Guayaneco Archipelago

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Guayaneco Archipelago from space, June 1998
Guayaneco Archipelago from space, June 1998

The Guayaneco Archipelago (Spanish: Archipiélago Guayaneco) is an archipelago in southern Chile (located at 48°0′S 75°0′W). It was heavily glaciated during the most recent ice age. These glaciers dissected these mountain islands into a series of deep river valleys and glacial troughs. Today these glacial troughs are deep channels and fjords. The islands of the Guayaneco Archipelago comprise a series of elongated islands and deep bays that are the traces of a drowned coastal range. A number of deep channels are traversing generally north to south through the islands. These include the Messier Channel in the lower left portion of the image, and the Fallos Channel near the center of the image. Forests cover the lower slopes of the mountains throughout the many islands. Human settlement on these islands is scarce.

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