Happy Little Elves
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The Happy Little Elves is a fictional childrens program on the The Simpsons, often resembling a cross between The Smurfs, Snorks, Astrosnik, Gummi Bears and Care Bears. The characters in the Happy Little Elves are often crudely drawn and aimed at younger children. Spawned several direct-to-video films. Merchandising includes posters, lunchboxes, shirts, dolls, etc. [1]
Contents |
[edit] Movie and TV show listings
The Return of the Happy Little Elves (MG37)
The Happy Little Elves Meet the Curious Bear Cub Some Enchanted Evening (7G01)
The Happy Little Elves in Tinkly-Winkly Town Saturdays of Thunder (8F07)
The Happy Little Elves Meet Fuzzy Snuggleduck (Rated R) Homer Alone (8F14)
[edit] Cast of Characters
According to Roger Meyers, Jr., the complete character listing for the Happy Little Elves are as follows:
Moldy – the elder. He has bottle-thick lenses, dark green skin w/ darker green ‘liver spots’ all over, carries a cane
Bubbles – He has 2 buck teeth, 3-button shirt, cone hat leaning backwards
Yendor – He has the blue-striped shirt, hat flopped-over backwards
Doofy – He has a single star on his shirt and a cone-shaped hat leaning forward
Cheery – The chick with big, blonde hair
Brainy – He has no hat, big skull, and glasses
Chilly – (“the elf that cannot love”,) Frowns, seen on the cover of the video in “Enchanted”, hat flops over to the side.
Gloomy – The self-hating elf
Their co-stars in Elfland include: {rr3} Nosey Bear – the curious cub, who is green, with a smile and a big nose; and, Fuzzy Snuggle Duck – named, not shown; Captain Kook – their resident bad guy, with a Jolly Roger prate hat, snaggle-tooth, eyepatch, and pegleg.
Additionally, in Moe Baby Blues (EABF17), there was a different female Elf on Maggie’s wall, and there was a completely different, bearded elf (possibly “Gloomy”) pictured in the poster for “Return of the Happy Little Elves” in the Tracey Ullman short Scary Movie (MG37).
[edit] Appearances
Lisa plays with two dolls Burger King Commercial(MC24)
Krusty poster (you can just make them out) Simpson Short The Krusty the Clown Show(MG39)
Lisa watches them on TV Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire(7G08)
One was in the crowd at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Homer's Odyssey(7G03)
The babies watch a TV program which features the elves There's No Disgrace Like Home(7G04)
On Lisa's bedroom wallsMoaning Lisa(7G06)
Doll is seen in Lisa's roomMoaning Lisa(7G06)
Lisa's lunch boxSome Enchanted Evening(7G01)
Lisa has a picture on her bedroom wall Bart vs. Thanksgiving(7F07)
Doll seen in Lisa's room One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish(7F11)
Picture seen on Lisa's bedroom wall One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish(7F11)
Doll seen in Lisa's room Stark Raving Dad(7F24)
Picture on Lisa's wall Stark Raving Dad(7F24)
Picture on Lisa's wall Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington(8F01)
Poster on front wall of VHS Village Saturdays of Thunder(8F07)
Doll on Lisa's shelf Flaming Moe's(8F08)
Picture on Lisa's bedroom wall Flaming Moe's(8F08)
Doll in Lisa's room Lisa the Greek(8F12)
Pictures on Lisa's wall Lisa the Greek(8F12)
On the walls of Maggie's roomHomer Alone(8F14)
The Happy Little Elves Meet Fuzzy Snuggleduck is one of the films available on Rancho relaxos cable channels Homer Alone(8F14)
Sherri/Terri imagines one of the elves Separate Vocations(8F15)
Seen in Lisa's bedroomSeparate Vocations(8F15)
Prizes at the water pistol booth Lisa The Beauty Queen(9F02)
Pictures on Lisa's wall Lisa The Beauty Queen(9F02)
Dolls in Lisa's bedroom Lisa The Beauty Queen(9F02)
Young Bart's Happy Little Elves dollLisa's First Word(9F08) Pictures on Lisa's wall So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show(9F17)
Doll on Lisa's shelf So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show(9F17)
Picture on Lisa's wall The Front(9F16)
Lisa's lunch boxWhacking Day(9F18)
Doll seen in Lisa's room Homer the Vigilante(1F09)
On the dinning room walls Lady Bouvier's Lover(1F21)
Stuffed in Lisa's bookcase Lisa's Rival(1F17)
Maggie plays with one Bart vs. Australia(2F13)
Some nerd is wearing one of there shirts Radioactive Man(2F17)
Lisa's lunchbox Team Homer(3F10)
Lunchbox, in a display case The Day the Violence Died(3F16)
They hang above Maggie's crib Bart on the Road(3F17)
A Happy Little Elves train, on Maggie's wall Bart on the Road(3F17)
In the couch gag Bart After Dark(4F06)
Stickers in Lisa's locker Lard of the Dance(5F20)
Lisa's lunchbox Lard of the Dance(5F20)
Skee-Ball prizes Bart the Mother(5F22)
Maggie watches them on TV, just before Homer changes the channel Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder(BABF02)
Seen on the picture that features 'Many Characters' Behind the Laughter(BABF19)
There is a Happy Little Elves booth at the "Sick & Twisted" Festival HOMR(BABF22)
On Lisa’s wall New Kids on the Blecch(CABF12)
Doll seen on Lisa’s shelf New Kids on the Blecch(CABF12)
doll seen on Lisa’s shelf She of Little Faith(DABF02)
Picture seen on Lisa's wall She of Little Faith(DABF02)
Lisa's lunchbox Strong Arms of the Ma(EABF04)
Train seen on Maggie's wall Moe Baby Blues(EABF17)
On Dr. Hibberts wall Bart-Mangled Banner(FABF17)
Picture on Lisa's wall She Used To Be My Girl(FABF22)
Doll in Lisa's room There's Something About Marrying(GABF04)
Picture on Lisa's wall There's Something About Marrying(GABF04)
[edit] References
Happy little Elves Guide Hill, Dave. The Happy Little Elves Mini-Guide.
Groening, Matt (1997). The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family. New York, NY: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-095252-0.
Groening, Matt (1999). The Simpsons Forever!: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family ...Continued. New York, NY: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-098763-4.