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Female 9.16 Michigan, USA

"I highy doubt anyone will glance at this, my own little page. None the less, I will take some time to build it. "

Meno, GV's most recent fursona drawn in a more rough style.

GVolf, or GV, is the mask of the once 'CCIcey'. Best known on the net as an artist, GV enjoys the 'shadows' of the web. Often showing up randomly in places under the same name. Online will often keep to self, except on community sites such as VampireFreaks and Deviantart.

GVolf can be found at...

 VampireFreaks as _Pins_
 Neopets as yamcha_of_the_desert
 Deviantart as CCIcey
 Furcadia as Volf (among others)