Heian shodan

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Heian Shodan (平安初段), literally peaceful mind first level, is a first of a series of Heian kata, practiced in many styles of karate, in particular Shotokan karate. It is one of the most basic kata and is usually the first kata a karateka learns. Some federations favour Taikyoku Shodan, also know as 'kihon', as a first kata. The heian series is similar to the Pinan series of kata.

[edit] Execution

Refer to List of shotokan techniques for translations of Japanese terms

  1. Look left, execute 90° left gedan barai while shifting left into left zenkutsu dachi
  2. Execute right oi zuki chudan
  3. Execute right gedan barai to zenkutsu dachi, while turning 180° clockwise
  4. Shift into niko dachi and then execute tettsui while returning to a right half-zenkutsu dachi
  5. Execute left oi zuki chudan
  6. Look left, execute left gedan barai into zenkutsu dachi, while turning 90° left(forward again)
  7. Execute three consecutive age uke (kiai on the third)
  8. Execute left gedan barai into zenkutsu dachi, while turning 270° counterclockwise
  9. Execute right oi zuki chudan
  10. Execute right gedan barai into zenkutsu dachi while turning 180° clockwise
  11. Execute left oi zuki chudan
  12. Execute left gedan barai while turning left into left zenkutsu dachi
  13. Execute three consecutive oi zuki chudan (kiai on the third)
  14. Look left, execute shuto uke into kokutsu dachi, while turning 270° counterclockwise
  15. Look right, execute shuto uke into kokutsu dachi, while stepping forward and turning 45° clockwise
  16. Look 135 right, execute right shuto uke into kokutsu dachi, while turning 135 clockwise
  17. Look 45 left, execute shuto uke to kokutsu dachi while stepping forward and turning 45° counterclockwise

[edit] External links

Diagram for Heian shodan [1]