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< User:Gurch | Reports
This is a list of typos that were corrected by User:Gurch, in February and March 2006. (Spellchecking is now done with GurchBot and this list is out of date).
Misspelling Correction Count Last Checked aand and 9 2006-03-07 abbout about 1 2006-03-06 abilites abilities 85 2006-03-13 abilties abilities 25 2006-03-10 abitrary arbitrary 1 2006-03-07 abouta about a 1 2006-03-06 abritrary arbitrary 1 2006-03-10 abscence absence 30 2006-03-06 absense absence 9 2006-03-10 absorbtion absorption 22 2006-03-10 acadamy academy 10 2006-03-10 accademy academy 5 2006-03-06 accelleration acceleration 2 2006-03-06 accension ascension 2 2006-03-06 acceptible acceptable 3 2006-03-07 acces access 2 2006-03-07 accesed accessed 22 2006-03-07 accesing accessing 2 2006-03-07 accesories accessories 16 2006-03-06 accesory accessory 6 2006-03-07 accessability accessibility 15 2006-03-06 accessable accessible 29 2006-03-06 accidentaly accidentally 5 2006-03-06 acclamitization acclimatization 1 2006-03-06 accomadate accommodate 5 2006-03-06 accomadating accommodating 1 2006-03-06 accomadation accommodation 4 2006-03-06 accomodate accommodate 212 2006-03-07 accomodated accommodated 17 2006-03-06 accomodates accommodates 16 2006-03-06 accomodating accommodating 13 2006-03-06 accomodation accommodation 81 2006-03-06 accomodations accommodations 19 2006-03-06 accordeon accordion 2 2006-03-10 accoring according 6 2006-03-06 accoustic acoustic 19 2006-03-06 accros across 3 2006-03-06 accross across 54 2006-03-06 accussed accused 16 2006-03-07 acedemic academic 5 2006-03-07 aceleration acceleration 1 2006-03-06 acelleration acceleration 2 2006-03-06 acess access 12 2006-03-07 acessed accessed 10 2006-03-07 acessing accessing 3 2006-03-07 acessories accessories 13 2006-03-07 acessory accessory 4 2006-03-07 acheive achieve 9 2006-03-07 acheived achieved 19 2006-03-07 acheivement achievement 9 2006-03-07 acheivements achievements 9 2006-03-07 acheives achieves 3 2006-03-07 acheiving achieving 10 2006-03-07 acheivment achievement 1 2006-03-07 acheivments achievements 3 2006-03-07 achievment achievement 16 2006-03-07 achievments achievements 17 2006-03-07 achive achieve / archive 21 2006-03-07 achived achieved / archived 26 2006-03-07 acident accident 3 2006-03-06 acidentally accidentally 3 2006-03-06 acidentaly accidentally 1 2006-03-06 ackward awkward / backward 2 2006-03-07 acommodate accommodate 3 2006-03-06 acomplishments accomplishments 2 2006-03-07 acording according 30 2006-03-13 acros across 4 2006-03-07 activites activities 86 2006-03-10 actualy actually 18 2006-03-07 acuracy accuracy 1 2006-03-07 acused accused 16 2006-03-07 acustom accustom 2 2006-03-07 acustomed accustomed 1 2006-03-07 additon addition 67 2006-03-09 addopted adopted 3 2006-03-10 addres address 1 2006-03-09 addresing addressing 2 2006-03-10 addtion addition 14 2006-03-10 addtional additional 26 2006-03-06 admendment amendment 1 2006-03-09 adminstration administration 70 2006-03-13 adminstrative administrative 51 2006-03-13 adminstrator administrator 21 2006-03-09 adminstrators administrators 8 2006-03-09 admision admission 1 2006-03-07 adn and 21 2006-03-13 adolecent adolescent 2 2006-03-09 adquired acquired 9 2006-03-09 adquiring acquiring 2 2006-03-10 adres address 1 2006-03-09 adress address 10 2006-03-09 adressable addressable 1 2006-03-10 affilate affiliate 16 2006-03-10 affilated affiliated 15 2006-03-10 affilates affiliates 9 2006-03-10 affilation affiliation 35 2006-03-10 