Gruppo di Intervento Speciale

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GIS official seal
GIS official seal
For other meanings, see GIS (disambiguation).

Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS, in English "Special Intervention Group") is a counterterrorism asset inside the Italian Carabinieri military police, first formed in 1978. In 2004 the GIS evolved into a special forces unit. The unit has taken part in counterterrorism operations and VIP protection details in Afghanistan and Iraq. GIS is the premier armed unit called from NATO, for extreme operations dealing with terrorists and kidnapper. They can be thought of as one of the Italian SWAT teams.

Law enforcement agencies of Italy
Regular Carabinieri | Polizia di Stato | Polizia Provinciale | Guardia di Finanza | Polizia Penitenziaria | Corpo Forestale dello Stato
Specialized Corazzieri | Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza | Gruppo di Intervento Speciale | Gruppo di Investigazione Criminalità Organizzata | Polizia Postale | Polizia Stradale | Polizia Ferroviaria
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