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H5N9 is a subtype of the species Influenza A virus (sometimes called bird flu virus).

A highly pathogenic strain of H5N9 caused a minor flu outbreak in 1966 in Ontario, Canada in turkeys. [1]

[edit] Sources

  1. ^ WHO

v  d  e

Influenza : research - vaccine - pandemic - Spanish flu - Avian influenza

Influenzaviruses : Influenzavirus A - Influenzavirus B - Influenzavirus C

Subtypes of type A flu: H1N1 - H1N2 - H2N2 - H3N2 - H3N8 - H5N1 - H5N2 - H5N3 - H5N8 - H5N9 - H7N1 - H7N2 - H7N3 - H7N4 - H7N7 - H9N2 - H10N7

H5N1 : genetic structure - Transmission and infection - Global spread