Haralan Popov

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Dr. Haralan Popov, was a refugee from communist Bulgaria who was persecuted for his religion. He later founded of Door of Hope - International

[edit] Biography

Popov was born in the tiny Bulgarian village of Krasno Gradishte on the 7th March 1907. Although initially a dedicated atheist, Popov was led to the Lord Jesus Christ in his teen years by a friend. His spiritual life developed so rapidly that by 1929 he was already accepted as pastor in the Bulgarian Pentecostal Church.

Shortly after attending Bible School in London he married a Swedish woman, Ruth Pernevi. Thereafter, he returned to Bulgaria before the outbreak of World War II

In the early morning hours of 23rd July 1948 he was arrested by the new post war Communists on charges of espionage against the state and was taken from his wife and two small children . Popov spent the next 13 years and two months in jail. Released on the 25th September 1961, he was reunited with his family in Sweden a year later.

After moving to the USA in 1970, Popov founded Door of Hope Mission and wrote his prison testimony Tortured For His Faith.

In October 1988, just after Glasnost and for the first time in 26 years, Dr Popov was able to return to his Church in Bulgaria. It was a wonderful homecoming where he could see the fruits of the many years laboring for the Suffering Church.

He went to be with the Lord on 13 November 1988.

Popov, Harlan