Hardnesses of the elements (data page)

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[edit] Mohs hardness

number symbol name Mohs hardness
3 Li lithium 0.6
4 Be beryllium 5.5
5 B boron 9.3
6 C carbon (graphite) 0.5
6 C carbon (diamond) 10.0
11 Na sodium 0.5
12 Mg magnesium 2.5
13 Al aluminium 2.75
14 Si silicon 6.5
16 S sulfur 2.0
19 K potassium 0.4
20 Ca calcium 1.75
22 Ti titanium 6.0
23 V vanadium 7.0
24 Cr chromium 8.5
25 Mn manganese 6.0
26 Fe iron 4.0
27 Co cobalt 5.0
28 Ni nickel 4.0
29 Cu copper 3.0
30 Zn zinc 2.5
31 Ga gallium 1.5
32 Ge germanium 6.0
33 As arsenic 3.5
34 Se selenium 2.0
37 Rb rubidium 0.3
38 Sr strontium 1.5
40 Zr zirconium 5.0
41 Nb niobium 6.0
42 Mo molybdenum 5.5
44 Ru ruthenium 6.5
45 Rh rhodium 6.0
46 Pd palladium 4.75
47 Ag silver 2.5
48 Cd cadmium 2.0
49 In indium 1.2
50 Sn tin 1.5
51 Sb antimony 3.0
52 Te tellurium 2.25
55 Cs caesium 0.2
56 Ba barium 1.25
57 La lanthanum 2.5
58 Ce cerium 2.5
72 Hf hafnium 5.5
73 Ta tantalum 6.5
74 W tungsten 7.5
75 Re rhenium 7.0
76 Os osmium 7.0
77 Ir iridium 6.5
78 Pt platinum 3.5
79 Au gold 2.5
80 Hg mercury 1.5
81 Tl thallium 1.2
82 Pb lead 1.5
83 Bi bismuth 2.25
90 Th thorium 3.0
92 U uranium 6.0

[edit] Vickers hardness

number symbol name Vickers hardness/(MN/m²)
4 Be beryllium 1670
5 B boron 49000
13 Al aluminium 167
22 Ti titanium 970
23 V vanadium 628
24 Cr chromium 1060
26 Fe iron 608
27 Co cobalt 1043
28 Ni nickel 638
29 Cu copper 369
40 Zr zirconium 903
41 Nb niobium 1320
42 Mo molybdenum 1530
45 Rh rhodium 1246
46 Pd palladium 461
47 Ag silver 251
57 La lanthanum 491
58 Ce cerium 270
59 Pr praseodymium 400
60 Nd neodymium 343
62 Sm samarium 412
63 Eu europium 167
64 Gd gadolinium 570
65 Tb terbium 863
66 Dy dysprosium 540
67 Ho holmium 481
68 Er erbium 589
69 Tm thulium 520
70 Yb ytterbium 206
71 Lu lutetium 1160
72 Hf hafnium 1760
73 Ta tantalum 873
74 W tungsten 3430
75 Re rhenium 2450
77 Ir iridium 1760
78 Pt platinum 549
79 Au gold 216
90 Th thorium 350
92 U uranium 1960

[edit] Brinell hardness

number symbol name Brinell hardness/(MN/m²)
4 Be beryllium 600
11 Na sodium 0.69
12 Mg magnesium 260
13 Al aluminium 245
19 K potassium 0.363
20 Ca calcium 167
21 Sc scandium 750
22 Ti titanium 716
23 V vanadium 628
24 Cr chromium 1120
25 Mn manganese 196
26 Fe iron 490
27 Co cobalt 700
28 Ni nickel 700
29 Cu copper 874
30 Zn zinc 412
31 Ga gallium 60
33 As arsenic 1440
34 Se selenium 736
37 Rb rubidium 0.216
39 Y yttrium 589
40 Zr zirconium 650
41 Nb niobium 736
42 Mo molybdenum 1500
44 Ru ruthenium 2160
45 Rh rhodium 1100
46 Pd palladium 37.3
47 Ag silver 24.5
48 Cd cadmium 203
49 In indium 8.83
50 Sn tin 51
51 Sb antimony 294
52 Te tellurium 180
55 Cs caesium 0.14
57 La lanthanum 363
58 Ce cerium 412
59 Pr praseodymium 481
60 Nd neodymium 265
62 Sm samarium 441
65 Tb terbium 677
66 Dy dysprosium 500
67 Ho holmium 746
68 Er erbium 814
69 Tm thulium 471
70 Yb ytterbium 343
71 Lu lutetium 893
72 Hf hafnium 1700
73 Ta tantalum 800
74 W tungsten 2570
75 Re rhenium 1320
76 Os osmium 3920
77 Ir iridium 1670
78 Pt platinum 392
79 Au gold 2450 [presumably wrong]
81 Tl thallium 26.4
82 Pb lead 38.3
83 Bi bismuth 94.2
90 Th thorium 400
92 U uranium 2400

[edit] References

As quoted at http://www.webelements.com/ from this source:

  • G.V. Samsonov (Ed.) in Handbook of the physicochemical properties of the elements, IFI-Plenum, New York, USA, 1968.