affilations affiliations 11 2006-03-10 affliate affiliate 42 2006-03-10 affliated affiliated 81 2006-03-10 affliates affiliates 12 2006-03-10 affliating affiliating 1 2006-03-10 affliation affiliation 53 2006-03-10 affliations affiliations 3 2006-03-10 affraid afraid 1 2006-03-06 afiliate affiliate 4 2006-03-10 afiliated affiliated 13 2006-03-10 agains against 58 2006-03-10 aggresive aggressive 43 2006-03-13 agian again 8 2006-03-06 agianst against 10 2006-03-06 agreemeent agreement 1 2006-03-06 agression aggression 30 2006-03-06 agressive aggressive 191 2006-03-13 agressively aggressively 26 2006-03-13 agressiveness aggressiveness 16 2006-03-06 agressor aggressor 11 2006-03-06 agressors aggressors 10 2006-03-06 ahve have 4 2006-03-10 aiport airport 35 2006-03-10 airbourne airborne 7 2006-03-10 albiet albeit 16 2006-03-10 alchohol alcohol 21 2006-03-13 alcholic alcoholic 4 2006-03-13 alcholic alcoholic 4 2006-03-13 alegged alleged 1 2006-03-07 alledged alleged 39 2006-03-10 allegience allegiance 24 2006-03-13 alomst almost 4 2006-03-06 alot a lot 86 2006-03-06 alraedy already 1 2006-03-06 althought although 61 2006-03-13 altough although 42 2006-03-10 alway away / always 13 2006-03-06 alwyas always 1 2006-03-06 amatuer amateur 34 2006-03-13 amature amateur 10 2006-03-07 amde made 1 2006-03-06 ammendment amendment 20 2006-03-13 ammount amount 25 2006-03-13 amoung among 42 2006-03-13 analagous analogous 55 2006-03-10 anbd and 2 2006-03-06 anciliary ancillary 6 2006-03-13 ancilliary ancillary 3 2006-03-13 andd and 4 2006-03-07 andthe and the 2 2006-03-06 annd and 4 2006-03-07 annointed anointed 12 2006-03-13 annuled annulled 18 2006-02-27 anomoly anomaly 3 2006-03-10 anothe another 4 2006-03-06 anounced announced 34 2006-03-13 antartic Antarctic 21 2006-03-01 antartica Antarctica 25 2006-03-01 anual annual 9 2006-03-06 anulled annulled 5 2006-02-27 aother other / another 6 2006-02-27 aparent apparent 4 2006-03-07 apparant apparent 15 2006-03-07 apparantly apparently 68 2006-03-10 apparrent apparent 2 2006-03-07 appart apart 5 2006-02-27 appartment apartment 40 2006-02-27 appearence appearance 397 2006-03-07 appearences appearances 257 2006-03-07 appeares appears 14 2006-03-07 apper appear 2 2006-03-10 apperance appearance 148 2006-03-10 apperances appearances 117 2006-03-10 apperence appearance 13 2006-03-10 applyed applied 2 2006-03-07 appropiate appropriate 20 2006-03-07 approrpiate appropriate 1 2006-03-07 approximitly approximately 2 2006-03-13 aproval approval 8 2006-03-07 aproximately approximately 63 2006-03-10 aquire acquire 19 2006-03-13 aquired acquired 63 2006-03-13 aquisition acquisition 43 2006-02-27 aquitted acquitted 31 2006-03-06 arbitary arbitrary 23 2006-03-06 architechture architecture 13 2006-03-13 arguement argument 15 2006-03-13 arguements arguments 18 2006-03-07 arond around 7 2006-03-07 arrangment arrangement 33 2006-02-27 artibary arbitrary 1 2006-03-07 artibrary arbitrary 1 2006-03-07 artical article 9 2006-03-07 articel article 7 2006-03-07 artifical artificial 70 2006-03-07 artifically artificially 17 2006-03-07 artillary artillery 9 2006-03-07 asasination assassination 1 2006-03-07 asassin assassin 25 2006-03-07 asassinate assassinate 1 2006-03-07 asassinated assassinated 4 2006-03-07 asassinates assassinates 1 2006-03-07 asassination assassination 8 2006-03-07 asassins assassins 4 2006-03-07 aslo also 18 2006-02-27 asociated associated 8 2006-03-07 asorbed absorbed 3 2006-03-07 assasain assassin 1 2006-03-07 assasian assassin 2 2006-03-07 assasians assassins 