Gutter punk
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'Gutter punk' is a term applied to homeless or transient individuals who are assiociated (by others, most commonly those with homes and/or jobs) with the Punk ideology.
Gutter punks are generally seen (usually incorrectly) as having chosen not to search for employment by their own volition. As such, gutter punk is a term that is generally only applied to able-bodied individuals with no signs of physical handicap. Anecdotally, some gutter punks are rumored to come from economically affluent backgrounds and adopt stereotyped trappings of poverty, affectations of speech and dress while still receiving support from their families. 'Gutter punk' has also been used as in the field of Social science to describe a Demographic group of those who typically display these characteristics.
In truth, gutter punks usually look for employment, even if said employment lasts for only a day, or less, and are forced to search out other methods of income, such as pan-handling, when they cannot gain employment of any sort.
Those associated with the gutter punk way of life usually don't ascribe to the ideals of crust punk. Gutter punks tend to exemplify a more perceived notion of punk ideals and tend not to involve themselves with peace, autonomy, veganism, or many other ideals promoted in the crust punk or peace punk scene. There is a sense of unity between the two groups although their opinions may differ.
[edit] Related Terms
- Drop-In Centers
- Grindcore
- Harm reduction
- Hitchhiking
- Hobo
- Methadone
- Needle Exchange
- Punk subculture
- Panhandling
- Freighthopping
- Crust Punk
- Squatting
[edit] Terminology a Gutterpunk Might Hear or Use
- 88 Skinhead - n. Nazi-Skinheads (8th letter is H, so 88 is HH, which means Heil Hitler)
- Bonehead* - n. Nazi-Skinheads *note* most gutter punks are very anti-nazi.
- BNSF - adj. Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway train
- Bull - n. Normally a trainhopper calls train cops Bulls. Gutter punks may call all cops Bulls
- Bum Jug - n. A large jug of cheap, highly alcoholic wine, usually Carlo Rossi Sangria
- Crass(y) Punk - n. Generic term literally meaning a punk that likes the band Crass, actually meaning someone is basically a peace-loving punk (derogatory)
- Crew Change - n. Documents containing train routes, also, a train yard where a train stops to change crew.
- Dope - n. While dope can mean marijuana or various other drugs, usually gutter punks mean heroin
- Flying a Sign - v phrase. Holding a cardboard sign while panhandling or to hitchhike somewhere
- Hep - n. Hepatitus
- Home bum - n. A non-punk non-travelling homeless person.
- House Punk - n. Any punk that has a home (slightly derogatory)
- Housey - n. See House Punk
- Oogle - n. New, inexperienced punk (derogatory)
- Runnoft also R-U-N-N-O-F-T (spelled out) - vi. Term from Oh Brother Where Art Thou meaning ran off basically
- SHARP - n. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice
- Space Bag - n. Box of wine actually containing a bag, which used to be colored all-silver
- Spanging - vi. Sparing Change (panhandling)
- Squat - v. Sleep, usually more than one night (not necessarily related to squat n. example: To squat on someone's couch
- Squat - n. Place to sleep not belonging to the person, example: field, basement of abandoned house, etc
- SSI - n. SSDI (Disability checks from the government, usually for depression or mental instability)
- Tracks - n. Needle holes on the body, sin. is track mark, not track
- Tracks - n. Railroad tracks, no sin.
- UP - adj. Union Pacific (train)
- Wingnut - n. Mentally insane person, usually homeless (derogatory)