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County Hajdú-Bihar
Area 370,74 km²
  • 32 228
  • 89 /km²
Postal code 4220, 4224, 4074
Area code 52

Hajdúböszörmény (Romanian: Sântgheorghe) is a town in North Eastern Hungary with a population of approximately 30,000 people. It has a unique circular plan (like Paris) to the streets that is supposed to have originated as a defense from invasion or attack. Not knowing the plan of the streets a visitor could easily get quite lost only to discover that they were walking in circles for an extended period of time.

Like many smaller towns of Hungary the population even within the city limits generates income as well as household necessities from agriculture and animal husbandry, because of this feature of the local economy, high fences and a cornucopia of smells are very common even within the town core.

Recently, Hajdúböszörmény underwent an economic crisis of sorts causing widespread unemployment. Many simply attribute high unemployment levels to the falling of the Iron Curtain that took place in 1989 and the adjustment period that any economy would need to go through in such an economic upheaval. One more recent cause of unemployment was the downsizing of the General Electric Tungsram plant (due to new economic options the company was exploring in China).

County of Hajdú-Bihar
Hajdú-Bihar Topics | History | Geography | Government | Politics | Economy | People from Hajdú-Bihar
County seat Debrecen

Cities and towns
Bagamér | Balmazújváros | Berettyóújfalu | Biharkeresztes | Csökmő | Derecske | Egyek | Földes | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdúdorog | Hajdúnánás | Hajdúhadház |Hajdúsámson | Hajdúszoboszló | Hosszúpályi | Kaba | Komádi | Létavértes | Nádudvar |Nyírábrány | Nyíradony  | Pocsaj | Polgár | Püspökladány | Sárrétudvari | Téglás |Tiszacsege | Vámospércs

Álmosd | Ártánd | Bakonszeg | Báránd | Bedő |

Berekböszörmény | Bihardancsháza | Biharnagybajom | Bihartorda | Bocskaikert | Bojt | Darvas | Ebes |Esztár | Folyás | Fülöp | Furta | Gáborján | Görbeháza | Hajdúbagos | Hajdúszovát | Hencida | Hortobágy | Kismarja | Kokad | Konyár | Körösszakál | Körösszegapáti | Magyarhomorog | Mezőpeterd | Mezősas | Mikepércs | Monostorpályi | Nagyhegyes | Nagykereki | Nagyrábé | Nyíracsád | Nyírmártonfalva | Sáp | Sáránd | Szentpéterszeg | Szerep  | Tépe | Tetétlen | Tiszagyulaháza | Told | Újiráz | Újléta | Újszentmargita | Újtikos | Váncsod | Vekerd | Zsáka

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 47°40′N 21°31′E

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