Harold Aspden

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Harold Aspden (b. 1928) is a retired British author, theoretical physicist, electrical engineer, and inventor from Southampton, Hampshire, England. He is an outspoken critic of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and has proposed a whole new concept of Physics based on the aether medium.

He is the author of a number of books, most notably Physics without Einstein and The Physics of Creation. He is also author of a number of papers published in notable peer-review journals (Journal of Applied Physics [1952], Lettere al Nuovo Cimento [Europhysics Letters], Physics Today, etc.) and in alternative non-mainstream journals (Hadronic Journal, Physics Essays, etc.).

His academic career was conducted at the following institutions: Manchester (B.Sc., 1945-1948), Trinity College, Cambridge (Ph.D., 1950-1953) and Southampton (Visiting Senior Research Fellow, 1983-1992). He was the director in charge of IBM's European Patent Operations from 1963 to 1983. He is also member of the British Institute of Physics.


[edit] Physics

Harold Aspden's work was initiated with his Ph.D. thesis on a magnetic energy loss anomaly, an anomalous loss of energy encountered in all of the world's electrical power systems, which led him to contemplate the existence of the aether through research and analysis in the subsequent years [1].

In physics, the proton (Greek πρῶτον proton = first) is a subatomic particle with about 1836 times the mass of an electron.
In physics, the proton (Greek πρῶτον proton = first) is a subatomic particle with about 1836 times the mass of an electron.

His work was mentioned in the 1985 paper of the experimental direct precision measurement of the proton-electron mass-ratio, which was reported some 10 years after Aspden had presented the value (slightly above 1836.152 [2]) derived from his theoretical research of the aether:

"The value that they [Aspden and Eagles] calculate is remarkably close to our experimentally measured value (i.e. within two standard deviations) This is even more curious when one notes that they published this result several years before direct precision measurements of this ratio had begun." R. S. Van Dyck, Jr., F. L. Moore, D. L. Farnham and P. B. Schwinberg in Int. J. Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 66, p. 327, 1985.

In 1988, through the development of the same theory of the proton, employing a simple physical concept that the spin properties of a particle are those exhibited by its charge and mass-energy as confined within a radius defined by an enveloping wave-defined boundary, he derived a theoretical evaluation of the proton magnetic moment as being 2.792847367 in nuclear magnetons [3] [4], which, as can be seen, compared quite well with the CODATA measurement value of 2.792847386(63).

He has authored numerous papers that attempt to debunk Einsteinian relativity [5] and that support a cosmology based on the aether subtle medium, that is, that there are two intermeshing worlds, both having three space dimensions, the material world that we can see and the etheric, unseen ghost-like underworld, that we can sense by phenomena which standard model physics has been unable to explain, notably gravitation. He describes that the aether has a kind of fluid crystal structure (that is partly dragged along by the earth) [6], the oscillatory jitter of which accounts for its quantum electrodynamic properties and, arising from its need for dynamic balance, the force of gravitation. He has also developed various patented free energy (over-unity) systems and advanced the foundations of an unified theory which claims to account for known celestial-cosmological phenomena better than currently held theories, i.e. the formation of the solar system and its angular momentum [7]. Subsequently, publication and references to his work, with or without explicit mathematical content, have been avoided within the scientific mainstream, labeled as "science fiction" by a journal deemed as "high standard" [8].

In 2005, Aspden criticized the entire scientific community of physicists and cosmologists, in his research papers [9] [10], on one hand, for building mammoth accelerators costing billions of dollars to produce high speed impact of protons when they do not have any theory giving insight into how those protons themselves are created; and, on the other hand, for the vast expenditure in probing the depths of remote space based on their unproven notion that gravitation applies without moderation within very dense matter deemed to exist in so-called neutron stars when they have no theory showing how G, the constant of gravitation, is determined here on Earth in terms of electrical interaction as between particles. He further describes how his work, with more than 40 years of research (starting during the 50s/60s with his insight of the erroneous foundation of Earnshaw's theorem [11] [12]), has been ignored by the scientific community [13], and he has recently invited the whole community to disprove the results provided by the unified theory he presents, based in the aether medium:

"Who, I wonder, will challenge my comment that the sun is not powered by hot nuclear fusion?" [14]

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Selected scientific articles

