Hardy tools

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Hardy tools are metalworking tools, used in forging. A hardy has a square shank, which prevents it from rotating when placed in an anvil's Hardy hole. Typical hardy tools include chisels and bending drifts.


Metalworking smiths:

Smiths | Blacksmith | Coppersmith | Goldsmith | Gunsmith | Locksmith | Pewtersmith | Silversmith | Sword making | Tinsmith | Whitesmith

Metalworking tools:

Anvil | Forge | Forging | Fuller | Hardy hole | Hardy tools | Mokume-gane | Pritchel | Slack tub | Steam hammer | Swage block | Trip hammer

Metalworking topics:  

Casting | CNC | Cutting tools | Drilling and threading | Fabrication | Finishing | Grinding | Jewellery | Lathe (tool) | Machining | Machine tooling | Measuring | Metalworking | Hand tools | Metallurgy | Milling | Occupations | Press tools | Smithing | Terminology | Welding