Hack A Day

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Hack A Day Logo
Hack A Day Logo

Hack A Day (often written Hack-A-Day or HAD) is a technology weblog about hacks, mods and do-it-yourself projects. There are many kinds of daily hacks posted. Some simple projects and mods are posted in special links posts. In October 2005, Hack A Day was spun-off from its parent company, Weblogs, Inc., when the blog network was purchased by America Online. Hack A Day emerged independent after the deal was settled between the two entities.[1] [2] HAD's lead blogger is Eliot Phillips. The majority of posts are written by blogger Will O'Brien. The blog has an expanding readership and a very active following judging by the fact that most of the links are submitted by its loyal clan of readers.

Hack A Day was cofounded by Phillip Torrone (currently with MAKE) and Peter Rojas on September 5th 2004. Past bloggers have included Fabienne Serriere, Jason Striegel, Phillip Torrone, and Vince Veneziani.

The official IRC channel for Hackaday is #hackaday on Efnet.

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