  • 'The Proton Enigma', American Journal of Physics, v. 53, 938 (1985).
  • 'More on Thomson Particles', American Journal of Physics, v. 53, p. 616 (1985).
  • 'Don't Forget Thomson', Physics Today, p. 15 (November, 1984).
  • 'The Exploding Wire Phenomenon as an Inductive effect', Physics Letters, v. 120A, pp. 80-82 (1987).
  • 'Electron Self-Field Interaction and Internal Resonance', Physics Letters A, v. 119, pp. 109-111 (1986).
  • 'A Causal Theory for Neutron Diffraction', Physics Letters A, v. 119, pp. 105-108 (1986).
  • 'The Exploding Wire Phenomenon', Physics Letters, 107A, pp. 238-240 (1985).
  • 'Theoretical Evaluation of the Fine Structure Constant', Physics Letters, v. 110A, pp. 113-115 (1985).
  • 'A New Perspective on the Law of Electrodynamics', Physics Letters, v. 111A, pp. 22-24 (1985).
  • 'Proposed Method of Measuring First Order Speed of Light Anisotropy', Physics Letters, v. 92A, pp. 165-166 (1982).
  • 'Laser Interferometry Experiments on Light Speed Anisotropy', Physics Letters, v. 85A, pp. 411-414 (1981).
  • 'Aether Theory and the Fine Structure Constant', Physics Letters, v. 41A, pp. 423-424 (1972).
  • 'Unification of Gravitational and Electrodynamic Potential based on Classical Action-at-a-Distance Theory', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 44, pp. 689-693 (1985).
  • 'The Paradox of Constant Planetary Mass as Evidence of a Leptonic Lattice-Structured Vacuum State', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 44, pp. 705-709 (1985).
  • 'Electromagnetic Reaction Paradox', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 39, pp. 247-251 (1984).
  • 'The Muon g-Factor by Cavity Resonance Theory', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 39, pp. 271-275 (1984).
  • 'Boson Creation in a Sub-Quantum Lattice', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 40, pp. 53-57 (1984).
  • 'The Steady-State Free-Electron Population of Free Space', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 41, pp. 252-256 (1984).
  • 'The Lamb Shift for a Cavity-Resonant Electron', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 36, pp. 364-368 (1983).
  • 'The Determination of Absolute Gravitational Potential', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 37, pp. 169-172 (1983).
  • 'The Nature of the Muon', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 37, pp. 210-214 (1983).
  • 'Theoretical Resonances for Particle-Antiparticle Collisions based on the Thomson Electron Model', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 37, pp. 307-311 (1983).
  • 'Meson Lifetime Dilation as a Test for Special Relativity', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 38, pp. 206-210 (1983).
  • 'The Mass of the Muon', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 38, pp. 342-344 (1983).
  • 'The Assessment of a Theory for the Proton-Electron Mass Ratio', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 38, pp. 423-426 (1983).
  • 'The Scope for First Order Tests of Light Speed Anisotropy', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 38, pp. 568-572 (1983).
  • 'Planar Boundaries of the Space-Time Lattice', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 38, pp. 243-246 (1983).
  • 'Electron Form and Anomalous Energy Radiation', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 33, pp. 213-216 (1982).
  • 'The Correlation of the Anomalous g-Factors of the Electron and Muon', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 33, pp. 481-484 (1982).
  • 'A Theory of Pion Lifetime', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 33, pp. 237-239 (1982).
  • 'A Theory of Neutron Lifetime', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 31, pp. 383-384 (1981).
  • 'The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 32, pp. 114-116 (1981).
  • 'The Spatial Energy Distribution for Coulomb Interaction', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 25, pp. 456-458 (1979).
  • 'Energy Correlation of Radioactive Decays of ψ(3684)', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 26, pp. 257-260 (1979).
  • 'Quantum Gravitation and the Perihelion Anomaly', Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, v. 18, pp. 181-182 (1977).
  • 'Calculation of the Proton Mass in a Lattice Model for the Aether', Il Nuovo Cimento, v. 30A, pp. 235-238 (1975).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Physics without Einstein, p.26-27 (see link in bibliography section)
  2. ^ Aspden, H., Eagles, D. M., Calculation of the Proton Mass in a Lattice Model for the Aether, Il Nuovo Cimento, v. 30A, pp. 235-238 (1975)
  3. ^ The Theory of the Proton Constants, Hadronic Journal, 11, 169-176, (1988)
  4. ^ The Theoretical Nature of the Neutron and the Deuteron, Hadronic Journal, 9, 129-136 (1986)
  5. ^ Why Einstein was Wrong? Lect. nº2, 1997 (1986 article, 2 parts)
  6. ^ The Heresy of the Aether, Discourse nº4, 1998
  7. ^ Appendix V: The Angular Momentum of the Solar System, in The Physics of Creation, 2003
  8. ^ Atomic Spectra and the Moving Atom, ASP p.41-47, 1996
  9. ^ Can Gravity be an Electrostatic Force?, ARP nº3, 2005
  10. ^ The Creation of the Proton, ARP nº4, 2005
  11. ^ Physics without Einstein, p.4-6; The Physics of Creation, Chapter 1, p.10-12 (see links in bibliography section)
  12. ^ 'Earnshaw's Theorem', Nature, v. 319, 8 (1986)
  13. ^ The Stuggle for Acceptance, 2003
  14. ^ Our Physics World and its Problems, ARP nº7, 2005

[edit] External links