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For Duncan Hallas the Trotskist politician see Duncan Hallas

Hallas is in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth the thirteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor.

Hallas succeeded his father Cirion at his death in T.A. 2567. Calenardhon had been given by his father to the Éothéod, and this people began to migrate to the land. Hallas devised the names Rochand and Rochirrim for the land and its people, which became Rohan and Rohirrim in the Sindarin dialect of Gondor. In effect Gondor had been halved in size, but it had gained a strong ally to the north.

War never ceased on Gondor's eastern borders as the Balchoth were not completely destroyed, but they were no longer a serious threat. More a problem were the Corsairs of Umbar, who kept raiding the coasts.

He was followed by his son Húrin II at his death in 2605.

Preceded by:
Stewards of Gondor Succeeded by:
Húrin II

In some early variants of the Quenta Silmarillion tradition published in The History of Middle-earth, Hallas is also the name of the son of Orodreth. He was replaced by Gil-galad, later High King of the Noldor, who in the published Silmarillion is made into Fingon's son instead. That Orodreth's son was named Hallas was an earlier idea, but Gil-galad replaced him. In the published Silmarillion, Orodreth has no son.