Haymarket Group
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The Haymarket Group is a publishing company created in part by Michael Heseltine. Haymarket is the largest private magazine publisher in the United Kingdom, with more than 100 magazines and several web sites. It is not linked in any way to the Haymarket Group in Australia who publish magazines. Haymarket's business magazines include Campaign, Marketing, Media Week, PRWeek, Revolution, Marketing Direct, Direct Response, Promotions & Incentives, Incentive Business, Eye, Event, Conference and Incentive Travel, Media Asia, Conference & Exhibition International, Management Today, GP newspaper, MIMS, Human Resources, Third Sector, SC Magazine, World Business, Young People Now, Children Now, Planning, Regeneration and Renewal and The ENDS Report, together with its sister publications ENDS Europe Daily and The ENDS Europe Report.
Haymarket also produces websites associated with various trades, including Brand Republic, a site for advertising and marketing professionals, PRWeek, a site for PR professionals, and Healthcare Republic for the UK's primary healthcare sector. They also produce the leading technology magazine Stuff.