Gut-associated lymphoid tissue

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The digestive tract's immune system is often referred to as Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) and works to protect the body from invasion. GALT is an example of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.


[edit] Function

About 70% of the body's immune system is found in the digestive tract. The GALT is made up of several types of lymphoid tissue that produce and store immune cells that carry out attacks and defend against pathogens.

New research indicates that GALT may continue to be a major site of HIV activity, even if drug treatment has reduced HIV count in the peripheral blood.[citation needed]

[edit] Components

Lymphoid tissue in the gut is comprised of the following :

[edit] Additional images

[edit] External links

Upper gastrointestinal tract

Mouth | Pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx) | Esophagus | Crop | Stomach (rugae, gastric pits, cardia, pylorus)

Lower gastrointestinal tract

Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) | Vermiform appendix

Large intestine: Cecum | Colon (ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon) | Rectum (Houston valve, rectal ampulla, pectinate line) | Anal canal (anal valves, anal sinuses, anal columns)

Anus: Sphincter ani internus muscle | Sphincter ani externus muscle

Enteric nervous system: Meissner's plexus | Auerbach's plexus

Enteroendocrine cells: G cells | Enterochromaffin cells | Enterochromaffin-like cell

GALT: Peyer's patches | M cells

parietal cells | chief cells | goblet cells | Brunner's glands | Paneth cells | enterocytes

intestinal villus | crypts of Lieberkühn | circular folds | taenia coli | haustra | epiploic appendix

 v  d  e 
Lymphatic system
Bone marrow | Thymus (Hassall's corpuscles) | Spleen (White pulp, Periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths, Marginal zone, Red pulp) | Tonsils (Palatine, Lingual, Adenoid)

Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue: Gut-associated lymphoid tissue | Peyer's patches

Lymph nodes: Subcapsular sinus | Paracortex | head and neck (Cervical, Virchow's) | iliac (External, Common, Internal) | lumbar/paraaortic (Lateral aortic, Preaortic, Inferior mesenteric, Retroaortic) | inguinal (Deep, Superficial) | Axillary

Lymph vessels: Thoracic duct | Right lymphatic duct | Cisterna chyli  | Lumbar trunk | Intestinal trunk

Lymph | Lymphocytes | High endothelial venules | Immune system