dismount his horse before the dog leaps down.

After Herla and his band return to the human realm, they encounter an elderly shepherd, whom Herla asks for news of his queen. The old man, astonished, replies, "I can barely understand your speech, for I am a Saxon and you are a Briton." He adds that legend says a queen bearing the name mentioned was the wife of King Herla, who disappeared at that very spot over two hundred years ago -- before the Saxons took possession of the land and drove out the Britons.

Herla, who thought he had been away for just three days, is so amazed he can barely stay in the saddle. And some of his men jump down from their horses, only to crumble quickly into dust. Herla warns his remaining companions not to dismount until the dog alights. But the dog, Map says wryly, has not yet alighted, and Herla and his host have become eternal wanderers.

Map notes, however, that some say Herla's band plunged into the River Wye during the first year of the reign of King Henry II, and has never been seen since.

[edit] Moral and reasoning

This folklore story is supposed to illustrate the trickery of the elder races such as the dwarves. That for ignorant men, their miniature kingdoms harbored dangers which could bring even a King to his knees.

[edit] Herla in popular culture

The legend of King Herla figures prominently in the historical fantasy novel Mortal Love (2004) by Elizabeth Hand.

[edit] References

  • De Nugis Curiallium by Walter Map, Edited by F. Tupper & M.B Ogle (Chatto & Windus, London 1924)
  • British & Irish Mythology by John & Caitlĺn Matthews (Diamond Books, London 1988) (ISBN 0-261-66651-7)
  • The Enchanted World: Dwarfs by Tim Appenzeller (Time-Life Books, New York 1985) (ISBN 0-8094-5224-3)

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