Guess 2/3 of the average

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In game theory, Guess 2/3 of the average is a game where several people guess what 2/3 of the average of their guesses will be, and where the numbers are restricted to the real numbers between 0 and 100. The winner is the one closest to the 2/3 average.


[edit] Equilibrium analysis

In this game there is no strictly dominant strategy. However, there is a unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium. This equilibrium can be found by iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Guessing any number that lies above 66.67 is dominated for every player since it cannot possibly be 2/3rds of the average of any guess. These can be eliminated. Once these strategies are eliminated for every player, any guess above 44.45 is strictly dominated for every player since no player will guess above 66.67 and 2/3 of 66.67 is approximately 44.45. This process will continue until all numbers above 0 have been eliminated.

This degeneration does not occur in quite the same way if choices are restricted to, for example, the integers between 0 and 100. In this case, all integers except 0 and 1 vanish; it becomes advantageous to select 0 if one expects that at least 3/4 of all players will do so, and 1 if otherwise. (In this way, it is a lopsided version of the so-called "consensus game", where one wins by being in the majority.)

[edit] Experimental results

This game is a common demonstration in game theory classes, where even economics graduate students fail to guess 0. When performed among ordinary people it is usually found that the winner guess is much higher than 0, e.g., 21.6 was the winning value in a large internet-based competition organized by the Danish newspaper Politiken. This included 19,196 people and with a prize of 5000 Danish krones. [1]

The Museum of Money has an interactive flash applet of the game, where each given answer will be used to calculate the current outcome.

[edit] Rationality versus common knowledge of rationality

This game illustrates the difference between perfect rationality of an actor and the common knowledge of rationality of all players. Even a perfectly rational player playing in such a game should not guess 0 unless she knows that the other players are rational as well and that all players' rationality is common knowledge. If a rational player reasonably believes that other players will not follow the chain of elimination described above, it would be rational for her to guess a number above 0.

Interestingly, we can suppose that all the players are rational, but they do not have common knowledge of each other's rationality. Even in this case, it is not required that every player guess 0, since they will expect each other to behave irrationally.

[edit] Notes

  1.   Astrid Schou, Gæt-et-tal konkurrence afslører at vi er irrationelle - Article in Danish from Politiken with a histogram of the guesses. Notice that some of the players guessed close to 100.

 view  Topics in game theory


Normal form game · Extensive form game · Cooperative game · Information set · Preference

Equilibrium concepts

Nash equilibrium · Subgame perfection · Bayes-Nash · Trembling hand · Correlated equilibrium · Sequential equilibrium · Quasi-perfect equilibrium · Evolutionarily stable strategy


Dominant strategies · Mixed strategy · Grim trigger · Tit for Tat

Classes of games

Symmetric game · Perfect information · Dynamic game · Repeated game · Signaling game · Cheap talk · Zero-sum game · Mechanism design


Prisoner's dilemma · Coordination game · Chicken · Battle of the sexes · Stag hunt · Matching pennies · Ultimatum game · Minority game · Rock, Paper, Scissors · Pirate game · Dictator game


Minimax theorem · Purification theorems · Folk theorem · Revelation principle · Arrow's Theorem

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