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The Black Ships arrive at Harlond, the harbour of Minas Tirith, in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy
The Black Ships arrive at Harlond, the harbour of Minas Tirith, in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy

In J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings the name Harlond (Sindarin for "south haven") is shared by two fictional places in Middle-earth:

  1. The southern harbour of Mithlond on the Gulf of Lhûn, the northern being Forlond;
  2. The harbour of Minas Tirith located on the westward reach of the Anduin to the south of the city. Although Tolkien does not say so, Barbara Strachey's book Journeys of Frodo locates the harbour outside the wall of the Rammas Echor since it would otherwise have created a breach in the city's defences. (In any case, the Rammas Echor extends to the Anduin only at Osgiliath, and the port would have to be south of the ruined city.)
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