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The Harcesis-child Shifu
The Harcesis-child Shifu

In the science fiction television show Stargate SG-1, a Harcesis is a Human child born of the hosts of two Goa'uld mates when the hosts are still possessed. The Harcesis born thus would possess all the knowledge of the Goa'uld, and is generally considered an abomination for the same reason. It is also generally forbidden to create such a child.

Daniel Jackson's step-son Shifu is a Harcesis - the only known. He is the son of Apophis and Sha're/Amonet. Apophis fathered Shifu in the hope of taking over his body as a new host. After his birth Heru-ur planned to kidnap the child but instead Daniel gave the child into the care of Sha're's father Kasuf. ("Secrets")

Shifu then came to the planet Kheb and there the Ascended Ancient Oma Desala started to take care of him. It turned out that Shifu was genetically engineered to age faster, so that he could be taken over more quickly by Apophis. However having the genetic memories of the parent Goa'uld, and in turn the generations of Goa'uld before them, would drive a being to madness. In the case of Shifu, Oma Desala taught him to forget, that the only way to win the battle (for relative sanity) was to avoid engaging in it. Later on, Shifu is shown to be an Ascended being himself. He made contact with SG-1 and then showed Daniel a vision of how such gigantic memory and the power which comes with it can corrupt a person. He then disappeared and has not been seen since. ("Absolute Power")

A few years later rogue agents of the NID created Anna, a Goa'uld/Human hybrid, who can be considered very similar to a Harcesis child. However it is unknown if this hybrid has the knowledge of all Goa'uld; it appears not. ("Resurrection")

The term "Harcesis" is likely derived from "Harsiesis," meaning Horus son of Isis. Harsiesis was one of many names for Horus.

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