Grigore Mărăcuţă

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Grigore Mărăcuţă (Russian: Grigorii Marakutsa) (born 15 October 1942 in Teia, Grigoriopol district) is a Transnistrian politician and member of Transnistria's parliament.

He is a member of the Respublika party, which is allied with the president and which suffered a defeat in the 11 December 2005 parliamentary election. Although he retained his seat, his party lost its former majority position in parliament and he had to step down from his previous post as Speaker of Parliament. Today, that post is held by opposition politician Yevgeni Shevchuk from the Renewal (Obnovleniye) party.

Grigore Mărăcuţă is an ethnic Moldovan.

Mărăcuţă was instrumental in Transnistria's declaration of independence on September 2, 1990, and has held high leadership positions in its government since that date. He is also one of the few politicians in Transnistria with past experience as a Communist politician.