2 2006-03-07 assasin assassin 52 2006-03-10 assasinate assassinate 43 2006-03-07 assasinated assassinated 77 2006-03-07 assasination assassination 125 2006-03-07 assasins assassins 24 2006-03-07 assassian assassin 4 2006-03-07 assassians assassins 2 2006-03-07 asside aside 3 2006-03-07 assistent assistant 21 2006-03-07 assitant assistant 31 2006-03-07 assocation association 70 2006-03-10 assymmetric asymmetric 7 2006-02-27 asteriod asteroid 9 2006-02-28 aswell as well 102 2006-03-13 athiest atheist 4 2006-03-13 attatch attach 3 2006-03-07 attatched attached 35 2006-03-07 attatches attaches 3 2006-03-07 attatching attaching 1 2006-03-07 attatchment attachment 3 2006-03-07 attendence attendance 48 2006-03-13 attendences attendances 7 2006-02-28 attendent attendant 10 2006-02-27 attened attend 10 2006-02-27 atthe at the 3 2006-03-07 audiance audience 3 2006-03-07 austrailia Australia 33 2006-03-13 authorative authoritative 8 2006-02-27 authorites authorities 20 2006-03-13 authoritive authoritative 7 2006-03-10 autor author 4 2006-03-13 auxillaries auxiliaries 3 2006-03-10 auxillary auxiliary 66 2006-03-10 auxilliaries auxiliaries 3 2006-03-10 auxilliary auxiliary 32 2006-02-27 availalbe available 2 2006-03-07 availiable available 16 2006-02-27 avalable available 7 2006-03-10 avalance avalanche 1 2006-03-10 avaliable available 136 2006-03-10 avation aviation 3 2006-03-10 bandwith bandwidth 9 2006-02-28 bankrupcy bankruptcy 12 2006-02-28 basicaly basically 1 2006-02-28 basicly basically 6 2006-02-28 beacuse because 8 2006-02-28 becasue because 13 2006-02-28 becomming becoming 11 2006-02-28 becouse because 3 2006-02-28 becuase because 39 2006-02-28 beleif belief 2 2006-03-01 beleive believe 1 2006-03-01 beleived believed 9 2006-03-01 beleives believes 6 2006-03-01 beleiving believing 2 2006-03-01 benefical beneficial 2 2006-03-01 beneficary beneficiary 2 2006-03-01 benificial beneficial 2 2006-03-01 benifit benefit 2 2006-03-01 benifits benefits 4 2006-03-01 beseiged besieged 7 2006-03-01 beseiging besieging 3 2006-03-01 billateral bilateral 1 2006-03-01 boudaries boundaries 6 2006-03-01 boudary boundary 4 2006-03-01 boundarys boundaries 4 2006-03-01 bounderies boundaries 7 2006-03-01 boundries boundaries 72 2006-03-01 boundry boundary 30 2006-03-01 bouyancy buoyancy 3 2006-03-01 bouyant buoyant 1 2006-03-01 boyancy buoyancy 2 2006-03-01 boyant buoyant 3 2006-03-01 breakthough breakthrough 5 2006-03-01 breif brief 6 2006-03-01 brillant brilliant 9 2006-03-01 Britian Britain 67 2006-03-01 Brittish British 6 2006-03-01 buddah Buddha 1 2006-03-01 busineses businesses 6 2006-02-28 busness business 1 2006-02-28 cemetary cemetery 150 2006-03-15 commision commission 169 2006-03-22 commited committed 232 2006-03-21 existance existence 216 2006-03-22 fo of / for 21 2006-03-22 independance independence 40 2006-03-15 independant independent 175 2006-03-22 millenium millennium 90 2006-03-15 occured occurred 469 2006-03-21 occuring occurring 187 2006-03-15 offical official 287 2006-03-22 offically officially 172 2006-03-17 recieved received 442 2006-03-21 refered referred 951 2006-03-21 refering referring 197 2006-03-15 seperate separate 69 2006-03-22 seperated separated 123 2006-03-15 similiar similar 33 2006-03-22 succesful successful 129 2006-03-17 succesfully successfully 188 2006-03-15 teh the 1 2006-03-17 thier their 36 2006-03-20 transfered transferred 409 2006-03-21 wich which / witch 101 2006-03-17
If you want to correct spellings yourself, take a look at Wikipedia:Lists of common misspellings.