Hannah Sung
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Hannah Sung is a former MuchMusic VJ, her last show was on Much On Demand on August 31, 2006. She spent the month of September travelling through Indonesia and East Timor with CARE Canada's youth initiative YouthCARE to produce a documentary about the issues youth face in the afermath of natural disaster and civil strife.
Hannah was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, attended Woburn Collegiate Institute, and earned a degree in English with a minor in Women's Studies & History from the University of Toronto. Hannah previously worked for the Toronto Star, and Chatelaine magazine.
She had been with MuchMusic for four years and conducted interviews with some of the biggest stars. She has hosted interviews with music stars U2, 50 Cent, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Alanis Morissette, The Rolling Stones, Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stefani, Billy Joel and others.
[edit] Touring Canada
After spending one month filming in Indonesia and East Timor, Hannah returned to Canada to tour junior and senior high schools in Eastern Canada with the documentary she produced about the youth she met in that part of the world.
Her first stop, October 16, took her to Bedford, Nova Scotia, where she spoke to students at Bedford Junior High about the issues faced by their peers in South East Asia. The goal of her presentations is to inspire students to take action and to help the countries that need it the most.
On October 17th 2006, Hannah visited Eastern Shore District High to tell D.Smaggus's African Heritage Literature class about her travels, and showed them the video documentary that was made.
On October 18th, she did her presentation at Halifax West High School, and then again at the CANZINE fair the following Saturday, October 21st, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
On October 25 she visited Saint John High and St. Malachy's Memorial HS in Saint John, New Brunswick.
She has since toured schools in and around Ottawa and the Greater Toronto Area and is preparing for the big CARE Canada benefit concert taking place Dec. 2nd at Lee's Palace in Toronto featuring Constantines and Jason Collet. Money raised during the concert will go towards CARE Canada peace and education projects for youth in East Timor. For more information please visit www.care.ca/youthcare.