Heman (Bible)
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Heman the Ezrahite is described as the author of Psalm 88 in the Bible. A Heman is also listed as an ancestor of Jerimoth in Chronicles. The Psalm seems to have been written in a state of despair:
O Lord, why do you cast me off? Why do you hide your face from me? (verse 14)
J. A. Motyer, former Principal of Trinity College, Bristol, comments:
Here is one walking in darkness, without light, and trusting in the name of the Lord and leaning on his God (Isaiah 50:10)
The name 'Heman' is a Jewish name, meaning 'Faithfull'. You will find it approximately 10 times in the bible (eg. see: http://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=Heman&qs_version=31)