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A Pythagorean Baphomet symbol, with a vajra in the center
A Pythagorean Baphomet symbol, with a vajra in the center

Sat/Tan Satanism is Dark Tradition or Dark Doctrine Satanism and has been around for decades in many forms, some of which were non-Satanic forms (that is, the lingo used to explain the same concepts was not Satanic lingo).

The words "Sat" and "Tan" are Sanskrit words that basically mean Being and Becoming (stretching forth). This form of Satanism is not about rebellion, not about various human philosophies and not particularly about humans per se at all.


[edit] Sat/Tan Teachings

The Sat/Tan teachings focus on the Dark Tradition, which is a doctrine concerning the original "Boundless Darkness" that existed before the cosmos. Within that darkness, Sat/Tan followers claim, was a ray that flashed out - and out of that ray (which is The Light) all things came into existence. The ray or flame exists within living things as an inner flame, and this type of Satanism focuses on why it is important to also "realize" the darkness out of which this flame came, and into which this flame returns. This type of Satanism is closely related to some forms of Tantra. There is nothing particularly anti Christian or anti main-line-religion in this form of Satanism, either - it is not inversionist in the least. It is wholly inner-directed, amoral and in a strong sense, not concerned with "humans" at all per se. It is more about the "what is" than about the "who is." The Boundless Darkness or Pure Being is known as "Sat" in Vedanta. The stretching forth of this to become all things is known as "Tan" in Vedanta - similar to the word Tanmatri.

The Light, in this doctrine, manifests in 7 distinct ways, some of which are perceived to be known to physics as forces, space and time. The Darkness remains One, however it is infused into all things, living and non-living, in the Cosmos, permeating them and motivating them to change. This Dark "force" as it is called within this doctrine, manifests in 5 distinct ways. These 5 are equated with the Five Dharma of the Five Dhyani Buddhas in Vajrayana, and as the Five Gateways (the pentemychos) of Tartaros in Pythagoreanism and pre-Socratic thought. From the Pythagorean pentemychos system is where Sat/Tanism draws its doctrine and use of the pentagram.

The focus in this tradition is not on human philosophy, or on behavior, morals or whatnot. The focus is on the Darkness and the Inner Flame and how this moves in nature and around nature. The Inner Flame is also known as Kundalini and as Chi.

Some followers say this type of Satanism tends to "call out" to some people, as if they already, intuitively, knew what is being said about "darkness" and "the light," but had no words to explain it themselves as they "knew it" in the realm of senses, not in the realm of the intellect. This has nothing whatsoever to do with a person being "into Satanism" or the occult. They believe it can call out to anyone. They say there is no other way to explain this, since it is not intellectual, not cerebral, but is purely in the realm of feeling. In that sense, this type of Satanism is clearly part of Esotericism. However, what this "esotericism" clearly means regarding Sat/Tanism has nothing whatsoever to do with elitism or the deliberate keeping of secrets or exclusitivity or private clubs. It has been compared by its followers to music, where perfect pitch and relative pitch are very well known concepts which are very easy to test for; It only takes a few seconds to see if a person has either of these. Music itself could be said to be esoteric in that the specific hearing of exact harmony and melody tones is not available to people with tone deafness; they are unable to hear these things. In that sense, they are unable to "know" music. There is nothing intellectual about this; It is purely in the realm of the senses. People who can not sing in tune are common; they open their mouths and pure noise comes out and they have no clue that they are horribly off key. Some people can hear a song and then play it, note for note, chord for chord, exactly the way they heard it and even in the same exact key. No one teaches such people how to do this: they simply hear it. Even without the use of an instrument, such people can sing songs they have heard with every note perfect, and they can also harmonize with it and never harmonize wrongly. They don't have to have a "good voice" to do this - and people with good voices can be tone deaf; so this has nothing to do with the quality of a person's voice; it has to do specifically with the ability to hear tones. If one does not have this ability, there is no amount of practice that can give them this ability - and this fact is quite well known; it has to do with modules in the brain as some recent studies have shown ("Researchers Pinpoint Perfect Pitch" News in Science, June 28, 2002 and "Abnormal Electrical Brain Responses to Pitch in Congenital Amusia," Isabelle Peretz, Elvira Brattico, and Mari Tervaniemi; Annals of Neurology; Published Online: August 29, 2005 and "Scientists Listen to Brain Patterns of Tone-deafness" Science Daily, August 29, 2005.)

If we lived in a world where only those with relative or perfect pitch were allowed to hear privately played music played by others with such pitch abilities, and then learn the mechanics to play instruments, or learn some method of writing music so that others with relative or perfect pitch could share in reading it if they couldn't otherwise hear it directly, and if it was forbidden for anyone tone deaf or deaf to buy instruments, hear music or learn anything about the art of music, then music would literally be a secret art, exclusive to those with ears able to hear and duplicate distinct harmonies and tones. No one aside from people with perfect or relative pitch would ever get to hear or make music in such a society. It would be a society where the tone-hearing would share music only with other tone-hearing people. This is what is meant by the Sat/Tan definition of esoteric: a situation where only certain people can receive information due to natural abilities. One could also compare it to taste - one must taste "sweet," "sour," "salty," etc, in order to be able to share common meaning with others about whether or not something is sweet, sour, salty, or etc. If a person has no taste buds, taste is denied him. This is also not something anyone can learn, taste is not in the realm of the intellect.

[edit] Satanic Reds

The Satanic Reds are a group that describe themselves as Social Realists, and claim to be a genuine Left Hand Path organization with no hierarchical structure to it. Satanic Reds are not Communist "Reds" or Socialist "Reds." -- that is not to say that people who hold to those politics are excluded, but that the organization claims not to be that kind of Red. The Satanic Reds define the term "Satano-Communism," to mean commune-ism, community, in the literal sense.

The Satanic Reds are not purported to be political in the sense that regular "Reds" are, and those who hold a Communist or Socialist political ideology would not consider them Red at all. They are Satanic in the modern sense in that they promote that which serves the self. Their philosophy also manages to serve those external to the self, promoting things such as a livable wage and health care as a right not a privilege as well as high standards in public education.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Information for this form of Satanism can be found in these locations:

Monographs of Left Hand Path Throughout the Ages, Dark Tradition - Dark Doctrines can be found here:

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