Haymaker (Pokémon)

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A Haymaker deck is a type of deck in the Pokémon Trading Card Game that became extremely popular and successful during the time of the Base Set and many of the first few expansions.

Haymaker decks rely on speed and power. Two defining characteristics of a classic Haymaker deck involved strong Basic Pokémon and copious Trainer cards. The strong Basic Pokémon enabled an early offensive while the Trainer cards were selected for their draw power as well as for their ability to manipulate the opponent's play.

Popular Pokémon in early Haymaker decks included Electabuzz, Hitmonchan, Scyther, a promotional Mewtwo, and Magmar from the Fossil expansion. The strength of the Haymaker deck stemmed from these Basic Pokémon with high Hit Points and strong attacks that dealt heavy damage. As these could do considerable damage without requiring large amounts of Energy, Haymaker decks would be able to strike first and Knock Out opposing Pokémon before they became significant threats.

Popular Trainer cards in early Haymaker decks included PlusPower, Gust of Wind, Super Energy Removal, Energy Removal, Bill, Professor Oak and Super Scoop Up. PlusPower added to the offensive theme of this type of deck, dealing 10 more damage to the base damage. Gust of Wind expanded the Active Pokémon's power by being able to switch the Defending Pokémon with any of the opponent's Benched Pokémon. Super Energy Removal and Energy Removal effectively disabled the opponent's power by removing energy from their Pokémon. Bill and Professor Oak increased draw power so that the player would have more options and opportunity to play out a certain Pokémon or Trainer at a particular time. As this deck is designed as an offensive deck, there are no Potion cards or Super Potion cards; thus Super Scoop Up was a last resort Trainer used to "scoop up" the Active Pokémon before it was Knocked Out by the opponent's Pokémon.

Due to the Haymaker's efficiency and power, players who played this type of deck won many Pokémon TCG tournaments. Newer expansions in the Pokémon Trading Card Game noticeably discontinued such strong Pokémon until the arrival of the very powerful Pokémon-ex.