Hardy notation

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In complexity theory and mathematics, the Hardy notation, introduced by G. H. Hardy, is used for asymptotic comparison of functions, equivalently to Landau notation (also known as "Big O notation").

It is defined in terms of Landau notation by

f\lesssim g \iff f \in O(g)   and   f\ll g \iff f\in o(g).

(Similar symbols are used, like \preceq resp. \prec\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\prec.)

The Hardy notation is commonly abused similarly to the Landau notation. For example, where h2 = O(h3) is the shortened/abused Landau notation of h\mapsto h^2 \in O(h\mapsto h^3), the expression h^2 \lesssim h^3 is the shortened/abused Hardy notation of h\mapsto h^2 \lesssim h\mapsto h^3.

For more examples and applications, see Landau notation and references therein.

[edit] See also